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Elder Entity N'tss

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1 Synchro Monster + 1 Xyz Monster


Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending the above cards you control to the Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. (You do not use "Polymerization".) Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 monster from your hand. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only Special Summon "Elder Entity N'tss(s)" once per turn.


This card is amazing. I came by it per chance in my tele-DAD deck since it gets rid of dead lavaval other used xyz's


but, the utility of this card is staggering.


It's a solid scope target in Nekroz to pop Thunder King or Mistake or IIW


Monarchs already abuse it with Omega to make Zaborg a +3


Abyss Dweller with this card is where card truely shines though. You can Detach this for Dweller, and it's on demand Dweller Raigeki on that Dante or Beatrice


Nyarla + this card is legit as well. It's a little harder to summon than Noden, but it doesn't negate the monster's effect.


Anyway discuss 

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Ah alright, that makes sense.

But assuming you're using Idea to make Zaborg, then you can't immediately MSF, thus, isn't it a bit slow?

Since Zaborg would probably eat the /normally/ 1 TS per turn, and you'd have no wall (except maybe grave Prime or last resort just banish Eidos to SS any Vassal as a meat wall), and no lockdown either.

With normal build, you could probably spam out the other Monarchs in that turn as well, meaning Dominion would still work.

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I wonder if this card could impulse, if it doesn't already, the use Mind Control, at least in lower tier and casual decks and metagames. You know, Mind Control a Synchro/Xyz while you control another one, then Contact fuse this.

That was my idea. I side 2 mind control for this reason since m&m's have Ignitester and BA have Virgil


Was more so used to get rid of used Lavaval Chain or Trish and clean out hand clog 



That's what I mean.


If you run this+Zaborg, you won't run the standard monarch build with dominion.

This isn't entirely true tbh. Zaborg build sometimes  run 1-2 Dominion, since you can Zaborg, mill your 8, then place dominion, finally locking back with Omega N'tss untill you can mill the other 7 cards in the extra
Team Tournament : The 5th Azamino Cup 

Date : 21st September 2015

Place : Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Participants : 138 persons (46 teams)

※ OCG October 2015 Limit Regulation

Winner Team : Player C - Monarch


Neph, just putting it out there, the generally accepted opinion is that dominion monarchs are indeed going to be the better way to go once this stuff hits TCG. So yes, you are right in most of the stuff you are saying.



Not just in TCG 


The Zaborg build has basically been phased out since it's awful vs BA, they just loop the dantes's back and you're left looking dumb, meh vs the Mirror, and awful vs m&m's not that ariadne counter trap is a engine.

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