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This site is dying.


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In misc you can spam all the funk you want. I could make a thread and reply "funk" to it 100 times and no one would give a sheet.


In all honesty though, the only slow traffic, is the forums. Hundreds of people are on EVERYDAY to make ygo cards. That being said, ycmaker needs to add that Pend Plate asap, before he actually does start to lose traffic. I think we are fine for the most part. But a little more forum traffic wouldn't hurt. However you guys wanna go about it.


We are aware that Pendulums need to be here, but as we've mentioned at least twenty or so times by now (maybe more), YCMaker is essentially dead for all we care, and won't update the cardmaker anytime soon.


Out of fairness, it would probably require quite a bit of code editing to implement, given the nature of how Pendulums work.


At present, most we can do is use that program in General, or Zextra's templates for those inclined to open GIMP or Photoshop.

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We are aware that Pendulums need to be here, but as we've mentioned at least twenty or so times by now (maybe more), YCMaker is essentially dead for all we care, and won't update the cardmaker anytime soon.


Out of fairness, it would probably require quite a bit of code editing to implement, given the nature of how Pendulums work.


At present, most we can do is use that program in General, or Zextra's templates for those inclined to open GIMP or Photoshop.

I've read those, and haven't said anything about it cuz I know of these circumstances. It doesn't effect me since 90% of the cards I make are written. But I was just claiming it as part of my opinion. (I actually read the fuckin rules and topics in the news and in questions and suggestions, just so I wouldn't be a broken record of a new member, bringing up old sheet that was already covered and doing things that were all ready talked about, etc. Lol so no hate against you or any other mods, Sakura. No jabroniing either. Just saying my personal opinion on the subject)

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mods look at this guy. mod material right here. even ive never done that

Bəzi başqaları daha yaxşıdır, çünki yes Yaxşı, insanların çoxu yalnız cardmaker üçün buraya. Hətta mən mý socializing narahat , lakin tək olan pox var deyildi. Hadisələr , həqiqətən, burada Funniest şey. Niyə yalnız bir az böyük ödəniş 50 və ya daha az üzvləri həftə və növbəti ərzində daxil edin və duel üçün aylıq Dueling Network turniri keçiriləcək yoxdur? Yalnız bir fikir idk . Yer burada və gəlib təşviq böyük mükafatlar veriləcək insanlar.

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Well yes, most people come here just for cardmaker because it is better some others. Even I wasnt gonna bother socializing, but being alone is shitty. Events are really the funniest things here. Why dont you just host a monthly Dueling Network tournament where 50 or less members that pay a slightly large fee to enter and duel throughout the week and the next? Idk just an idea. People that place will be given great rewards that encourage people to come here and such.

You are only 8 posts in and you've already become the YCMember of the night.

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ok I'm not 100% sure if this thread is serious or not but w/e


This response might also tread on a lot of toes, but I'm just putting my views across.


I find this site incredibly centralised and exclusive to the point where if I were a new member right now I sure as hell wouldn't consider sticking around. I know this is just going to sound like biased whining but so much of the site is based around roleplaying and anime that people who just want to make cards or have other interests are pretty alienated from any section other than their own. I think it's a bit of a vicious cycle because the majority of people who dome come and stick around will be into roleplaying and anime and that just makes it more and more centralised. I also think stuff like the "marriage" thing, while a lot of fun, is kinda exclusive and as a new user I think it's come across and cliquey and, quite frankly, a bit odd. I understand I'm probably in the minority with these views on this site and I understand this isn't going to be popular, but I also feel like the majority of people outside of this site would agree with me.


I almost feel like a lot of members of this site are pretty happy with the userbase we have now and don't really want new members, or at least don't want many and would prefer them to be of the similar mould to most members here. What with fads, marriages and stuff like the masquerade etc YCM really seems to cater towards a specific sort of person with a pretty limited range of activities for people who aren't into the things most of the site are into. Anime and roleplaying are cool and all and clearly bring activity to the site but can we try a little harder to keep these things in their respective sections? A reference to anime or the odd anime gif thread are cool and all but when half the threads in misc are about waifus or people roleplay in statuses it comes off a bit overwhelming to someone like me.


