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Dragons are Reptiles, right?- Graydle Split

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Target 1 face-up monster you control; equip this card to it. It gains 500 ATK. During your Main Phase: You can send this card equipped to a monster by this effect to the Graveyard; destroy the monster this card was equipped to, and if you do, Special Summon 2 "Graydle" monsters with different names from your Deck, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Graydle Split" once per turn.



Just saw this run with a few Greydle (Eagle and Slime specifically) in a Yang Zing build. I don't know if this is something that's been in Yang Ying for a while, as I just started dueling after a few months off, but the synergy is really good between them. Can attest to this because I got bopped the turn he used it.


Discuss this card, in the copntext of greydle, Yang Zing, or other places it could be splashed.

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