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Soooooo I was at AnimeUSA today, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a few Dimension of Chaos packs ahead of schedule, and I noticed the large number of Greydle cards in them. Intrigued, I decided to make a deck with them on devpro and see what the archetype could do. They may not have very many cards yet, but they are already BROKEN AS F***. I won the first duel I used them in, and I went in with only a rough idea of what each card in the archetype did.


So what do you guys think of them so far? Are they broken? Do they deserve to be hit the same way the former meta (i.e. Shaddolls, B.A., Qli, Nekroz) were? Or are they all show and no force?

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I think the main thing is you can keep spamming Slime's eff to go into all kinds of lvl 8's. The best choice is Dragon of course, but there's also Stardust and the new RDA support.

Yeah, but more themed synchros that build up your own individual advantage would be nice IMO.

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Huh, how do you play around them?


Haven't faced them in quite a while, but from memory I know that one thing I did was to just not attack them and force them to start suiciding to steal my stuff or just setting monsters so they can't take anything. Use things like Heartlanddraco to hurt them, or Abyss Dweller to block them altogether. There's just general methods of forcing them to be more aggressive than they want at which point you can hit them enough that they fold.

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Just because something is "gimmicky" doesn't mean it's bad.

The word too was attached. Don't try to play semantics like that.


Gimmicky is often used to describe something that takes its gimmick too far, especially considering he attached too. The depedence on the gimmick rendered the deck bad.

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 The depedence on the gimmick rendered the deck bad.


When I tried them I didn't use the gimmick as the mainstay, but only as a defensive measure. The main plan as I see it is to spam Slime's eff to get out Dragon and then simply wreck face. Going by your logic, not depending on the gimmick makes it a decent deck.

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