This point is going to sound a lot like bias (although in fairness I think my entire post sounds like bias, which I suppose it is), but I really think that focusing on the cardmaking and TCG communities is the way to improve activity in this site. The site's main hook is the cardmaker, thus most people will play Yugioh and it follows that a decent proportion of those will also be interested in actual Yugioh and this will have some sort of interest in the TCG section. It'll happen that an above average proportion of Yugioh players are also into anime, video games and roleplaying but I feel like that should be a secondary way of attracting people to the site because it's not apparently obvious. As far as I know this site has excellent facilities and an excellent community for those things but first and foremost this is "Yugioh Card Maker" and that's what new people are going to join the site for.


Moving on from all that, I feel like a lot of stuff on YCM just doesn't get done. I know I'm guilty of this too, but the YCMCS is the only tournament which has, although in my case unprofessionally, actually been started and finished 3 times. Every other tournament in the TCG section has either never got off the ground (EndUser's archetype tournament looks pretty interesting but that thread's been open for over 3 months without any real progress), or has flopped halfway through. I think tournaments for anything are a great way to draw people in and raise peoples' interests in the site, but at least for DN tournaments (and Showdown tournaments) people on YCM seem to be very poor at scheduling and tournament hosts (and yes, I include myself in this) don't seem to be very good at chasing up people who have not done their matches. What this is down to I'm not sure, but I still feel like YCM has the potential to make itself very interesting in those areas but it just lacks the people and the motivation to do it. I feel like what the site could do with is more mods, because mods are generally far more empowered and able to do stuff. It seems like Koko and Sakura or whoever else is in charge of CC are doing a good job, but they're only 2 people and I feel like with more people in a position of power more could actually be done. I'm not sure how good this theory actually is in practice but the way I see it people would be willing to do stuff but feel like they lack the authority to do so (again, idk if this is actually true, but hey) and leaving the brunt of the work down to 2 people who have lives outside of YCM to worry about seems inefficient. I know I'm talking about Smogon again but Smogon promoted new mods pretty regularly and has multiple mods for each very small section of the site - I've always found YCM slightly understaffed and I don't see many downsides.


This entire post is going to come off as incredibly biased towards the part of the site that I'm interest in, and to an extent it is, but I do feel the site at least needs a bit more balance and variety and more love for the sections of the site which bring people in.

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There's a ton to respond to here so...hmm...First glad you noticed the bias XD There is a lot of good points here I won't deny

See the thing is, whatever the site is, is what it is. imo. If there's a lot of anime and roleplaying then that's just because it's the majority. If you try and change it to something else, and that becomes the majority, wouldn't people who don't like that have reason to complain if you do now? Just logically speaking. Not saying you're totally incorrect but still.

And honestly, new members will come and stay or leave based on many things. You might think the marriage thing and such would drive many off but who's to say? We'd have to poll every new member. And it's not like we haven't gotten several new members lately that are posting regularly. There's even a large chunk that never do anything besides the YGO parts. And that's fine.

As far as "limited range of activities" Well, yes. That's gonna be the case no matter what. It's not really easy for one site to contain every activity desired by whoever comes.

Also that's a bit of an exaggeration as there's like one waifu thread in Misc atm.


And focusing on TGC. How? You can't force people to be more interested in it, and you mention tournaments but then mention that they don't work well. What do you propose? Cause saying we need to focus on it isn't gonna help much really. What can be done?

I'm gonna be blunt. If lack of motivation is the problem then it's not gonna be solved so easily. What will more mods do? I mean as far as tournaments go, I'm one of those who has consistently (albeit slowly) finished multiple tournaments. I'm not a mod. It's up to the individual and if there's an issue with not enough people with enough interest then that's not so easy to solve.


I hope I don't come off confrontational or against you totally. I just wanted to mention that, while I get your feelings, it doesn't really mean that it's what's best. There are those who want TCG to be the biggest most important thing but, again, if things get less focused on "anime and roleplaying" and instead on something else...well it just means a different set of people have less interest in the site. You can't expect to make everyone happy.

I agree that it would be good to do more for the YGO sections but I do not think placing blame on the preferences of the people currently here is the way to go.


