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[MTG] Iroas EDH]

Flame Dragon

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I posted a few days ago about making an Iroas EDH deck and this is what I cam up with. This isn't a high priority to complete any time soon, but I started putting it together in my head so I figured I might as well run with it. Could certainly use a little more work, but I think this is a good starting point for the build.





As always, click on the picture in enlarge.


Also, since I'm going to need to buy a lot of these and I want to price check them to make sure nothing is TOO expensive (I don't go above $10 unless the card is really important for the deck like Sword) I'm going to need to write up a list of most the cards anyway. So, have the deck list too.


[spoiler=Deck List]


Iroas, God of Victory


Creatures (25)

Gisela, Blade of Goldnight

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Emeria Shepherd

Sun Titan

Godo, Bandit Warlord

Hellkite Charger

Scourge of the Throne

Aurelia, the Warleader

Angelic Skirmisher

Urabrask the Hidden

Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer

Balefire Liege

Nobilis of War

Stonehewer Giant

Hero of Bladehold

Odric, Master Tactician

Archangel of Tithes

Purphoros, God of the Forge

Heliod, God of the Sun

Marton Stromgald

Angelic Field Marshal

Brimaz, the King of Oreskos

Mentor of the Meek

Stoneforge Mystic

Grand Abolisher


Planeswalkers (7)

Elspeth, Sun's Champion

Nahiri, the Lithomancer

Elspeth Tirel

Elspeth, Knight-Errant

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar

Chandra, Pyromaster

Ajani, Caller of the Pride


Enchantments (10)

True Conviction

Martyr's Bond

Berserkers' Onslaught

Gratuitous Violence

Outpost Siege

Marshal's Anthem

Unquestioned Authority

Goblin Trenches

Aggravated Assault

Oblivion Ring


Artifacts (15)


Avarice Amulet


Assault Suit

Spear of Heliod

Hammer of Purphoros


Sword of Feast and Famine

Lightning Greaves

Sword of the Animist

Vorrac Battlehorns

Mind Stone


Infiltration Lens

Sol Ring


Sorcery (1)

Waves of Aggression


Instant (5)

Return to Dust


Boros Charm

Final Fortune

Swords to Plowshares


Lands (36)

Evolving Wilds

Terramorphic Expanse

Command Tower

Boros Guildgate

Boros Garrison

Sacred Foundry

Wind-Scarred Crag

Temple of Triumph

Clifftop Retreat

Battlefield Forge

Ancient Amphitheater

Opal Palace

Smoldering Crater

Forgotten Cave

Smoldering Spires

Flamekin Village

Spinerock Knoll

Windbrisk Heights

Mistveil Plains

Emeria, the Sky Ruin

Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion

Slayers' Stronghold

Temple of the False God

Reliquary Tower

Mountain x4

Plains x8



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Yea, that was a problem I noticed when looking through the deck. Its how Mind Stone got added in since it wasn't there originally. Sword of the Animist was another way for me to try to solve that problem, but it still might not be enough. I don't think the curve is THAT high but Boros Signet is likely going to find its way in since jumping to 4 is REALLY important in this deck since thats where a lot of the action starts. If I were to add a second I think Solemn Simulacrum is the net best choice since 6 is another really important number for the deck. I could also go with Knight of the White Orchid since unless I'm going first it will always ramp and Foundry gives it extra utility in terms of fixing.


For what I think I should cut Assault Suit is their mostly to keep me from being forced to sac Iroas but that might be too niche, especially since more mana means it won't be as hard to recast. The other card I was thinking of cutting was Martyr's Bond since while its powerful I don't really think its what this deck is trying to do.

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Doesn't look far off from what I had built a long time ago. World at War and Savage Beating might be up your alley. I like Final Fortune in this deck, it really adds to the whole "all in" aspect of such a massive aggro swing.



Good Sunforger targets, albeit there's only four useful ones. The +4/+0 is a beating with double strike but maybe some other targets could find a way into here.

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I considered both of them while making the deck. I ultimately went with the enchantments that double up things since while they aren't as strong adding devotion is really important to allow Iroas to stick around, even if something should happen to your creatures. I wouldn't mind more attack phases, the issue again is figuring out things to cut. My first instinct is to go for Avarice Amulet since while its really good on Iroas drawing an extra card a turn might not be as good as the damage output from World at War which I'd add before Savage Beating.


The thing the deck wants to do is just kill you with Iroas and since its very easy to make a single hit from him do that having the ability to go kill you, take an extra turn, kill you was really appealing. Especially since Sunforger can find it. I might go gatherer diving to see if I can't find anymore targets for it (I'm torn on cutting O-ring for Oblation), but for the time being being able to put it on Iroas and just kill if I can double up the damage somehow makes me content.

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Another thing: you only have a few sources of creature removal (Elesh, Balefire, O-Ring, and StP) and only one source of art/ench hate (Return to Dust). I'd suggest throwing a few more of each. Austere Command is a real beating if you can afford the higher mana cost, so I'd consider that first, and one of Wrath of God or Razia's Purification for another boardsweeper.

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With the high damage output I'm hoping my creatures will be the thing killing opposing creatures. But yea, thats another issue I've noticed. I'm hoping to figure out a few more cards to use Sunforger to toolbox for. Oblation is one I've considered already. Again, the issue is figuring out stuff to cut more so what to add.


As for wraths I think I'd be interested in the ones that can maintain a board like Martial Coup or Hour of Reckoning.

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