Yui Posted February 26, 2018 Report Share Posted February 26, 2018 Location: Mioter (Day 29)Poké: 290Inventory: Poke Puff Bag (empty), Berry Case (empty)As she was about to continue her attacks on the Emboar, Kah felt something wet hit her. Water. She turned toward the source. That Wooper who probably wasn't all there in the head, and the skittish Zorua. Not like they can do anything major to me. Especially now. That other thing might not hesitate to hurt them if they keep this up though. Best try to get rid of them. Kah turned to face the whelps, then took in a deep breath. "This is no place for children!" she shouted. Hopefully they get the message. Now then... "It's been a while since I've fought a Hydreigon, but I suppose for my dear fellow wifey, I can oblige." Kah's eyes darted toward the Sylveon. And now the fairy's here. Leave it to a fairy-type to show up at the worst possible moment. Brooke was closer, and therefore would be easier to retaliate against if she decided to keep fighting. Not to mention, as a Hydreigon, a fairy-type could hurt her far more than anything else. She'd have to prioritize the... what was Easter, anyway? A man? A woman? She didn't have long to think about it before a barrage of sparkly pink stars crashed into her body. Try as she may have, it seemed there was no dodging those. As if they were guaranteed to hit or something. In a two-on-one scenario like this, Kah didn't get the feeling that she'd be able to keep it up much longer. Whatever Easter was, Kah knew that this was someone she'd have to deal with, fast. Kah turned toward the Sylveon, then leaped toward the fairy-type with a combination of leg strength and a powerful flap of the wings. As she approached, the small wings over her back turned a metallic silver color and straightened themselves out, looking more like small swords than wings. While they weren't able to carry Kah properly through the skies like the wings of a Dragonite or Altaria, hopefully this new power Kah had been gifted with would help her wings carry her through this fight.Location: Mioter (Team Neo Not Dark, Day 29)Poké: 800Inventory: Dusk Stone, Moo Moo Milk x3"But look, Brooke is hurt, something might happen to her!" And then Dora did the typical Dora thing. Disregard safety or common sense, to attack the Hydreigon. The woman turned toward them. Oh no. We're dead. "This is no place for children!" "It's been a while since I've fought a Hydreigon, but I suppose for my dear fellow wifey, I can oblige." "Look, Easter's here. He'll take care of Brooke. We need to go, just like the other woman said. Come on!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King K. Azo Posted February 28, 2018 Report Share Posted February 28, 2018 "Shapeshifters, that sounds exciting! And...oh you must mean Sir Keldeo. He...er...he passed by here..." What. "Suit...Keldeo was here? When? Do you know where he went? He uh...he owes me some training!" Mac looked over at Kazo. "You want to know too, don't you?" Then back at Astrid, who looked nervous. "Wait how did you know who he was?" "I...uh..." "That's enough." Grace had returned, carrying a basket with several different potions and status-restoring items. "This is what you wanted, yes? I think you should go, Astrid needs to rest." "Yeah, that's not gonna happen," Ari muttered, to which Kazo nodded to in agreement. As for if he wanted to know about Keldo, he... he was indifferent really. Knowing more could be nice, but it wasn't like they would see him again. Besides, they were abandoned by him in the end. Why did it matter? "Sorry... I'm content with leaving, but Astrid mentioned Keldo, and Mac's now curious," Kazo said as he stood up and took the basket from Grace. "Seems we have a mutual acquaintance in him. I am curious how you all know him, and I know Mac won't leave you alone until she finds out...," Denku sighed to himself as he watched the fight go on. It seemed they had the advantage. They shouldn't squander it. Taking a quick look, Dora was attacking Kah, who was also being attacked by Easter and Brooke. So if he kept the other Godslayer busy, the kids should be safe. That was good. The gijinka took a deep breath before firing off again, flying through the sky. As Genescet fired, Denku tackled into her, wrapping his arms around here."This'll probably hurt me more than you, but I wanna take you for a ride," Denku stated before he fired his natural jets to the ground, intent on smashing the both of them into the pavement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alaina Posted February 28, 2018 Report Share Posted February 28, 2018 Kyogre didn't seem to keen on speaking with him as she fired off yet another burst of oceanic power at him. Expecting this kind of a response, Nine looked over to see another platform at sea and jumped towards it, the previous one he was on being destroyed as the legend's attack struck it. Looking at the legend, a bit irritated at the legends continual barrage of attacks against him, he shouted, "do you want to fight me that badly?!" Kyogre responded in an all too unsurprising way. Jumping to the next platform, as the previous one was once again destroyed by Kyogre's attack, he looked to her and shouted again, "then will you talk to me if I take that seal off your mouth myself?!" Kyogre swiftly dove into the water, and at speeds greater than Nine was expecting, rocketed towards him. Trying to jump away, he couldn't get a full jump as his foothold was destroyed as Kyogre smashed into it. Needing an extra amount of force to his jump and knowing that talking at this point was useless, Nine said, "I'll take that as a yes!" Firing off a dark pulse, he struck the legend and knocked himself and pushed himself to another platform. The legend roared as it was struck, and Nine felt a bit proud that his attack actually seemed to do something to a legend. He couldn't linger on this, however, as the legend's signature attack was fired at him yet again. Leaping to another platform, the Houndoom shot yet another dark pulse at Kyogre when he landed, harmlessly striking against the water as the legend dove underneath. Clicking his tongue, Houndoom took a deep breath and centered himself, the fire colored aura appearing around him as he did. As the aura began to tend to the wounds the landslide had given him, the chaser started to think. This was the first time he had ever actually fought a legend, and it was most certainly a different beast than fighting a godslayer. He wasn't sure how much in pure strength Kyogre beat out Jabari, but there was something fundamentally different about their strength to begin with that made this all the more perilous. Remembering Kushiel's words, there was almost no chance that he'd be able to beat her. Yet still, she was underwater, and hadn't destroyed his platform yet, which meant that she was prepping for something more than just a crash. Trying to focus and think, Nine was reminded of a different person's advice. His thoughts were broken up as Kyogre had emerged from behind him, reaching out towards him. He couldn't entirely move out of the way, his opponent much faster than he, and she had managed to grab onto him. How did the Chasers of old beat the legends? "By knowing they were weaker." A black aura appeared around Nine, and as it did, he jerked away from Kyogre's grasp and towards her. Striking with his elbow backwards, the aura flared explosively as his Foul Play connected with the legend's body. Nine understood that he wasn't the