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[CC Daily #15.5] OH SAY, CAN YOU SEE (Pendulum Fusion)

Maeriberii Haan

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3 Pendulum monsters with total scale of 9 or less
Must first be summoned by tributing the above monsters you control. (You do not use "Polymerization".) Monsters must declare an attack if able, and each players must conduct their Battle Phase, if able. Other card effects are negated during the Battle Phase. When this card is targeted by a card effect, you can destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap card you control instead. If this card is face-up on your Extra Deck, you can destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap card you control; place this card in one of your Pendulum Zones.


The actual 15th entry has been purged by a certain someone due to being too impure to be posted.


Aaanyway, messing around with today card's summoning condition, mainly.


Well, not much else to say, but the effect is supposed to represent the card making all other monsters mad or something similar.


Comments and suggestions would definitely be nice~

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It prevents players from triggering backrow and other hand traps, etc while it exists, so basically will boil down to survival of the strongest [attacking power]; at least from my understanding of this card's effect.


Summoning-wise, not really sure on any viable Decks that can make this reliably, given the constraints (3 Pendulum monsters with 9 or less Scales sounds a bit restrictive). There are a few Decks that do run low Scale monsters in abundance, but whether or not you can/want to get three of them out for this is another thing.


You can probably boost the Scale restraint a bit so it's a bit easier to access for common Pendulum decks. Lowering the materials to 2 might be another option, but given this card's effect, you likely shouldn't lower it to 2 monsters.


As for the last effect, it does cause an infinite loop, which I suppose you can use to trigger RML a few times or some other cards that generate Spell Counters or something (since every time it activates, it'll trigger the addition of a counter). They're just possibilities of what the last effect can do, but whether or not they are actually viable with this card is another thing.


There's probably something that can abuse this card's last effect far worse than the combos above, but as of now, nothing comes to mind.


She helps set up a Pendulum Scale of your choice from the Deck if you have broken Scales at the moment (with only her), so there's that to consider.


Much like your last card though, once she becomes a Scale, no SSIng her further (unless you use Meteorburst or something) since again, there exists no generic Scale 10+ Pendulum.

There is one, but because that's a World Champion promo, it's not being considered here.



IMO, this card would do nicely in Pendulum decks that are dedicated to beatdown tactics, but so far, none exist (at least any that can pull off this card's summoning requirements with consistency).

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Woah, I love it. For me this is like those cards that are just so potentially strong and silly that you actually like them.
3000 stats, seals the Battle Phase, weird protection that most likely needs an OGG fix since the targeting effect isn't being negated, and is a recurring scale 1 in exchange of a scale or whatever you have in the Spell/Trap Zones, THEN it can set you another scale from the deck, just because she can. By the way, destroying as cost is awkward, but I guess it prevents you from activating scales once they are destroyed by effects, so I don't see much that could be done about that.

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