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[CFV] Chaos Breaker

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Grade 0: 18

Star-Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn - 1

9 Crit (All triggers Star-Vaders)

3 Draw

4 Heal


Grade 1: 14

Star-Vader Null - 4

Star-Vader Zinc - 4

Star-Vader Palladium - 4

Destiny Dealer - 2


Grade 2: 12

Star-Vader Mobius Breath - 4

Star-Vader Photon - 4

Star-Vader Colony Maker - 4


Grade 3: 7

Chaos Breaker - 4

Garnet Star - 3


Grade 4: 8

Nebula Stride guy - 4

The +10k Cb1 guy - 1

Amnesty Messiah - 1

Blizza - 2


Chaos Breaker still works in the year 2015 lads. Colony Maker to Zinc or Palladium to just keep s*** locked or SC and CC. Mobius is the ideal G2 ride since if the opponent wants to try and be a dick and stay G2, you can say "f*** off m8" and start locking s***, forcing them to g3. Photon is here because why the f*** would you not want to lock more s*** for FREE?!?!?? Then you retire it and go +. Garnet Star is here because 1. works with photon 2. Legion is alright at times to put back soul blasted Zincs/Palladiums back to deck for more Colony Maker bant. The deck really doesn't need stride but you can. Nebula is broke but it's f***ing useless at the moment with 0 good things to stride as when you could just Chaos Breaker and keep s*** locked and +. Zinc is here because it's broke. Palladium is here because why would you ever let your opponent play this game.


All advice and feedback is welcome :^)

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