only one surprised by the success of this, as Kyogre let out another pained roar and let go of him in response. Her eyes became more feral, primal, as she glared at him and the rain started to sting more, as if in response. Knowing that he had to take advantage of this moment to get away from her, Nine began to break away from her, jumping off the platform and firing a dark pulse at her to propel himself away and to a different platform. Marie had continued to walk along, a smile on her face as she looked at her new mystic water pendant. As she did, the sun started to set, and the girl was a bit sad that she was probably going to have to stop exploring this shopping place. As Keanu spoke up, Marie shrieked in brief surprise, somewhat shocked that the Pikachu spoke. Taking in a deep breath to calm herself, the girl said, "oh, yeah. Let's go!" As they made their way into the place the Incineroar was held in, the girl walked over to Randy shouting, "Randy Roarton! What do you think you're doing!" As she got close to his cell, the guard halfheartedly telling her not to get too close, she merely said, "why would you do that?! I thought we talked about this! You know, the not getting angry when people don't react the way you want to? Honestly." The girl sighed and shook her head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted February 28, 2018 Report Share Posted February 28, 2018 "Ah, and who...are you?" "That is also a question that I would ask you, sir." Just after Tianzi opened up and finally let herself enjoy her food, a new presence appeared on the room. It was hard looking at him just due to how bright he was and even his presence seemed to radiate off something far from other things Tianzi had seen. He was probably another of the legends, but Tianzi never learned about anything regarding something like him. He couldn't be Ho-oh, since as far as she could remember from what she read, Ho-oh didn't sound like an Exploud and also didn't have a dick. "We are merely travelers, that Ray-. Lord Rayquaza summoned here as his guests, I think." Voicing that appelation of respect and attributing it to Rayquaza felt like Tianzi was poisoning her own tongue. It would be something that she would need to get used to, probably. "I don't know if our individual names would be of interest to you, sir." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted February 28, 2018 Report Share Posted February 28, 2018 Randy had been resting for a bit on the cell's bed, before finally just opening his eyes. He could hear shuffling some, as it seemed another guard was walking in. This guard, a Grovyle, seemed a bit more...irritated than the Rhyhorn. Make matters worse, it seemed he was relieving the Rhyhorn of his duties. Don't talk to him...got it... he thought, standing up with a small stretch before moving down onto the ground to do a few push-ups. The Incineroar had all this room now, so only natural that he take advantage of it...if only just to wait for Keanu and Marie to arrive. Suns goin' down...wonder when they'll let me out. It wasn't long, but Randy's ears were finally treated with a familiar feminine shout. He looked up and saw Marie and Keanu in front of the cell, albeit, a bit a ways from it cause the Grovyle halfheartedly told them not to get close. Dunno why. They all know they were with me...sheesh... he thought, before finishing up his push-ups and sitting down cross-legged in front of the bars. "Randy Roarton! What do you think you're doing! Why would you do that?! I thought we talked about this! You know, the not getting angry when people don't react the way you want to? Honestly." Randy rolled his eyes and playfully put his hands on his hips, somewhat imitating Marie. "Oh hey Randy! Are you hurt?" he said, before moving his hands off his hips and started just talking normally. "Yeah I'm fine Marie. Nothing broken." He stopped slightly before laughing a bit, shaking his head. "I'm kidding...I'm kidding Marie. But seriously, good to see you and Keanu are alright." But now his face had a serious demeanor after that little display. "And I think you know good and well why I did what I did, Marie." Randy simply said. "Besides, while you won't admit it...I could tell you were feeling the exact way." With a shrug, he crossed his arms and sighed. "Doesn't matter though. They still took 'em despite my best efforts. What's worse...I honestly can't tell which side of this stupid feud is telling the truth." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted February 28, 2018 Report Share Posted February 28, 2018 Sky Palace Team Showdown "Ah, and who...are you?" Another Gijinka came into the room, expecting food. Scarlet didn't recognize who exactly it was, but she could tell that whoever this Gijinka was he was strong. Legendary levels of strong. She wasn't completely sure if he was a godslayer or a legend, although she was leaning more towards the latter. Tianzi was the first to respond to the newcomer. "We're here to deal with the godslayers." Scarlet added on, facing the legend. It was strange, having gone from not seeing any legendaries to now having seen 3 of them in the span of a single day. It was all a bit much for her, although she did well not to show it. Northshore Team Karaoke Lok was meekly floating on the surface of the water when Gwen showed up. He was still cold, being drenched in water wasn't helping. "Lok, we're in even more trouble than we thought. That man is a Godslayer. Between him and Kyogre... perhaps we need to escape after all." Finally, Gwen was making some sense. He tried to respond, although he felt his teeth chattering from the cold. Instead, he nodded his head, taking her hand to get up. She would feel his hand shaking, making it difficult for him to actually stand up. He looked around the area. "W-w-w-w-were's F-f-f-fio-o-na?" He managed to say, shivering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakima Posted March 1, 2018 Report Share Posted March 1, 2018 Brooke rolled her shoulder, working out the kink the Dragon Rage had left. Okay, so that had taken her by surprise, but she wasn’t going to let it happen again. Especially with Easter finally having decided to join in on the fighting. “Oh no ya don’t,” Brooke growled, throwing herself in between Easter and Kah. A faint red aura silhouetted her entire body, the sign of the use of a fighting type move (~~Superpower~~). The goal was mostly grab Kah and prevent her from reaching the smaller fairy-type. