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blue eyes x3

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dark factory of mass production x2

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non spellcasting area x2

2 man cell battle x2



skill drain x3

torrential tribute

ultimate offering

justi break


help plox? ^_^

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HOTU isn't really worth it. With half monsters, you need to keep it alive for three turns on average before it becomes a +1. And with 0 Counter Traps, keeping it alive is no mean feat.


Also, where are Birthright/Swing?


And BEWD is bad, especially with no Special Summon power (other than Reborn/Prem).

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Vanilla Drain deck: Looks OK, but could be much better. Two-Man Cell Battle, Non-Spellcasting Area, Common Charity, Birthright, Swing of Memories & maybe Ancient Rules.


Recoil Drain: Giant Orc, Goblin Attack Force, Elite Goblin Attack Force, Indom Fighter Leilei, Fusiler, CyDra, and in japan Beastgod Machineking - Barbaros Ur

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Then what would you suggest for a Recoil drain? Those were the first things that came to my mind.


Exiled Force, Sangan, searchers, and other good Effect Monsters that aren't negated by Skill Drain. Bad Skill Drain decks use cards like Giant Orc, and fail if they can't draw into Skill Drain. Good Skill Drain decks work fine without Skill Drain.

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you need Majestic Mech - Ohka, Fusilier Dragon, the Dual - Mode Beast, even Sangan will work. i prefer though Fair drain. its fun and works abit better than normal/skill drain type decks. also dark world beat down works very well with skill drain coz they can be special summoned from graveyard which bypasses skill drain effect.

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How about Zombies?

It's OCG only and hurts not to be able to use Zombie Master, but thanks to Mezuki, the swarming power is still there. Plus, both Goblin Zombie and Pyramid Turtle can still be used.


Barbaros is also a popular option in OCG land, because it's still usable as a 1900 beatstick if you can't draw Skill Drain.

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I love how posts in this f***ing topic occurs in the f***ing future!!1!ONElim x->0, sin(x)/x


Jarai Gumo' date=' Giant Kozaky, Chainsaw Insect, Prohibition (I dunno, Heavy?), DH-D, the list goes on.


Jarai Gumo' date=' Giant Kozaky, Chainsaw Insect, Prohibition (I dunno, Heavy?), DH-D, thelist goes on.



"thelist" seems to be comprised solely of cards that should never be used.


No edits.

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why souldnt i use cards liek that crab ^_^


Because if you do, the deck completely falls apart if you don't immediately draw Skill Drain. That's why decent Effect Monsters that aren't negated by Skill Drain - Exiled Force, Cyber Dragon, D.D. Survivor, and so on - are the best cards to use, because then your deck will still work even if Skill Drain isn't active.

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