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[DOCS-EN] New Kaiju monsters! Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju and Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju

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I don't really see the point of the restriction on the kaijiu tokens.

  1. Summon Kaiju to opponent's field.  +1 Counter on Waterfront
  2. Special Summon Radian
  3. Change opponent's Kaiju Face down with Capture Mission
  4. Remove these 2 counters for a lvl 7 token
  5. Summon lvl 1 tuner
  6. make any lvl 8
  7. Xyz

Though this card game is rather strange, through my limited knowledge I assume this is the main reason for the restriction.  While I do agree this combination does not seem overly powerful, I can understand if the creators would not wish for this to be how these "Kaiju" are played.

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