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow Posted March 1, 2018 Author Report Share Posted March 1, 2018 Team Mac, Day 26, Princess's Palace Astrid seemed nervous as she looked from the group to Grace. The Leavanny for her part was trying to stay composed.It didn't help when Mac pointed aggressively at her and spoke. "Yeah, spill the beans, why would Keldeo come here?" "Sorry Grace..." Astrid murmured. "It's fine." Grace said. She looked over at Kazo, ignoring Mac entirely. "He and the other Swords came here yes. This is a sacred place." She gestured at the area around them. "Did you think such a large tree was entirely natural? This place was once where Legends met long ago. The Swords came here to...check on it." She glanced at Mac. "They aren't my friends, nor even truly acquaintances, we just happen to be making this place residence at the moment. Now, could you leave? I must prepare our meal." Astrid spoke up once more. "It was nice to meet you. Kazo, Mac, and you, Ari of Pride Rock." She smiled at them each in turn, coughing a bit at the end.Team Neo Not Dark, Day 29, Mioter Dora was happy to see that Easter didn't get lost like Dora was worried. She could understand getting lost. There were big people all over the place. Easter was strong but Easter was also little. Fawkes was littler still and she wanted to leave. Dora shook her head back and forth so fast her short hair swayed with her head. "No no, what would you do if someone got hurt? That would be so bad. I'll be fine. I always am." She gave Fawkes a big grin before looking back at the battle.....And getting confused. Who should she be helping now? As Genesect landed hard into the ground, miniscule cracks appeared along its hard outer shell. It glanced down at the Gijinka grabbing them. A hindrance. They must remove the hindrance before continuing the mission. And so Genesect began pummeling Denku with the small metallic orbs from before. While doing so the weapon on its shoulder swiveled to face Reshiram. The Legend seemed to hesitate, not wanting to attack with Denku in such proximity, then decided to step forth. They began running forward towards the pair, body glowing with draconic energy and eyes alight with rage.Team Alola, Day 14, Mowloo The Grovyle watched as the two newcomers came in. Oddly he seemed to be slightly more agitated towards them than they had been towards Randy. He glanced outside as the sun began to set and the trio talked together.Calling back, his voice a bit raspy, he spoke up. "Wrap it up soon, don't want to have to keep an eye on you all night." Then, quieter, but still able to be heard. "Big night ahead after all."Team Karaoke, Day 27, Northshore Kyogre crossed her arms together to make a barrier and avoid being hit full on by the Dark Pulse. They were shocked to feel how powerful the attack was. There were Gijinka like this out there? Or was there something else...she felt the dark aura dripping off of the Houndoom and realized the man had prepared for this fight. Angered she let out another roar, muffled as the others, and fired off yet another Origin Pulse. However as she launched that she prepared another attack. Wherever Nine landed she would fire an Ice Beam at the water at his feet. With the intention of trapping him there. Gwen looked Lok over to make sure he was alright. He was wet, and cold, but not frozen. She figured he would be fine as long as they didn't keep this up much longer. When he asked about Fiona she was about to say last she saw the girl had been helped out by Nine.When suddenly. "Rrrraaaaaaaaaa!" Fiona let out a roar of her own and leapt at Kyogre, slashing in a cross formation at the Legend in midair."...Well, I think that answers it." Gwen said. "What do you want to do?" If Lok intended to keep fighting then Gwen knew she'd have to, as well. On the beach, now standing in knee-deep water, the Cacturne turned to look at the girl who had come up to him. She was shivering, clothing clinging tightly over her body as the rain pounded down upon them. "Jabari's sister. Why would he leave you here of all places?" He sighed. "It will be over soon. They will weaken Kyogre and I'll finish her off. Then I'll find the other one and be done with it." He didn't seem to be happy about this. Simply resigned. "No, but...they'll be hurt...and all this killing, can't it stop?" She reached forward and grabbed him by the arm. Only to receive a backhand across her face. "It will only stop when Arceus is gone. That was always how it would be. It's not up to me when to stop. Now leave here, girl, or I'll have to deal with you as I would them."Team Showdown, Day 28, Sky Palace The stranger looked at the group, put his fists on his hips, and threw his head back. "Gahahaha! I see, I see! Glorious!" He walked over to Tianzi and put a hand on their shoulder. Though it seemed he didn't realize how hard he did so as he practically slammed his hand onto the frailer Xatu. "I did not think that stubborn man would ever ask for help! Well, welcome to the battle, little ones!" He moved over to a chair and sat down on it heavily, the chair protesting with what was apparently a great weight. "I am Solgaleo. You may have heard of my legend here and there but I am not known in this land well. I hadn't come to this place in...many years. Not since the beginning." Magearna chimed in at this moment. "Solgaleo and Lunala are both guests here as well. They come from the Alola region, as did I, which has...well, it..." She stumbled over her words. "It has fallen." Came Solgaleo in a rumbling voice. "Those...beasts arrived and forced us out. But not for long, we are strong, we will reclaim our land." He slammed his fist on the table and it shook. "But first these...Godslayers must be put down. And you'll help with that, eh? Planning on becoming Disciples are you?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sethera Posted March 2, 2018 Report Share Posted March 2, 2018 Kazo seemed to agree with Ari that it would be hard to extract Mac now. "Sorry... I'm content with leaving, but Astrid mentioned Keldo, and Mac's now curious," the Gabite said as he stood up and took the basket from Grace. "Seems we have a mutual acquaintance in him. I am curious how you all know him, and I know Mac won't leave you alone until she finds out...," "Yeah, spill the beans, why would Keldeo come here?" The Litleo, though he would try his best to deny it, did feel a smidgeon of concern for Suiten. Or, well, Keldeo. Suiteo? Kelden? Ferelden? Either way, it didn't seem that their questions would get answered anytime soon. Grace, the really tall gijinka, explained that he and the other Swords had visited this giant tree to check up on it. Glancing at the tree, and remembering the tales he'd heard of Xerneas, Ari felt like this was the kind of place the Lifebringer would like to visit. "A place where Legends met long ago. I wonder how that happened, and if there are any other places like that?" the lion mused. His expression soured at Grace's last words. "Now, could you leave? I must prepare our meal." Astrid spoke up once more. "It was nice to meet you. Kazo, Mac, and you, Ari of Pride Rock." "Nice to meet you too," Ari replied. He glanced at Mac once more, wondering if she would be so easily led out the door. -- Easter's eyes widened when he saw Kah's wings turn a familiar steel gray color. "By Jirachi's third eye," he muttered. Still, he should've known to expect something like this. Most dark or dragon types liked to learn at least one poison or steel-type move to defend themselves against fairies. It was only common sense. He'd have been disappointed if she didn't have a move like that. Still, he prepared himself for pain. Usually he was the one dishing it out, not receiving it, though he supposed he didn't mind switching it up a little. And then Brooke shoved herself between them, glowing bright red with power. "Brooke!" the Sylveon gasped at the Emboar before his eyes closed in prayer, envisioning a sea of stars, one in particular shooting across the sky leaving a fiery trail behind. Help Brooke, please... Honestly, ever since that fight against Kyurem, and maybe even a bit before, he had been unsure what to think of Brooke. She owed him nothing, yet allowed him to travel with her and the kids. She had had no desire to fight against the legendaries, but for the sake of the children, she had helped out anyway. It evoked familiar, choking feelings, less intense than what he'd felt on the ship, but no less real for it. Guilt. Being around all these kids has made me soft, he thought angrily to himself. But the feelings were there, nonetheless, and he would do his best to make sure all of them survived this. As well as indulge in his hatred for the dark and dragonkin. