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[C15] 06/11 - Full Spoilers

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Decklists are here!


[spoiler=Remaining New Cards]en_eYasdRT5l9.pngen_a0Db2E5sqc.pngen_DJiyrIjr1m.pngen_682z2u5F8w.png


Notable reprints: Blatant Thievery, Command Tower, Dragon Mage, Eldrazi Monument, Etherium-Horn Sorcerer, High Market, Lightning Greaves, Sol Ring, Solemn Simulacrum, Tribute to the Wild


My thoughts: In terms of power, BG > WB = GU > UR >>>> RW. Seriously, WoTC, the Boros deck is a stinker. Giants are not a good tribal theme. Why not do angels to support Gisela and Anya, and then throw in a ton of cool equipment to make Kalemne a voltron badass? Other than that, the other four decks look excellently designed. No obviously broken Legacy staples, which is great, and the Daxos deck has a ton of juicy reprints. Can't wait!

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You know, while I was pretty pumped for the decks and they do have a bunch of cool cards, none of them REALLY have enough cards for me to really want to buy the whole thing.


If I were to get one it would be either BG or RW since those both have +$10 cards I'd want. The RW has 2 though so that might get the nod. Plus I'm making a RW deck and the various random cards might come in handy. GU also has a hand full of cards I want but those are mostly cheap so getting them as singles would be better.


Not sure how I feel about this.


Speaking of value



Is helpful, though not perfect since some of the cards are still valued at $0.

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Oh boy Izzet has a lot of the cards I'm looking for. Can't wait to experience all these new-border reprints!


And it's got both Gigantoplasm and Mystic Confluence. Sweet!


A mild disappointment of Magus of the Wheel in the RW deck, but we can't have all the value in one place.

It makes sense that he'd be in the RW deck since thats the worse combination for card draw and they needed a way to resolve that.

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