Also it's 7 AM and I couldn't get any sleep so forgive me if I'm scattered and stuff

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A lot of your post is based on the premise that I want people on YCM now to suddenly drop all their interest for anime and roleplaying and all take up Yugioh, which isn't what I'm getting at. I know the current community is into certain things and that's absolutely fine, my problem comes when those things start flooding sections which are meant to be neutral. In my ideal world YCM would have thriving sections for those things (and it does) and then having misc be a pretty wide variety of things (or, even better, misc not existing) so that it's not hard for new people coming to the general sections of the site to find content they're interested in.



And honestly, new members will come and stay or leave based on many things. You might think the marriage thing and such would drive many off but who's to say? We'd have to poll every new member. And it's not like we haven't gotten several new members lately that are posting regularly. There's even a large chunk that never do anything besides the YGO parts. And that's fine.


Well, obviously not. I'm not sure what it is that's deterring the hundreds of people who are using the cardmaker at a time from joining the forums, and it might well be down to a wide variety of things, but to me the whole "marriage" aspect isn't exactly helping. I know I singled that out but I think it just outlines how tight-knit and exclusive the community is which I don't see as something that appeals to new members trying to get into the site. Also I can count the amount of new members who have started posting regularly this year on my fingers, I don't think it's possible to deny that YCM does not attract a lot of new members.



Also that's a bit of an exaggeration as there's like one waifu thread in Misc atm.


Right now yes, but there've definitely been times when they've dominated misc. Maybe that's more an issue I have with fads rather than anything else, but still.



And focusing on TGC. How? You can't force people to be more interested in it, and you mention tournaments but then mention that they don't work well. What do you propose? Cause saying we need to focus on it isn't gonna help much really. What can be done?


Like I said, I don't want to "force" people to be more interested in anything. What I'm implying is that it's one of the main things drawing outsiders to the site because of its heavy links to what the whole USP of the site is. Regarding tournaments, there's no reason why they shouldn't work well, it just needs someone to step up and actually do them. And yes, I know this is easier said than done and that I'm not exactly stepping up and doing it myself.



I agree that it would be good to do more for the YGO sections but I do not think placing blame on the preferences of the people currently here is the way to go.


I don't think I'm blaming the preferences, I'm just not comfortable with how wide-reaching those preferences become. I understand that this might well just be me whining because I don't share interests with people but I do question how it's possible for a site to become to centralised towards one or two things which aren't directly linked to the original point of the site.

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I felt like the fact that the site's getting more and more distanced from its purpose (Cardmaking and Yugioh) to be more of a symptom than the disease. It's still definitely an issue, yeah. People don't join the site to RP or to talk about anime for the most part. It's a part of the site, definitely. It shouldn't be the main draw tho, as long as the site is named YCM.


Idk, i'm honestly unsure on what kind of policies would be implementable that would make the site more accessible. Most of the recent ones and the implemented features or quirks are usually aimed for members that already stayed.


Site's slowing down. That's something that i can be sure of. Old members left, and newer people rarely rose up to replace them.

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Eh, I'm not really worried about YCM.

I've been here over 6 years now and I've seen people claim the site was dying countless times. It's never died, but it's definitely changed. YCM is completely different from how it was 2 years ago and even more different from 4 years ago. 

I do think ihop made a good point about the tight-knit community and it could do with being more open to newer members, but I also don't think it's a bad thing. It's like being in a huge, dysfunctional family where we all know each other. I'll admit I haven't interacted with members lately as much as I used to, but I still know all of you decently well. And it's hard to get that communal feeling anywhere else on the internet. 

Inside jokes and fads are fun because you normally only get that with cliques in real life. My college friends and I have an in-joke about the movie Stand By Me and on YCM I have an in-joke with older members about moas. That's great to me that something like that from 2011 can still pop up now and then today.


I can understand anyone's grievances with the site, YCM has always had issues and it always will. But I wouldn't worry about it dying, it's just going through another phase. I'm willing to bet the site will feel completely different in another 2 years and a bunch of older members here now will be gone and some newer members will have come in and risen up. Trust me, I've seen this like 3-4 times already.

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This is a YuGiOh cardmaking website. The overall popularity and broad appeal of YGO has gotten smaller and smaller since when the original show was on and everyone in the world had cards. Most everyone who joins is going to be joining for the cardmaker and to post stuff from it in the first place. So if that activity becomes less popular, less people will come, therefore less new members. That makes sense to me at least.

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