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the battle against the space alien still going strong, and could only hope that the two of them together would be enough to defeat that weird bug. Or at least keep it from killing any of the children. -- Keanu raised an eyebrow when Marie shrieked in surprise. I wonder if she forgot I could speak? Still, the girl recovered quickly, taking a deep breath, "oh, yeah. Let's go!" As they made their way into the place the Incineroar was held in, the girl walked over to Randy and let loose with an impressive tirade. The Incineroar didn't seem too affected by it, probably having gotten somewhat used to Marie's personal brand of concern. He seemed to be well enough to play around, which put the Pikachu at ease. He sobered up afterward. "And I think you know good and well why I did what I did, Marie." Randy simply said. "Besides, while you won't admit it...I could tell you were feeling the exact way." With a shrug, he crossed his arms and sighed. "Doesn't matter though. They still took 'em despite my best efforts. What's worse...I honestly can't tell which side of this stupid feud is telling the truth." Keanu shrugged. "Don't see how any of this is our business," he might still be a little sore about the Noctowl's rather...critical impression of him. "Just glad to see you're still in one piece after being handled by that big galumph." He paused. "Any idea when they'll let you out though?" -- "Solgaleo and Lunala are both guests here as well. They come from the Alola region, as did I, which has...well, it..." Magearna stumbled over her words. "It has fallen." Came Solgaleo in a rumbling voice. "Those...beasts arrived and forced us out. But not for long, we are strong, we will reclaim our land." He slammed his fist on the table and it shook. "But first these...Godslayers must be put down. And you'll help with that, eh? Planning on becoming Disciples are you?" "Disciples?" a new voice called out. BGM Another gijinka entered the room, seeming the opposite of the one who had entered earlier. Short and delicate, she looked as if a strong gust of wind would knock her over. While it was hard to look at Solgaleo because of his radiance, the group would find their eyes unable to focus on her form because the darkness seemed to gather around her like a veil. Her clothes, however, twinkled like the starry sky, her brooch and gems glowing softly. In contrast, her white hair stood out, shining like moonlight, as did her candy apple eyes, which bore into the group with surprising intensity, each gijinka finding it difficult to break free from her gaze until she moved on to the next. "An assortment of personalities we have here," she concluded. "I wonder if you will be ready when the time comes." Unlike Solgaleo, she seemed more somber about the upcoming fight. "Oh yes, I am Lunala of Alola." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted March 4, 2018 Report Share Posted March 4, 2018 "Planning on becoming Disciples are you?" Hah, as if. I'm just doing my own service to the world with this. Tianzi kept her thoughts to herself. Though then again, before she got any chance to voice it in the first place, another figure had appeared to join the conversation. She was a complete opposite of the roaring majesty of the other figure. Short and delicate, dark and modest compared to her compatriot's radiant shine. It was just like the sun and the moon... Solgaleo and Lunala, was it? At least, that was what Magearna said. "I wonder if you will be ready when the time comes." "We'll cross that bridge when we're actually there. Then again, even if us four died along the way, we sadly won't bring any negative effect to the legends. Slightly more impactful than a cannon fodder, but not really that meaningful either." Although, something about what Solgaleo said did pique her interest. He clearly mentioned something different than Godslayers that wrecked their region. What would be such thing that would warrant the label "beast"? "Solgaleo, sir." That still felt weird to say. "Those beasts, are they not something like us? At first I thought that they were related to the Godslayers, yet you seemed to differentiate the two with your words. Pardon my curiosity, but I had never heard about other regions much." That was a lie, but Tianzi at least didn't know much about Alola specifically. With that said, she sat and waited for Solgaleo to answer her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted March 4, 2018 Report Share Posted March 4, 2018 Sky Palace Team Showdown Solgaleo introduced himself to the group, which was not a name Scarlet recognized. Magearna mentioned an Alola region... Scarlet hadn't heard of it, although she has heard of some far away islands... was this one of them? She would love to visit it someday, once whatever happened to it blew over. It sounded bad, but Solgaleo sounded sure that he'd be able to fix it. "Planning on becoming Disciples are you?" Solgaleo suddenly asked. Scarlet simply shook her head, but before she could answer... "Disciples?" Another gijinka entered, just as impressive as Solgaleo, although for different reasons. She introduced herself as Lunala, the other Alolan legendary. Tianzi was the first to speak, answering his question before firing one back at him. She waited for his answer before talking."I don't have any plans on becoming a disciple anytime soon - maybe for Cobalion or even one of the other Swords of Justice after this whole thing is said and done, but my priority is stopping this Godslayer business as soon as possible." She turned to Lunala, her eyes locking onto the legends. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Northshore Team Karaoke Before Gwen could answer his question, Lok heard and saw Fiona leaping out of the water and towards Kyogre. "What do you want to do?" Gwen asked Lok, who was still shivering. He wanted to help his companions, who seemed dead set on fighting Kyogre. However, as a chill went down his spine, he was in no condition to fight. "I-I d-d-don't think I c-c-can fight-t-t-t like th-th-this..." He said, teeth chattering. In his hands, he formed two small wisps of fire, bringing them close to him. Their warmth wasn't a whole lot, but it felt good to have it close to him. "I d-don't think th-they're g-g-gonna stop." He said, nudging his head towards the fight unfolding in front of him. As he was taking in the landscape, he noticed the Cacturne was talking to someone... a child. Curious, he lifted his hand and pointed towards the Cacturne. "I-I'm gonna v-visit our Gods-slayer fr-riend." He simple said, before floating over the water and making his way towards him, whether Gwen followed him or not. As he got there, he saw the cacturne smack the girl with a backhand. Lok didn't hear what the cacturne said, but it didn't matter. "Hey!" He shouted, still shivering. "W-w-what do y-you think y-your doing!" He floated over, turning to the girl. "Are y-you ok?" He asked her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yui Posted March 5, 2018 Report Share Posted March 5, 2018 Location: Mioter (Day 29)Poké: 290Inventory: Poke Puff Bag (empty), Berry Case (empty)The fight between Kah's sudden ally and her newfound enemies wasn't showing any signs of slowing