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Resonator Fists [Nov. 9 Banlist]


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3 Red Resonator
3 Maxx "C"
3 Coach Soldier Wolfbark
2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster
2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Caribou
2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon
2 Juragedo
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear

3 Fire Formation - Tenki
3 Fire Formation - Tensu
3 Resonator Call
3 Onslaught of the Fire Kings
2 Instant Fusion
1 Raigeki

2 Time-Space Trap Hole
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Fire Formation - Tensen
1 Solemn Warning
1 Vanity's Emptiness

The deck's hardest match-ups are also probably going to be the assumed top decks of the format, being Majespecters and Kozmo. Kozmo and Pendulums in general feel like they may be such a problem that Time-Space Trap Hole needs to be mained to ensure that the deck doesn't get pushed out by a big play from either of those decks because Fire Fist need to keep their tempo to win.

Also thank god Exciton's banned. He's always been the bane of a Fist player's existence.
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Reasoning about the level 4 Fist lineup?

Resonator + Caribou = Prince + Formation, which means Rooster + Tenki which is 2 searches and a Tensu. However Caribou isn't a good card by itself and as such needs to be put lower to avoid dead drawing it


Dragon has always been a solid 2-of in Fists due to how incredibly good both effects are when they resolve and his rather large body for a Fire Fist, but is costly. Pretty much he's there so I can make Cardinal 9/10


Boar is a great target to get off of Onslaught since it lets me make Kirin which lets you get some good set-up plays going. Boar's also good to just get off of something like Bark anyway. Also resolving his formation effect is pretty ace. However he's not good in 9/10 situations so you play 1 to ensure that chances of drawing are kept to a minimum so you can tutor him when needed.


Bear fell from grace a long time ago and is definitely not going to be good enough against decks like Kozmo, but he is a driving force in correcting bad hands and is also an out to any big targetable monster like an Infernoid for example. Solid 1-of, not sure about any more given what's going to be good soon

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Curious about Cairgorgorn in the Extra Deck. What about other Rank4s such as Giant Hand, or good old game-finisher Cowboy?


I noticed you are not maining any targeting monster effect negation (Veiler, Breaktrough, Fienish Chain). You suspect they won't be worth of being mained anymore? or is it because of main deck space issues?

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Curious about Cairgorgorn in the Extra Deck. What about other Rank4s such as Giant Hand, or good old game-finisher Cowboy?


I noticed you are not maining any targeting monster effect negation (Veiler, Breaktrough, Fienish Chain). You suspect they won't be worth of being mained anymore? or is it because of main deck space issues?

Xyzs aren't going to be as popular and also availability is an issue when it comes to Giant Hand. Cowboy isn't necessarily since the deck near enough always pumps well over 8000 if it's going to go for the kill. Cairn's good for being able to drive away the Majespecters S/T that aren't the Counter Trap and also has a big enough body to beat over a good amount of other cards.


There isn't going to be any good decks where you can realistically target something to negate it in the coming format. The non-ship Kozmos all banish themselves for a cost which means that all of these cards do nothing vs them in terms of responding while the big ships can't be targeted when it matters anyway. Majespecters can't be targeted as a whole. A couple of other decks I imagine will be good are Infernoid (who don't care because they can just sack themselves off anyway) and Spellbooks (Who are probably the best deck to be able to flip a Veiler on which is why I'm siding it.)


slap some Cyber Dragons into that extra deck of yours

Completely forgot about Chimeratech being able to beat ships. Unsure of what to take out of the side for CyDra tho, probably the Dark Holes?

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