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Cyber Dragon Infinity

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Good does not equal broken.


Yeah this card can be easy to summon in concept. But you use 3 Extra Deck slots, which hinders quite a few decks. That means to have 2 chances of making it, you have to is 6/15 slots. In a game where you want to use every slot to it's best, 6 is a lot.


Even then, it has only 2 materials. 3 if it absorbs. But the set up is so tedious , it can be broken really easy. Especially with the meta we are going in, you should make sure if they have Infinity and prepare if so. What really hurts is that protection if you don't stop the summon. That causes you to leave behind resources to deal with it.


But, that being said, if we hit Pto, it wouldn't see much play. CD focuses on OTKs. So they don't really try to use this card. (To my knowledge)


So idk where I stand here.

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All it needs is Machines though. Dinomists,  CYBER DRAGONS and a few other decks can make it easy as pie.



chronomalys can only make it if







but how often does this happen in chronomalys? VERY LITTLE. Most of all of them are not machines, they are all rock types which would then say NopE ur goin into machu mech

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Don't sugarcoat it darling



You're much better doing off Freeborn Disk +Gold Jet into Nova. Why? Well for one Chronomally aren't exactly ripping up the meta as it is. You need that room for floodgates, and running some s*** spell isn't conducive to that vision.


Let me ask you a question. What other targets are you planning to use this for? Hmm, that's right. Not many others. CydraInf is easy to out, the only reason it's good in Chronofacts is you can protect your gates and stop potential b****y plays with Farmwhore and Dark Ship.


Gozen + CdyraInf anyone?


What might work for casual decks would be using Nyarla to make a lv4 that you can rank up. Then again, f*** the cuddly s***




It's good against every deck except Performapal variants.


It's good against Ppal variants if you pair it with good backrow. And it gives a boost to Tellars, alongside Rafflesia, and to Igknights sorta.


It'll be played. For sure. Even if we get Sorc.


Hop pretty much showed how easily Kozmo sheet on it.


BA and Maje can both abuse chain links to make Infinity not neg what they want


Infernoids....hahahahaha...good one


It's good against NOTHING unless you can make Law-CDI work or CDI backed by a sheet ton of floodgates

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As I said in the last thread...


f*** this card. I'm sick of beating it, I wanna face something else, come back when you actually have a goddamn strategy that goes beyond "I summon Cyber Dragon Infinity! Face the wrath of the worst game system ever! CDI, go!.... While your Benkei is on the field and you can beat over it!" It's not invincible, and I'm sick of this card... 

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Special Summon Bones

Bones plays Golden Jet

Use Skull to grab Disk(Unless you already have it)

Play Disk

Jet and Disk become Infinity.




Normal Summon Jet

Revive Disk

Make a useless Infinity



It's useless for one turn, better that than nothing, not to mention it's basically free. Chronofacts are legit as funk in TCG since Lancea=No Infernoids or Kozmo


Scythe= no pepe or Maje or BA


Moral= funk you over a bit more.


Sit on Gozen and ASF and just troll like there's no tomorrow 

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