down. However, the Hydreigon had her eyes on one foe in particular: Sylveon. Reshiram could wait. The Emboar could wait. Denku could wait. A fairy-type was simply too great of a threat to leave unchecked. Thus, one could imagine the sense of frustration Kah felt when her charge at the Sylveon was suddenly cut short, by that same Emboar who intercepted Kah's attack, delivering one of her own. Even if all the woman did was grab Kah, it hurt for some reason. Quite a bit. The Hydreigon slumped down, falling onto the ground beneath her on her hands and knees. "I did not come this far..." she started through clenched teeth. "...just to be stopped now." She couldn't help but think back to her fights. Had she even truly won any of them since starting this adventure? Anyone who wasn't horribly underprepared to fight her had nearly killed her. Was she the problem? No. That was impossible. Kah was a proud Hydreigon, worthy of her ferocious species. She felt a distinct rage bubbling up throughout her entire body. She recognized this feeling, albeit loosely. The unshakable desire to win. To prove to herself - no, the world - that Kah would not be stopped. That, in the end, hers was the strongest type. That this fight was supposed to be a trifle. Kah let out a bellowing roar. It was tough to tell just what it was behind her voice. Anger? Pride? Bloodlust? Perhaps a combination of the three. The dragon's eyes shot back up to her opponent, filled with a seething, primal desire - almost a physical need - to kill and maim. Berserk Mode! "I said stay out of my way!" Kah roared, shooting up to her feet and swinging a fist loaded with dragon power directly at Brooke. Kah was moving faster now than she had just moments ago, and it wasn't tough to tell that if she were to land a hit, it would hurt much more than it would have before. Now more than ever, Kah intended to display full well the ferocity, tenacity, and superiority, of dragons as a type. Brooke would simply be the head on a pike that delivered her message.Location: Mioter (Team Neo Not Dark, Day 29)Poké: 800Inventory: Dusk Stone, Moo Moo Milk x3"No no, what would you do if someone got hurt? That would be so bad. I'll be fine. I always am." Fawkes was hoping she'd be able to simply talk Dora out of here. That didn't seem to be working out. She doubted she had the physical strength and stamina to push/pull Dora away from this fight herself, but she was running out of options. Persuasion didn't work. Trickery didn't work. Trying to fight definitely wouldn't work. And so, Fawkes did the last thing she could think of. She wrapped her arms around Dora, and started pulling away from the fight with what strength her small body could muster. "Look," she insistently said as she tugged on her Wooper companion. "I'm sure you'll be fine and all, but Brooke is worried about if you won't be fine, and if she gets distracted trying to watch us it'll be super-easy for the bad guys to hit her and they look super-strong. We need to step back and let her focus on what she's doing. I'm trying everything I can think of to get you out of here because that's what she wants you to do, so please just stop being so stubborn and work with me here!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alaina Posted March 6, 2018 Report Share Posted March 6, 2018 Marie looked at Randy in partial disbelief when he insulated that she would've gotten herself into this mess as well. Pouting at the man she said, "sure it annoyed me but it's not like I was going to go fight all of them. Randy, I told you to work on that temper of yours and not come to yelling and blows whenever something doesn't go your way." The girl merely sighed, saying, "well, I'm glad you're okay, but the people here seem to think that the guards are the good guys too. But even if the other people were scary, they didn't seem bad." Tapping her foot as she looked deep in thought, the girl wasn't sure what conclusion to glean from this. With a frustrated look on her face Marie simply said, "man this is really tough." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted March 7, 2018 Report Share Posted March 7, 2018 "Don't see how any of this is our business. Just glad to see you're still in one piece after being handled by that big galumph." "You and me both..." Randy nodded, thinking about how that Tyranitar took that Blazing Fire Blast like a champ. Then again, they didn't have Moltres and her Sunny Day power here to help give it the extra boost it needed, but it didn't matter. "Any idea when they'll let you out though?" This was something he didn't even know. Randy was about to respond to this, but was cut short by Marie. "Sure it annoyed me but it's not like I was going to go fight all of them. Randy, I told you to work on that temper of yours and not come to yelling and blows whenever something doesn't go your way." Okay...I need to address that here. the Incineroar thought, sighing. "Marie...what you fail to realize about me and Incineroars in general, is we're VERY prideful when it comes to things. Me letting out a little steam with my temper, that's something I've honestly tried to keep under control. Won't lie...when I finally got to a breaking point with it, it wasn't a pretty sight." he paused and chuckled a bit. "Yeah, that match of mine was pretty bad when my temper was unleashed fully. Bottom line is...I'm a wrestler and an Incineroar...meaning fighting is in my blood. That part we can't fix...and that whole thing earlier...I felt justified in doing that." With an exhale, Randy turned to Keanu. "Now that that's out of the way and addressed, back to your question. Honestly...I dunno. Suppose I could ask..." he glanced over at the Grovyle and whistled some. "'scuse me! Quick question...when am I allowed to leave?" The Grovyle rolled his head over to Randy and smirked. "Probably sooner than you think." He let out a laugh before looking out the window again. "...and what's that mean?" "I guess you'll find out won't you?" he chuckled more now, it seeming to be stifled some. Randy let out another sigh and shook his head. "Figures...simple answer is all that I was asking for." he glanced over at Keanu and Marie and shrugged a bit. "Guess that's the answer. Even though it ain't much of one." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King K. Azo Posted March 7, 2018 Report Share Posted March 7, 2018 "It's fine." Grace said. She looked over at Kazo, ignoring Mac entirely. "He and the other Swords came here yes. This is a sacred place." She gestured at the area around them. "Did you think such a large tree was entirely natural? This place was once where Legends met long ago. The Swords came here to...check on it." Kazo looked at the tree. So, there was something special about this? What could it be though? Now Kazo was very confused... Grace then glanced at Mac. "They aren't my friends, nor even truly acquaintances, we just happen to be making this place residence at the moment. Now, could you leave? I must prepare our meal." Astrid spoke up once more. "It was nice to meet you. Kazo, Mac, and you, Ari of Pride Rock." She smiled at them each in turn, coughing a bit at the end. "Nice to meet you too," Ari replied. Kazo nodded, before stopping and rubbing his chin. "Wait, so you don't live here all the time? Did something happen to your home?" Kazo asked, tilting his head. "Are you guys from around here...?" "We are...were, from Adarid City. We were sent away here after an incident...Which is none of your