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Black Horn of Heaven

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It was always like this(or was supposed to), this just makes it plain as day.


If you have to stop pendulums, use great horn if you dont want to tribute and regular horn if you can(BA)


Well, pretty much every big event ruled that it hit multiples and that was pretty much the accepted interpretation.

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Well, pretty much every big event ruled that it hit multiples and that was pretty much the accepted interpretation.

OCG rulings are always correct, in the end. TCG just sticks to their guns as long as possible, then the OCG puts their foot down, and this happens.

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Which doesn't change the fact that the majority of the TCG has been using Horn under the impression that it stops multiples and Horn's viability and price as a card was dependent on that fact.

It doesn't change it, but it does mean you were playing under a ruling that was always doomed to a change. Blame Konami of America/Europe.

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With regards to my earlier post, let me elaborate a bit-

This card hits Summons that don't start chains, so was there ever a possibility to hit multiple monsters with this card, at any point between when it was first printed and before Pendulum Summons were a thing? Off the top of my head, I can't really think of anything.

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Great Horn mainly though.


Great Horn's niche rely entirely on the fact that this follows the OCG ruling. If BHoH is still ruled with the good ol' TCG ruling, then it lost a big part of its niche.


Though we'll get notice anyway in six months.

Actually, in 3 months from now.


DOCS hits in like 3 weeks, then BOSH hits in January.

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