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VIDEO: Administrators literally shred Constitution after reporter calls it 'oppressive' and 'triggering'

Halubaris Maphotika

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from what i know of the group who filmed this, they have a habit of misrepresenting the facts to get sensational stories, i'm not quite sure on this video's accuracy since it was cut and edited so heavily, and as somebody who's taken journalism classes and video editing, the video could easily be displaying a different narrative than what actually happened. if possible, i'd like to find an unedited version of all those interviews. without the unedited context i can't judge it completely.


but i will say this, whoever the hell is claiming the constitution is "triggering" needs to stop the stupidity and grow the hell up.  fake or not, I'm sick of people thinking they should be immune to getting their feelings hurt when they say stupid sheet.

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Anyone who thinks America's constituion is oppressive has not read about Iran, Saudi Arabia or China. The spoilt brat takes for granted what others take as a pipe dream, I guess. If America wasn't such a free country, something like this could get you tried for treason or misdeed against the state. Foolish. I will never understand people who would criticize life in a 1st world western country like the US, UK, the majority of EU countries, Australia and Canada. Do they just not understand what we have?

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So, I won't comment on the rest of the article since I really don't care to read the whole thing, but the first half of the article where the reporter comes in saying that the document is "triggering" seems like she was trying to bait the Assistant Director into shredding the document. I mean the reporter suggests the action first, and she also describes that the document gave her a very violent panic attack. Grab just looks like she's trying to do something to help the "student" rather than make a statement about how the document is "oppressive". She never says anything against the constitution or w/e she's just trying to make sure the student is ok, so I really don't see anything wrong with what she did, especially since it was only a pocket constitution. 

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