concern." "Oh, no, no, it isn't our business and we don't mean to pry. It just struck me as odd that you guys would stay in a sacred place. The inns too expensive for you guys as well?" "We are allowed here." She replied bluntly. "I get ya, I get ya," Kazo muttered as he stood up and stretched a bit. "Well, Mac, we gotta get your bag back, right? And it doesn't seem they want us here, nor do they know where Keldo went. You satisfied?" Mac sighed but nodded, seemingly to be thinking about something. "Right. Well, we'll get going then. Hopefully we'll meet again. It was nice to meet both of you," Kazo said, giving a two fingered salute before turning to walk off. Denku rolled away from the place of impact, turning around just in time to see that the steel being fire off more of those metal orbs. Grunting as he did his best to defend himself, the gijinka fell to his knee. His gaze was on the ground, when he noticed something... a large chunk of rock, more than likely blasted off from when he crashed his opponent on the ground. The gears in his head started turning, and he got a stupid idea.Picking up the rock, he ran at the Genescet, jumping onto her as he climbed onto her, reaching for her cannon. "Let's see if this works," He muttered as he jammed the rock down the barrel of the cannon. He then took his fist and punched a Dark Pulse into any part of her body he could reach. He was trying to inflict as much damage as he could before he was thrown off or worse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alaina Posted March 7, 2018 Report Share Posted March 7, 2018 While Nine's dark pulse had managed to strike Kyogre, the legend was all the same undeterred from the attack. As soon as he had landed on the next platform, he was already on the move again as Kyogre had fired off yet another large pulse of water. However, as he was moving towards the next one, he saw Kyogre already charging another attack. Landing on the platform, he had no time to actually jump out of the way, as the attack was already in mid-flight, and instead braced himself to take the attack head on. As he threw up his arms, bracing for the attack, he was surprised as it never struck him. Instead, the ice beam merely hit the platform he was standing on. The actual terror of this set in as Nine realized that the entire platform was now frozen over, and his feet were mostly locked in place. As Kyogre began charging yet another attack, Nine knew that he couldn't just jump to another platform, lest he fall in the water. Looking at the small platform he was, more a large piece of driftwood then anything else, Nine was struck with crazy inspiration to avoid the attack. Placing his hand in the water, he launched a dark pulse into it, propelling the wood and himself across the water. As he started to move at great speed, the attack the legend shot at him had missed, likely causing her great frustration and causing her to dive underwater. Letting out a sigh of relief, the Houndoom looked to see that he was moving towards the shore and in doing so leading the legend towards the Godslayer and - "When did they get there?" Being surprised at the sight of Lok and Gwen facing down the godslayer...and what he believed to be a blitzle lying on the ground. Weird. Regardless, not wanting the legend to be near the godslayer, and not wanting his friends to be caught up in this battle as well, he used another dark pulse to change his direction once again. However, as he continued to sail across the water, his raft suddenly broke from underneath him. Being caught off guard and the ice locking his movements, Nine had no way to escape the attack, as Kyogre was hurtling towards him. So instead, he fell towards her, awkwardly bracing himself for the attack. As the attack struck him, a quite noticeable expression of pain was seen as he felt it surge throughout his body. As he did though, he knew he had his best shot at striking the legend. Gritting his teeth, his body seemed to turn more rigid and locked. The pain he felt inside of his arm caused his aura to flare, and from his arm he let it travel throughout his body, being focused now towards his leg. With a mighty kick, every bit of force that Kyogre had just inflicted on him was sent right back to her. With that, he managed to force Kyogre away from him, sending her straight towards the water as he himself began descending as well. As he hit the water's surface, Nine went under for a moment, struggling to force himself back up. The waves were rough, and the pain of the last he received was starting to become more noticeable. Though it would've been much easier to just let the water take him, he knew that the longer he stayed off of land the far worse of a situation he'd be in. Pulling himself up, the houndoom began to swim towards yet another piece of driftwood, climbing back onto it with great effort. As he did, he noticed that Kyogre had submerged herself back underwater. Nine knew it would be fruitless to try and get away from her while she was in her domain. So instead, Nine stood up on the platform, patiently waiting the legend's next advance. There were a few scenarios in which he figured might happen, yet each time she had come at him for a direct attack she had done so from an angle he wouldn't have been able to react from. Keeping his ears open and his feet ready, the Houndoom closed his eyes as he focused and waited. As he felt the ground underneath him begin to shift more violently, he opened his eyes as his feet instinctively moved. Jumping away from the platform, it completely burst as the legend appeared from underneath it. His jump wasn't strong enough to get him away from the legend, his legs having a lost a bit of strength from the attack and plunge he just went through. Yet still, bringing up his hands, he fired off another dark pulse at the legend to propel himself away from them. As the attack struck the legend, she didn't seem any bit deterred by it. Instead, she seemed ready to fire off yet another one of those large water pulses at him. As Nine was moving through the air, he knew that he was in a bad situation, and was fairly confident that were he struck by the attack it would spell the end for him. Yet, before she could complete charging it, a familiar Drapion appeared from behind Kyogre, jumping onto her back. Marie kept her arms crossed and her face stern as Randy tried to explain himself. She didn't seem all that understanding in his plight of having the natural urge to beat things up when he got angry. Yet since he seemed to understand, sort of, that it was a problem she decided to not press it any further. For now. As Randy went to ask about when he would be let out, Marie was off-put by the answers they got from the guy who worked here. He didn't really answer anything, and the way he laughed made Marie think he was being quite rude about it. And happy being rude at that! Pouting in his general direction, the girl turned her attention back to Randy saying, "well, I guess we'll just stay here with you for now. It's not like we actually have a place to stay anyway, right?