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Dinomist Charge and Dynamic Powerload

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Dinomist Charge:

When this card is activated: Add 1 "Dinomist" monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, if a "Dinomist" card(s) is added from the field to your Extra Deck face-up: Add 1 of those cards to your hand. You can only activate 1 "Dinomist Charge" per turn.

Dynamic Powerload:

All "Dinomist" monsters on the field gain 300 ATK and DEF. When a "Dinomist" monster you control attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
Honestly, was just telling Shard about why I dislike this deck, and I realized how you make this deck a million times better. At least design wise.
Swap the recycle effect of Charge with the armades effect of Powerload. Then Powerload is searchable recyclability (not counting ptera for charge), and Charge grants you a search + THE ABILITY TO CHARGE with the Armades. It just makes more sense this way, and probably would have worked out in the deck's favor.
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Interesting observation. A Tenki + Armades and a card-advantage Field Spell instead. Yeah, I agree that not only it would have made a bit more of sense flavor-wise (the CHARGE reference you made in the OP, and the Majespecter/Igknight Field parallels have effects that move monsters), but also the Field Spell would have been better.

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The armades effect is fine and all, but the 300-boost does not feel worth it and, like you said, the fact that all the engine-related effects are dumped onto Charge and that Dynamic is pure utility really hurts its usage. Right now, Dynamic Powerload is a side-deck card at best.


That switch-up would give Dinomists a solid boost in their card's usability; but the deck needs a more effective way of boosting the ATK power of the monsters without having to resort to Plesion to beat over stuff. Granted, Plesion isn't bad for that sort of thing, but it would at least make Pteran a lot more viable.


Also, would do a great job distributing the power/usefulness of the effects. Right now, Dinomist Charge is bonkers and Powerlead is pretty meh. If the recycle effect was put onto the field spell, you wouldn't have people like me abusing 2 Charges and Wavering Eyes for silly amounts of value.

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