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The Double Standard

King K. Azo

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Welp, this might catch me some heat, but... My curiosity has got the better of me.


Sexual assault and rape are serious things. Anytime anyone does anything you don't like, you should warn them and if it continues, report them. Or if the unthinkable happens and you are raped, get the police.


Why is it such a problem when a man is sexually assaulted or raped by a woman? Why is that instantly casted aside and the man is told to 'man up' or that 'you're a man, you should enjoy it'? If a woman reports it, even falsely, the man's life is pretty much ruined, as they can be arrested with minimal evidence. Even if they are released, people will still believe the rumors.


I dunno, I'm just trying to understand...

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It's born of probability


More guys rape guys and women than woman rape women and men.


Talking about statistics when it comes to rape is a really bad thing to do as a form of argument . 


Because the amount of rape cases that will get dismissed, or the amount of victims who don't speak up about it are quite substantial I'd imagine, especially in the case of Men being raped in general. Which will heavily distort the data, making conclusions draw from it kinda sketchy. 


It's based around generations of society creating certain images of men and women. Which is why people respond to Men who were raped in terms such as 'man up' or 'you lucky sod, she was fit', and it's just bollocks. Decades, or even centuries building into a double standard, which is in a lot of aspects of life it by-rights shouldn't be. 

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I really really hate the fact that a woman can accuse a man of rape and that's all it takes. It can be totally and utterly disproven and have no evidence whatsoever but the stigma of merely the accusation remains and will never go away, and it's ridiculous that this happens. Adam Johnson's case is a kind of example of this, accusation comes out and before any details emerge at all huge backlash. Obviously actual rape is a fucking terrible crime but that doesn't mean that guilt should be presumed straight off.

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Can people not like joke about this topic? 


Because if it was talking about just female rape, these jokes probably wouldn't happen. Which is again, an example of the double standard. It's not a laughing matter; It's a serious societal problem, and whilst this sounds like I'm a SJW (Hate the term), laughing about it really doesn't help the issue. 

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Can people not like joke about this topic? 


Because if it was talking about just female rape, these jokes probably wouldn't happen. Which is again, an example of the double standard. It's not a laughing matter; It's a serious societal problem, and whilst this sounds like I'm a SJW (Hate the term), laughing about it really doesn't help the issue.

A guy at my school stuffed a water bottle in a girl's vagina then urinated on her unconcious form. Women get it so much worse it's not even funny

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A guy at my school stuffed a water bottle in a girl's vagina then urinated on her unconcious form. Women get it so much worse it's not even funny


That's not the point. 


The point of this whole thing isn't whether men or women have it worse. The point is that it is a problem period; irregardless of your gender, rape is a god-damn issue and it should be treated as equally serious regardless of your gender and the gender of the person who supposedly raped you. And the fact it isn't currently is something that should be worked against and changed. 


It's like that bullshit Rape poster about consent where the implication was that an inebriated man could give consent, but an inebriated women couldn't. It's about the fact Men and Woman have a very large discrepancy when it comes to treatment around this issue when it shouldn't be the case. 

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A guy at my school stuffed a water bottle in a girl's vagina then urinated on her unconcious form. Women get it so much worse it's not even funny

I mean, it's not a competition. The exact same thing could have happened to a guy, to be honest. Just replace vagina with arse, as crude as I may come across.

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Can people not like joke about this topic? 


Because if it was talking about just female rape, these jokes probably wouldn't happen. Which is again, an example of the double standard. It's not a laughing matter; It's a serious societal problem, and whilst this sounds like I'm a SJW (Hate the term), laughing about it really doesn't help the issue. 


That's not the point. 


The point of this whole thing isn't whether men or women have it worse. The point is that it is a problem period; irregardless of your gender, rape is a god-damn issue and it should be treated as equally serious regardless of your gender and the gender of the person who supposedly raped you. And the fact it isn't currently is something that should be worked against and changed. 


It's like that bullshit Rape poster about consent where the implication was that an inebriated man could give consent, but an inebriated women couldn't. It's about the fact Men and Woman have a very large dependency when it comes to treatment around this issue when it shouldn't be the case. 


I mean, it's not a competition. The exact same thing could have happened to a guy, to be honest. Just replace vagina with arse, as crude as I may come across.

I love you both. Sorry I don't have much more to add right now. ^^;

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I came across an interesting article from a source I've found reputable: http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2014/04/male_rape_in_america_a_new_study_reveals_that_men_are_sexually_assaulted.html


Men being victimized equally doesn't surprise me, male-on-male prison rape having thought to have been as pervasive as it has, but the amount of female-on-male perpetrators did come as something of a revelation.


I can only attribute my prior posts in this thread to a lazy and reflexive cynicism regarding what I'd considered a non-issue that'd been done to death to bolster the rampant anti-feminist agenda here. I'm still a little leery of the dramatic shifts in statistics and why definitions and methodology used in collecting those statistics were as inflexible as they were, but my posts would have been crass even if women were only responsible for 10% of sexual assaults or fewer.  


I apologize to Saiku, Aerion Brightflame, Morgan Reaperson, and anyone else who felt the physiological revulsion at reading my posts with the knowledge that they're insensitive to what is every bit as serious a societal issue as Aerion had said, and would that I'd experienced the same disgust in writing them. I condone neither misandry nor misogyny nor oppression of the suffering, especially when I'm to blame.


I'll leave the offensive posts intact for context, but will strike a line through them to signify that I don't stand by them. 

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I've noticed this sort of issue is usually once sided. The "rape culture" myth appears to be the driving cause of this double standard. Everytime someone tries to show the other side, people are ignored. Rape culture is closely associated with the need to teach men not to rape. If one believes this they are implying men can't get raped, and it also implies that all men are rapists. If no one takes this seriously, most victims fear to speak out. Last time I checked rape was a crime NOT a culture.

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Welp, this might catch me some heat, but... My curiosity has got the better of me.


Sexual assault and rape are serious things. Anytime anyone does anything you don't like, you should warn them and if it continues, report them. Or if the unthinkable happens and you are raped, get the police.


Why is it such a problem when a man is sexually assaulted or raped by a woman? Why is that instantly casted aside and the man is told to 'man up' or that 'you're a man, you should enjoy it'? If a woman reports it, even falsely, the man's life is pretty much ruined, as they can be arrested with minimal evidence. Even if they are released, people will still believe the rumors.


I dunno, I'm just trying to understand...

Right now I am dealing with some issues involving a Male resident at our dorms feeling uncomfortable after a girl made advances despite him asking her not to. Of course a lot of guys and girls here are telling him to "man up", but due to the law, I have to report it.


Also this. https://www.rt.com/news/hairdresser-turns-robber-into-sex-slave/That is all I will contribute to this topic.

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