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If You want yo see a real Exodia deck, go to a tournament hosted by a shop that uses the March 2008 Advanced Format Ban list, find someone with an Exodia deck. Study it, pay attention to what cards are used than make Your own version of the deck.


Here's a list of what's needed out of Your current deck:


Exodia The Forbidden One

Right Arm Of The Forbidden One

Right Leg Of The Forbidden One

Left Arm Of The Forbidden One

Left Leg Of The Forbidden One


I didn't even bother going though the rest of the deck for needed cards. Take out anything to do with Heros, take out fusions, God cards are illegal, and How many times must we tell you this "Elemental Hero Gayman" DOES NOT EXIST.

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E-hero bubbleman


right leg of the forbidden one

left arm of the forbidden one

left leg of the forbidden one

right arm of the forbidden one

exodia the forbidden one

dark assailant

witty phantom

exiled force

exxod master of the guard

time wizard

infernalqueen archfeind

E-hero Necroshade

E-hero Burnstratix

e-hero sparkman

cybernetic cyclopean

Mataza the zapper

Dark Magician

Dark blade

Great Spirit

Chiron the mage

Sonic Duck

Gemini elf


4 starred ladbug of doom

unknown warrior of feind


E-hero Avian

Black Stego

Cyber gymnast

Witch of the black forest

mask of darkness

Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

E-hero wildheart

little winguard

Summoned Skull

Poison Mummy


Zure knight of dark world

Magical Scientist

E-hero bladege

e-hero gayman

Shadowknight archfeind

archfrind soldier


Dragon Piper





E-hero Mariner




dian keto the cure master

necklace of command

Rush Recklessly

Lucky Iron axe

Lightning Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon x2


mesmeretic control

lightning blade


weapon change

Magical Mallet x2

Pot of Aviance

Banner of courage

Fairy meteor crush

smashing Ground

heavy storm

giant trunade

Dark Hole

Monster Reincarnation

Archfeinds oath

Sword of the soul eater

shifting shadows

R-Righeous Justice


Brain control x2

Card Destruction

axe of despair




Ordeal of a traveler x2

Eye of truth

Draining Sheild

Final Attack Orders

Sakeretsu Armour

Magic cylinder x2


pharohs treasure

Change of hero reflector ray

Dust tornado

Compulsory Evacuation Device


Dragon Capture Jar




Obelisk the tormentor

Winged Dragon of Ra

Dark Master


Rate out of 5


Bolded cards must go.

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OK' date=' remove E-Heroes (except Bladege and Gayan), and add a heap of spirit reapers, D-heroes and d-sheilds, and other stuff you cant kill to stall while I get exodia cards. Better?



Decks are made of cards. Elemental Hero Gayan/Gayman isn't a card; therefore, this isn't a deck. Therefore, this topic doesn't belong here. Therefore, locked.

~ L O C K E D ~

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