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[TCG][BOSH] Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince

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TIL Diva is a 1-card OTK with Goyo Defender existing alongside this and N'tss. Not an amazing one, as you have to run something like Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword, but still


Diva into Neptabyss.

Neptabyss pitch w/e find Dragoons

Make Defender, sheet out 2 more

Defender + Defender = Invoker

Detach 1, SS extra sword

Fuse Defender and Invoker into N'tss.

N'tss summons Dragoons/Level 4 from hand.

Dragoons + ES = Gagaga Samurai, becomes 2900

29 + 29 + 25 = 8400


I'm sure if, say, Zenmaity wasn't limited, you could do this without Extra Sword by the sheer fact that you'd be playing a small wind-up set in Mermail (still silly, but) and you could drop a Megalo after searching it with Neptabyss. N'tss tho.


Still seems like Defender deserves a look at when this and diva exist.

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Was playing quite few games vs Neptabyss Atlanteans. The deck loses extremely hard to dweller if it goes second, however if it's answered the deck can put 10k on board and still Trish/Moulin you if they don't (making Sorc hand refills and OTK past Juggler irrelevant). There's also the Scale that negates effects that allows megalo pushes past Juggler (context is Maxx "C")


The deck going first is forced to run Breakthrough skill because of how important Dweller is. EMem can pick apart most of its T1 boards and still end with dweller. There's also nothing stopping the OTK when Atlanteans dropping Maxx "C" outside of Veiler.


The deck still as good as most 2014-2015 decks out there

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Was playing quite few games vs Neptabyss Atlanteans. The deck loses extremely hard to dweller if it goes second, however if it's answered the deck can put 10k on board and still Trish/Moulin you if they don't (making Sorc hand refills and OTK past Juggler irrelevant). There's also the Scale that negates effects that allows megalo pushes past Juggler (context is Maxx "C")


The deck going first is forced to run Breakthrough skill because of how important Dweller is. EMem can pick apart most of its T1 boards and still end with dweller. There's also nothing stopping the OTK when Atlanteans dropping Maxx "C" outside of Veiler.


The deck still as good as most 2014-2015 decks out there

Gorz saw play last format

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