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Decks you'd like to try

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I would have liked to learn Qli, as it was the only deck of the previous metagame I had 0 experience piloting, but it is now too late for that. I suppose Infernoid is next for me to become acquainted with.


You're not missing out on much.


I'd have loved to play Nekroz IRL but first they were too expensive and then the list seemed to close and there were not enough events to justify the money spent and the incredible amount of time I'd have had to spend learning to play the deck properly. I wish I could have played HAT, too.

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I'll list them in order (RL) and overall.



  • Majespecters: I intended to play this Deck after it got released in English (which is today), but Konami decided to jack up the rarities for half of their members, so that's out of the question. (Not counting Dracoslayers, because that's obvious). For now, this stays online for YGOPro/DN, or until I find a dealer in this state who carries the OCG versions.
  • Blackwings: Mostly due to 5Ds stuff, though Gale and some other stuff is going to be pricey, even if I buy reprints.
  • Hieratics with Sapphy engine: Somehow I need to figure out how to make it coherent.
  • Yosenju: See Lose 1 Turn for price deterrents
  • Ice Barriers


  • Shaddolls (well, not doing it now because Construct got murdered this list)
  • D/D/D (I have a basic idea of how they work, but not sure if my versions are proper; likely not)
  • Super Quantum (when they get everything revealed); if they had released the whole set a month ago, I probably would've made a Deck using them as my monster form.
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I really want to try a deck that makes my opponent can't play cards.


> Majespecter (already try it)

> Ariadne (duhh, facing it at YGOPro ant it's annoying having 2 Solemn Notice 1st turn combine with Luster)

> Any kind of Stun.dek


So yes i'm actually evil :>

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Personally, I'd love to try Fortune Ladies.


Their gimmick is really interesting, and as quite a few people know, gimmicky decks are right up my alley.

Have you tried IV's deck yet lol?


On topic:

Blackwings [only if they were still good like when they came out]

Prophecy [only before spellbook of judgment existed]

D/D/D [sadly can't do this IRL with tcg card pool]

Raid Raptors [see D/D/D]

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