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Pay 5000 Life Points; Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck to the field in Attack Position.



Banned in TCG why >:L


Like honestly, sometimes I feel the formats just keep certain cards banned to snub the other (Goyo/MoF-OCG Stein-TCG)


In a world with enough eff negation, cards like the Clown shitting out XYZ's. Solemn. funking. Notice.


How is this card good or great? Yeh you can make an Infernoid lock with Lilith and Exterio....


Outside of being a subpar boss for Infernoids what purpose does it serve? Exterio sure ain't invincible that much is clear

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Personally, seeing how this thing is a very old monster, and I have a certain affinity for old cards, I'd love to see this thing come back. There's really no gamebreaking reason that this thing should not come back. Like, at all.

Well, back in the day, like two formats ago in OCG


Monster Gate, get Stein, summon Lilith, Exterio. Launch stein, hope they don't have something to attack over stein without using effect


Subpar at best, and not viable in TCG with 1 Gate

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Well, back in the day, like two formats ago in OCG


Monster Gate, get Stein, summon Lilith, Exterio. Launch stein, hope they don't have something to attack over stein without using effect


Subpar at best, and not viable in TCG with 1 Gate

Yeah, from the way you're describing things, Stein looks just fine at 3.

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Either you've won because they can't break through your field, you win because you OTK them (Megamorph anyone?), or you lose because you paid 5000 LP and got shut down.

Exterio is easy to break. And you wanna play 5k for a shitty 2 card combo that relies on the battle phase?


(Battle Fader anyone?)

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Highly doubt mega morph will be played in 2015, even I it did doubt Battle Fader will be played (damage juggler).


Card and essentially any Exterio locks it creates immediately dies to Utopia Lightning. This is kind of the issue I have with Naturia Beast on its own, you MUST pair with another Xyz for it to be good.

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Highly doubt mega morph will be played in 2015, even I it did doubt Battle Fader will be played (damage juggler).


Card and essentially any Exterio locks it creates immediately dies to Utopia Lightning. This is kind of the issue I have with Naturia Beast on its own, you MUST pair with another Xyz for it to be good.

I was just making fun of him for thinking Mega would be played. Duggler is a far better example +1

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Negation isn't an end all answer, but it should still be considered when making a card. Otherwise being almost unstoppable wouldn't be an argument against Super Poly.


Super Poly is not almost unstoppable though, it literally is. Different issue altogether since that clause is so rare anyway. If people in CC on this forum are going to tell people not to use "but you can negate it" as a defence for their cards then we shouldn't be doing exactly that to justify things being banned or unbanned in the actual game.

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Super Poly is not almost unstoppable though, it literally is. Different issue altogether since that clause is so rare anyway. If people in CC on this forum are going to tell people not to use "but you can negate it" as a defence for their cards then we shouldn't be doing exactly that to justify things being banned or unbanned in the actual game.

I just said it's not the end all excuse though >>

You should still take it into account, you just can't lay it out by itself and expect results.

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Super Poly is not almost unstoppable though, it literally is. Different issue altogether since that clause is so rare anyway. If people in CC on this forum are going to tell people not to use "but you can negate it" as a defence for their cards then we shouldn't be doing exactly that to justify things being banned or unbanned in the actual game.

"It can be negated" is a justification, however, if the cards which negate it are plentiful and aready run. For example, Continuous Spells/Traps because of how they work. Plus, people do consider "outs" when evalating cards.


The question is whether that holds true for Stein/Exterio.

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"It can be negated" is a justification, however, if the cards which negate it are plentiful and aready run. For example, Continuous Spells/Traps because of how they work. Plus, people do consider "outs" when evalating cards.


The question is whether that holds true for Stein/Exterio.

Infernoids don't set too many spells or traps iirc. It's not that hard to get over the Lilith lock if that's the ideal play

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I just said it's not the end all excuse though >>

You should still take it into account, you just can't lay it out by itself and expect results.


Well yes, most people come here just for cardmaker because it is better some others. Even I wasnt gonna bother socializing, but being alone is shitty. Events are really the funniest things here. Why dont you just host a monthly Dueling Network tournament where 50 or less members that pay a slightly large fee to enter and duel throughout the week and the next? Idk just an idea. People that place will be given great rewards that encourage people to come here and such.

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Well yes, most people come here just for cardmaker because it is better some others. Even I wasnt gonna bother socializing, but being alone is shitty. Events are really the funniest things here. Why dont you just host a monthly Dueling Network tournament where 50 or less members that pay a slightly large fee to enter and duel throughout the week and the next? Idk just an idea. People that place will be given great rewards that encourage people to come here and such.

The heck are you reading?

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the card is strong because of what it summons, and while i'll readily admit that i don't think exterio+lilith is invincible, and i'll even admit i have no idea how to break cyber stein to a meta defining degree, i do not think Exterio+infinity is something that I ever want to deal with, or even Exterio+raffelsia, or odd-eyes.dek+Exterio. all of those things are possible far more easily with cyber stein. I know that all of those things would more than likely hurt the consistency of a deck due to possibly drawing stein while you're below 5000, but the potential for first/ second turn sack wins is there, and that would be very annoying.

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