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakima Posted March 7, 2018 Report Share Posted March 7, 2018 Several things happened all at once. Easter shouted her name and a strange, and a pulse of pink energy hit her and sunk into her skin, slightly soothing her aching muscles. No sooner had that happened Kah’s attack hit her full force, and Brooke dug her heels into the ground, completely halting the dragon’s moment before throwing her back a few feet. She dropped to her hands and knees. Brooke took the temporary lull to survey the area. Fawkes and Dora were still there, the dragon was fiercely battling with Denku against the strange cannon-like creature, and sweet Arceus Dora and Fawkes hadn’t left. “Dora! Fawkes! What are you doing? Get out of he--” "I said stay out of my way!" Brooke was completely blindsided by the attack. It knocked her off her feet and through a nearby wall, which subsequently caused the roof of the building to collapse on top of her. Brooke’s only response was to groan, inaudibly. Her vision swam for a moment, dotted with black, and everything was far away. Like she was hearing it through a tunnel. She realized at the last second she was slipping into unconsciousness, a feeling that had become all too familiar in the past few weeks. She tried to fight it, but her body wouldn’t respond. She hadn’t taken many full-on hits throughout the fight but something about the last one had been different. Her eyes slowly closed, her sight went dark… and then suddenly a surge of heat flooded through her. It fought off the cold that had started to seep in, pushed away the blackness obscuring her vision, and the fog blanketing her mind. Brooke gasped for air, her arm shooting out of the rubble like a ghoul rising from the grave. Wish. “Damn,” she started, rubbing her jaw. “They sure do teach you how to throw a helluva temper tantrum down in Skuldafn.” She dusted off her clothes, moving back towards Kah slowly and deliberately. She stopped and faced her once she was within a few feet. “Too bad they didn’t teach you how to throw a punch, though. Otherwise I might be worried.” Something palpably changed in the air all around Brooke. It suddenly rose in temperature sharply, and became heavier and harder to breathe. Fire burst from her skin, consuming her and growing rapidly in size, until before Kah stood a towering creature of flames. It appeared as a gigantic Emboar, slightly over ten feet tall, and only formed from the waist up. Brooke’s silhouette could just barely be seen from within the belly of the beast. “Time for you to go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done,” the voice that came from the beast reverberated around the area, inhumanly deep, and it popped and hissed like a burning flame. One massive arm shot out to grasp at Kah, able to reach her without even taking a step forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow Posted March 8, 2018 Author Report Share Posted March 8, 2018 Team Mac, Day 26, Princess's Palace Mac wasn't so sure of all this. But even she was smart enough not to say anything in front of Grace. So she allowed herself to be escorted out the door. She was quiet as the group walked away until she thought that they must be out of earshot. "Something seems fishy." She said. "What did she mean they're allowed there? By who? And why are they so calm about meeting Legendaries? They've got a lotta secrets in that place." Mac looked back at the tree. It was getting dark and the massive tree cast a large shadow. Even so it didn't feel ominous. There was a vitality to the tree that was unlike any other in the area. Despite its size, its age, it had an almost timeless feel. As though it had been there for many years but would stay strong for many years to come. A thought came to Mac's head and she turned back to the others. "So what are we going to do about that thief?" According to Kazo the thief would give her stuff back if they helped robbed this place. Could they do it after seeing Astrid though? Then again what would they do otherwise? Mac didn't want to leave her stuff behind, as little as it was, and it might cause problems if they fought her.Hopefully the boys had some sort of plan because Mac was getting tired of all this thinking.Team Neo Not Dark, Day 29, Mioter As the fight raged on between Kah and Brooke, and Easter, Dora and Fawkes were having their own type of fight. Fawkes desperately wanted to leave and was trying to appeal to Dora's sense of reason.Something Dora lacked.Though Dora did notice one issue with what Fawkes was saying. So she pouted and responded. "Even if we wanted to go where would we go to?" The pair of children had managed to find themselves right between the two battles. And even past that the crowd was thick beyond the battlefield. It seemed as though Sebastian and his group were struggling to keep the Shadow Guard from entering the area. They both were accusing each other of helping the enemies and it seemed things would get violent soon. Denku's punch didn't seem to do much damage to Gensect. However something unpredictable happened as he shoved a rock into Genesect's cannon. The Gijinka fired even with the obstruction and the rock dissolved with the energy unleashed.However the energy seemed to have nowhere to go and an explosion of energy occurred right in front of the pair. Both Denku and Genesect would be blasted with extreme force as the attack went off. Which would serve to sent Denku several feet away from the Gijinka creature just as Reshiram made contact. He slammed his fists over and over into the metallic creature. Though Gensect was fighting back. Unable to use its attacks while Reshiram pounded on them, it instead brought its own fists into the fray and the two began to exchange blows.Team Alola, Day 14, Mowloo As the group continued their talk, Marie made mention of staying there with Randy. It was then that the guard stood up and walked over towards them. "Can't let you do that. You can talk with him a while but once you're done you're getting out of here. This isn't an inn after all." He'd let them finish up but then usher them out of the room before heading back to the window, watching, waiting... And then, half an hour later, it began. Unable to be seen by Randy a horde of Gijinka in masks suddenly fell upon the city from the trees. They started breaking into buildings, smashing doors and attacking the people inside. Some even started fires which the militia had to rush to put out before being able to even begin to repel the group. While the militia was distracted by the chaos a group of natives broke away from the rest and headed for the prison where their people were being held... And in the headquarters, where the two Gijinka inside would be able to hear the sounds coming from outside, the Grovyle turned towards Randy. Only he no longer resembled a Grovyle but instead something else. He moved to the cell in which Randy was locked and leaned over, one hand on the bars. Smiling widely he spoke to the Incineroar. "You tried to help my people. You, no one else, stood up for us 'monsters' and 'worthless animals'. So I give you an offer. I can get you out of here. All you have to do is come with us when we liberate the others from that....prison. Come to our home and help us fight for our freedom. What do you say, friends?"Team Showdown, Day 28, Sky Palace "Lunala! Already recovered up from that thrashing I gave you eh?" Solgaleo laughed as his counterpart came into the scene. His eyes darkened a bit as Tianzi asked them a question, and he let out a growl from back in his throat."Beasts I call them because beasts they are. I've not seen the likes of them in all my time. I know not where they came from but I know they are nothing like us...yet they are powerful, and numerous." He looked over at Scarlet. "But that's not what's important. What's important now is these upstarts learn