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A moment of silence for the loss of Avance and Emilia's son, [Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz]

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...that supposed to have anything to do with the post you quoted?

Though yeah, this list is reminiscent of the plant-killing list from back then.

Err wrong quote. Sorry. I'm wondering about the convergence of formats. OCG and TCG dolls are basically in the same spot. TCG needs super poly back to 1 OCG needs Kuribandit and Shadow games from 2 to 3


Latter is super likely, former isn't unreasonable. Same with Nekroz. Difference being both Shruitt and Cycle are limited OCG side while cycle is untouched and Shruitt banned here. Lists closing in

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i mean

making a ritual archetype that said "you need to use levels besides this card's level" and then making a card that completely ignores the point of that was stupid design to begin with

Not really?


I mean, the point of the restriction on them was MOSTLY to remove using copies of themselves as fodder, but to avoid running cards of the same level for Xyz turbo high ranks as well.


The stupid part is this ban.

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