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Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

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I actually managed to lockdown a Lightsworn/Shaddoll player with this, Light-Imprisoning Mirror, and Cursed Seal of Forbidden Magic. It was brilliant.

What about the other Mirror, Grim?

This mirror was crafted by the ancient Egyptians. It has been named after its ability to suck the evil from those that look at their reflection. Little do they mention it does more than that. A pharoh named King Juunik demanded that after his passing, his corpse was to stare into the mirror before mummification. His wishes were proceeded. King Juunik was an evil man though, and began to inhabit the mirror. Now it does more than take the darkness. It takes your essence. Juunik uses the souls of the mirror's victims to keep alive. If the mirror is ever to break. King Juunik and his wrath would be set free, and he would claim the universe as his own, with no higher power to stop him. Not even me Scythe.
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This mirror was crafted by the ancient Egyptians. It has been named after its ability to suck the evil from those that look at their reflection. Little do they mention it does more than that. A pharoh named King Juunik demanded that after his passing, his corpse was to stare into the mirror before mummification. His wishes were proceeded. King Juunik was an evil man though, and began to inhabit the mirror. Now it does more than take the darkness. It takes your essence. Juunik uses the souls of the mirror's victims to keep alive. If the mirror is ever to break. King Juunik and his wrath would be set free, and he would claim the universe as his own, with no higher power to stop him. Not even me Scythe.

Then you have one weak scythe. Maybe you should go back to using Spirit Albarn. Evans isn't that good.

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Then you have one weak scythe. Maybe you should go back to using Spirit Albarn. Evans isn't that good.

Watch your mouth, Evans is the best Scythe a reaper could ask for! It is all powerful, granted, I know not of the beings of this universe. Maybe the Fancy Chip could stop him. But as it is, I wouldn't risk it. And you mortals would be wise to leave that mirror alone, and NOT meddle in things you can not understand.

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Watch your mouth, Evans is the best Scythe a reaper could ask for! It is all powerful, granted, I know not of the beings of this universe. Maybe the Fancy Chip could stop him. But as it is, I wouldn't risk it. And you mortals would be wise to leave that mirror alone, and NOT meddle in things you can not understand.

You know what? Fine! *goes to play with The Black Horn of Heaven*


Um, Grim! I accidentally released the Infernoids again.

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124 150 145 162 145 040 163 150 157 165 154 144 040 142 145 040 157 156 145 040 146 157 162 040 145 166 145 162 171 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 040

Having one for every attribute would be pretty handy.


The side deck would be pretty repetitive for a lot of decks, though...

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I'm not sure I follow. How would it counter Gozen Match?

111 164 040 167 157 165 154 144 040 144 157 040 164 150 145 040 145 170 141 143 164 040 157 160 160 157 163 151 164 145 040 157 146 040 107 157 172 145 156 056 040 107 157 172 145 156 040 146 157 162 143 145 163 040 160 154 141 171 145 162 163 040 164 157 040 160 154 141 171 040 157 156 145 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 054 040 150 141 166 145 040 155 151 162 162 157 162 163 040 146 157 162 040 145 166 145 162 171 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 040 167 157 165 154 144 040 155 141 153 145 040 160 154 141 171 145 162 163 040 160 154 141 171 040 155 165 154 164 151 160 154 145 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 056 040 111 156 040 143 157 155 142 151 156 141 164 151 157 156 054 040 164 150 145 040 155 157 162 145 040 160 154 141 171 145 162 163 040 167 157 165 154 144 040 150 141 166 145 040 164 157 040 155 141 151 156 040 143 141 162 144 163 040 154 151 153 145 040 115 123 124 040 157 162 040 124 167 151 156 040 124 167 151 163 164 145 162

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111 164 040 167 157 165 154 144 040 144 157 040 164 150 145 040 145 170 141 143 164 040 157 160 160 157 163 151 164 145 040 157 146 040 107 157 172 145 156 056 040 107 157 172 145 156 040 146 157 162 143 145 163 040 160 154 141 171 145 162 163 040 164 157 040 160 154 141 171 040 157 156 145 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 054 040 150 141 166 145 040 155 151 162 162 157 162 163 040 146 157 162 040 145 166 145 162 171 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 040 167 157 165 154 144 040 155 141 153 145 040 160 154 141 171 145 162 163 040 160 154 141 171 040 155 165 154 164 151 160 154 145 040 141 164 164 162 151 142 165 164 145 056 040 111 156 040 143 157 155 142 151 156 141 164 151 157 156 054 040 164 150 145 040 155 157 162 145 040 160 154 141 171 145 162 163 040 167 157 165 154 144 040 150 141 166 145 040 164 157 040 155 141 151 156 040 143 141 162 144 163 040 154 151 153 145 040 115 123 124 040 157 162 040 124 167 151 156 040 124 167 151 163 164 145 162

Ah, I understand. Thank you for clarifying.

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