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YCM Waifu Wars! Season 2 (finished)

Chiri Tsukikawa

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It wasn't misleading just because it didn't mention the nominations were closed, it's your fault for blindly posting. It's not like the thread title said nominations were still open or anything, that would be misleading. And it's not a big deal in the slightest anyways, I don't see how this conversation didn't get dropped 2 posts in.

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We'll it didn't say in the OP, so how was I to know? I didn't see a reply that said anything of the sort.

You don't pay attention. Not only was it stated in the OP, it was in bold and it wasn't hidden in any spoilers. I only added it in the title so there's no way anyone else would see this and get their hopes up before clicking into it and noticing nominations were closed, which they should have when they did click into it.


And I'm sure there will be more spots next time (just as there was before), but for now we needed a solid way to go about it, considering there haven't been that many waifu threads recently, like there were when the first one happened). But that's enough about that. We can worry about the next one when the time comes.

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As you may know, round 1 ended earlier and as you may also know, round 2 will have the same number of matches, but this time, only 1 from each will go on (unless there's a tie). Now, there are 75 left instead of the estimated 64, so I'll tell you right now how that will work so you don't get confused.


There will be 11 3P matches. They will occur every 3rd match, but because there are only 32 matches, the last one will the 32nd match (as opposed to a non-existent 33rd match).


I will proceed to randomize the list of waifus still in and tomorrow I will post the first few matches of of round 2.

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Depends how many people here know the game her opponent is from, but you're probably right at this point (it isn't exactly an unknown game, and she did get this far).


Also, I was busy earlier when those matches were supposed to end, but I have time now, so a heads up that I'll be starting the next round immediately.


EDIT: And something I almost forgot: There are 4 3P matches and they will occur every 4th match. Thank you, all!

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10032 lost to RWBY 11-2 life is not worth living anymore.


naw but for real, Jinx and Kurumi are still in this (but it look like Kurumi's about to kick the bucket), so there's still that slight chance one of them will get to the really late stages of the tournament.  I'm sure I have one more nomination floating around in there, but it's early and I can't remember.

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