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D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas

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From the same leaks as the Kaiju trap:





Pendulum Effect When you take effect damage (except during the Damage Step): You can destroy this card, and if you do, any effect that would inflict damage to a player this turn increases their LP by the same amount instead.

Monster Effect When you take effect damage (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, gain LP equal to the damage you took. You take no effect damage.


Here's one of the OCG imports for DOCS, discuss?




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while d'arc does better to balance the covenants, this is still very useful in my opinion...

it still work as emergency precaution to prevent you getting killed by covenant in case d'arc doesnt survive opponent's turn, plus it has good stat and easy to summon


this is also the 2nd best main deck D/D/D after ragnarok, useful for easy caesar ragnarok/beowulf, and for R7 play

still worth @2 for me

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OP updated with the english version of the card


It'll actually be a huge problem at tournaments, with people trying to apply an effect they know exists but isn't written on the card since the judges have to go by text.

In any case, I replaced the misprinted image in the OP with the english version which has the full effect printed.

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