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[800 Posts] Destiny HERO - Malicious

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I remember when this was a thing with plaguespreader for instant Diablo synchro things... Then castel came out and it was really easy to get around.

Now you just use it to make omega and recycle that banished PSZ, then synch it with the next copy of mali for whatever.

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Draw Triple Malicious on first hand, GG....jokes aside, this card allowed you to synchro twice but if it wasnt game before that you would be in a bad position (no resources left to sync lvl 8s), psyframe lord omega gave them the hability to recicle, also it can dodge castel, 101 and other things (something beelze cant do)

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That's why you run plague

I was joking (kinda), i know thats why plague exist, but drawing 3 is almost an instant loss unless the other player/deck is really bad and gives you the time to do what the deck does better, its not imposible but overcoming that "curse" needs many resources. By the end of your combos you re going to have a significant card disadvantage (that is of you opponent doesnt stop you before)

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