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Return of ther orcalcos seal


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How do u spell oricalcos

Characters: mikey, moastafa, bennet and jack

Side Characters : jazz, thomas and miss dear (Teacher)


Chapter 1 Intro: It was a week until mikeys B-Day he was having a non hologram duel with his best friend bennet

' Flame Swordsman attack bennet directly end this duel ' Shouted mikey

' U win mike i gotta go home for dinner see you at your party ' said bennet

' Bye ' waved mikey

' oh man i cant wait untill we get our duel disks on my birthday for the tournament '

mikey opend a magazine and reads that yugi has gone missing by a strange flash of green light

One week later...

Mikeys friends arrive ( Characters at top except teacher )

They begin there friend tournament

First duel Thomas vs mikey




Chapter 2 Extreme tournament





' i summon Rocket warrior Blue and now i activate polomorezation

Fusing My blue rocket warior and my yellow one to summon rocket warrior green 2300 attack 2500 defense and play two face downs i end my turn' said mikey

' i summon lord of d and i activate flute of summoning dragons

soo i special summon curse of dragon and red eyes black dragon now red eyes attack rocket warrior green' Shouted thomas

' I activate a trap mirror force now its my turn i fuse my rocket warrior yellow 2# with my rocket warrior red to summon rocket warrior orange

2500/2100 ( main card )

Now my rocket warriors attack Yes i win sorry thomas ' said mikey

'its ok ill go get some snacks and watch the next duel ' said thomss


Next duel Jazz's machine deck vs moastafas Beat down deck


Suddenly kaiba appeared on a big screen a big screen on every street

kaiba was planing all schools except duel acadeamy

' guys i guess well do the tournament later ' said mikey

you guys stay here me and moastafa will sort this out

moastafa was one of of mikeys best friend he was the only duel;iyst that could beat him


once they arried at kaibacorp there was thousands of diggers and recking balls

' You two i see your duelists duel me and i wont destroy your school ' Shouted kaiba


Mikey and moastafa acceapted

suddenly mikey had dissapeared

moastafa had no choice but to duel kaiba on his own!


meanwhile mikey landed in his school he was in class then he saw himself with a green circle on his head

it was then that he thought he was dreaming he ran into the playground of the school only too see slifer the sky dragon card he picked it up then it flyed into his deck

where kaiba and moastafa was time had stopped soo no matter how long mikey was there nothing would change

he then saw a golden stick he then renembered it from school in his histroy book

the millenium rod

a figure came he had blue hair it was yami bakura

duel me and i will give you the millenium rod if not then i can use it too rule the world soo he had no choice duel or losse the world and be stuck in his dream area

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hmm' date=' this is how you spell Orichalcos. And not bad.



Not bad at all.



Seriously, people could use this for examples on how to not write a story. You have serious flaws in spelling, grammar, and general storytelling.

I'm telling you this because I want you to become better. The story itself - the part of it that's readable - has potential.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"Only young?" I'm twelve, and look at Exovarcéôs.


The story is fail. The plot is okay, but the story is epic fail. (Where's a fail-in-a-can when you need one?)


Try to at least write with good grammar. Spell check helps. You need far more character development. A chapter should be at least 1500 words. The plot has potential, but you need to convey your message in an understandable way.


Concept: 4/6. Pretty cliché, but with a few plot twists, it could be great.

Conventions: 1/6. Lousy. The story is barely readable.

Genre Maintenance: 2/6. No duels have been described yet, but at least there's one canon character in it.

Character Development: 1/6. Completely nonexistent. Tell us what your characters are thinking and feeling.

Attention Maintenance: 1/6. The way you describe things is very anticlimactic. Plus, your conventions are so bad you have to try hard to understand what's going on, which is never a good thing.

Overall: 3.3/10.0. Serious improvement in description, character development, and conventions is necessary. However, once the story is readable and interesting, it could go far.

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