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Drastic Drop Off

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Basically, it works like a weird mind crush, but there are a few key differences:

1.) It can also be used as a Time Seal of sorts

2.) It is searchable by Ariadne


TBH, just using it as an extra counter trap in turn one Ariadne plays feels pretty decent, since hitting their draw reduces their chances to take the game back. Just an idea I had for a tech.

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1.) It can also be used as a Time Seal of sorts

I'd love to see that happen.


TBH, just using it as an extra counter trap in turn one Ariadne plays feels pretty decent, since hitting their draw reduces their chances to take the game back.

Not to mention 5 cards vs 5 cards makes more sense then 5 cards vs 6 cards.
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My biggest problem here is that some matchups, such as 15/2 or Infernoid, have a decent or better chance of punishing you for using it in the draw phase... in addition to just not caring about it much at all in the long term.


It's a searchable, but more narrow, mind crush, with a little added utility.

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In testing, it isn't the best thing, but when you pair it up with the two notices left in your deck on the second ariadne search, it feels pretty damn awesome.


Also came across an additional use over Mind Crush. If you try to mind crush what Farmgirl searches, she will summon it in response. This, on the other hand, is spell speed 3, so she cannot.

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Of course that it is obvious, but realistically you can just put Farmgirl at CL 1, then CL 2 Mind Crush and have the same effect.


If your opponent is pushing for damage, they are already going to activate Farmgirl as CL 1 and presumably summon the search. You can also force out the Farmgirl as CL 1 by attacking.


It's not a very good reason, currently the only thing being Counter has over mind crush is that you can grab it a small percentage of times off Ariadne.(strawman prevention: I'm not advocating either of them as good cards, just pointing out how the comparison wasnt very good). There's also the tiny scenario that should be mentioned if they have multiple pilots, they can make the other CL 3 and avoid crush.

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Of course that it is obvious, but realistically you can just put Farmgirl at CL 1, then CL 2 Mind Crush and have the same effect.


If your opponent is pushing for damage, they are already going to activate Farmgirl as CL 1 and presumably summon the search. You can also force out the Farmgirl as CL 1 by attacking.


It's not a very good reason, currently the only thing being Counter has over mind crush is that you can grab it a small percentage of times off Ariadne.(strawman prevention: I'm not advocating either of them as good cards, just pointing out how the comparison wasnt very good). There's also the tiny scenario that should be mentioned if they have multiple pilots, they can make the other CL 3 and avoid crush.

Not like this'll come up often, but it also beats out any other possible chaining barring counter traps, and with mind crush, even if your opponent draws, you can shut that down as well as their search. so it's slightly more flexible.

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I doubt that scenario will ever come up, which is why I never mentioned it (unless you can name one that will be commonly played), outside of Cyber Infinity but now the gamestate is getting all muddled. It's still not as strong a point as being searchable.

This is pretty trivial when Warning is the next best counter trap after 3 Notice.

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