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Honest in form of Battle Fusion (GX) for Extra Deck monsters


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Battle fusion apart from working only for fusions could only be activated at attack declaration, considering that stats boosters shine in the damage step, that was a flaw a card like that shouldnt have.





Target 1 Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Monster you control; this turn, the first time that monster battles an opponent's monser (after this card's resolution), it gains ATK equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling, until the end of this turn. You can only activate 1 "Battle of Dimensions" per turn.



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Changed the effect slightly, the way it was worded before would have make on the opponents turn a monster you couldnt even attack, since it will gain the attack of whos battling just for damage calculation, as many times is attacked that turn (somehow like moon mirror shield).


Now it works only for the next time it battles after resolution but keeps the boost til the end phase (now is more like honest)

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