their place. And you'll help to do it hmm? Without being disciples. You Adarid people are most amusing! You'd do well in our homeland I think." Isole seemed to steer away from the large man. She wasn't sure what to make of him...and the other one seemed to be much more pleasant and to her tastes. So she found herself hovering over near Lunala, though she didn't make eye contact with the Legend. Magearna smiled as the group got to know the Legends. She waited to see if anyone had anything more to ask of her before silently slipping away to clean up the mess that Solgaleo and Lunala's training battle would have left.Team Karaoke, Day 27, Northshore "W-w-what do y-you think y-your doing!" The Cacturne looked at the newcomer. A young Ghost boy who seemed to be concerned over this girl. He said nothing as the boy asked her if she was okay. She nodded, and looked at the Cacturne in fear. "He plans on killing Kyogre. He antagonized her and started all this. He has to stop!" The Cacturne let out a sigh. "I had hoped to finish off Kyogre and move on. My job isn't to kill anyone else, lest of all children..." Lok, and Gwen, as she arrived at their side, could feel power swelling up in the man. "But we've come too far to stop now. You may at least know your killer's name. I am Nikora, second-in-command of those known as Godslayers." Without even moving an energy formed around the Cacturne and then launched an attack. A Dark Pulse which spread out in a cone of dark energy. "The Godslayers' mission must be completed."---Meanwhile Fiona was latched onto Kyogre's back, trying to strangle the woman from behind. The Legend thrashed about in an attempt to dislodge the girl but her grip was tight. "If you're gonna...do something...do it quick." Fiona called out to Nine. Seeming to just then remember there were multiple combatants, Kyogre let out a muffled roar and began to dive back under the water, with Fiona in tow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yui Posted March 8, 2018 Report Share Posted March 8, 2018 Location: Mioter (Day 29)Poké: 290Inventory: Poke Puff Bag (empty), Berry Case (empty)“Time for you to go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done.” What was this woman made of!? Kah couldn't help but think the Emboar was more injured than she was acting. That had to be the case. Some sort of boar aura was around her too. Apparently, Kah wasn't the only one with tricks up her sleeve. But with the distance between the two of them... Kah turned her attention back to the Sylveon. Only to notice Reshiram and her newfound ally were locked in close-up combat. Which one would she be able to hurt more? Reshiram? Reshiram. Definitely Reshiram. Kah turned her attention more directly toward Reshiram, darting for the fight and ducking under the boar arm. Above all else, Reshiram was who she came here for. She'd have to come back to the others later. Kah charged toward Reshiram, fists reared back and ready to pummel. And once she was closer, she leapt forward, swinging forward, to beat her fellow dragon down with the very power their kind specialized in.Location: Mioter (Team Neo Not Dark, Day 29)Poké: 800Inventory: Dusk Stone, Moo Moo Milk x3The fight wasn't getting any better. It was only getting worse. As Fawkes watched, ever more eager to flee the scene, Dora presented yet another question about the plan to run away. "Even if we wanted to go where would we go to?" "I-I don't know," she started, growing more uncomfortable with the idea of sticking around by the moment. "Maybe to get some ice cream or something." Still not letting up on her efforts to move the overly stubborn Dora, she continued "Wherever it is it needs to not be here!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Chaos Sonic Posted March 8, 2018 Report Share Posted March 8, 2018 "Well, I'm glad you're okay, but the people here seem to think that the guards are the good guys too. But even if the other people were scary, they didn't seem bad. Man this is really tough." Honestly, this was something that Randy was pondering as well. The ones they met were actually nice, but they were told..."Aye...it's a bit of a puzzle." he nodded in regards to Marie's statement, finally returning to that. "From what that guy said and the last guard...the group we were walking with were...'killers'." Randy used air quotation marks before sighing. "My thought is, if they WERE...then why didn't they just end us right there and then. Honestly, they just might be misunderstood. Different practices done by different groups may look...crazy."With another shrug, Randy sighed. "Honestly, I don't know who's telling the truth...I just know I did what I thought was right." "Well, I guess we'll just stay here with you for now. It's not like we actually have a place to stay anyway, right?" "Stay...here?" Randy asked looking at Marie. "Heh, hate to say it Marie, but I don't think that's possible. After all, there's only one bed in this cell and whatnot." he chuckled, before hearing what the Grovyle said. "Can't let you do that. You can talk with him a while but once you're done you're getting out of here. This isn't an inn after all." "Yeah...that figures." he sighed deeply, before shrugging slightly like 'Well we tried'. "No worries. You guys go find a nice place to stay for a bit and HOPEFULLY, they'll let me out on good behavior..." Randy chuckled a bit at this thought. Good behavior? After he assaulted that Tyranitar...could always be a possibility.The Incineroar waved Keanu and Marie off after they were finished, watching the Grovyle ushering them out before returning to his position to look out the window. He honestly didn't think much of it, as he moved and laid down across the cell's bed again, tossing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. Hopefully tomorrow would be a bit better...hopefully... -Half An Hour Later- -BGM- While in somewhat of a deep sleep, Randy shot up awake and pretty much rolled off the bed when heard the commotion outside the headquarters. After his face hit the floor from the roll, he let out a groan, attempting to get up."He aha lā?" Randy grumbled, getting up a bit and trying to heard what was going on outside. He really couldn't tell what it really was, but it was loud and it seemed pretty urgent. He turned around and moved towards the cell's bar gate and shouted over to the Grovyle. "Hey! What's going on out there?!"However, he was met with silence as the Grovyle turned towards him and before Randy's eyes...his form and shape shifted...into what seemed to be a Zoroark. T-The hell...? he thought, watching the Zoroark approaching his cell and leaned over with one hand on the bars. "You tried to help my people. You, no one else, stood up for us 'monsters' and 'worthless animals'. So I give you an offer. I can get you out of here. All you have to do is come with us when we liberate the others from that....prison. Come to our home and help us fight for our freedom. What do you say, friends?" His...people? Randy looked at the Zoroark and then blinked. "Wait...your...your one of them?" he asked with genuine curiosity."Not just one of them, I'm their leader...besides the Queen, of course." "Leader..." Randy muttered his breath, looking over the Zoroark a few times before looking away for a second. "May I ask your name at least?" "Right, names, I think it would be....Blake." "Blake...nice to meet you then." Randy nodded, about to give an answer for this little offer that was given, but stopped suddenly. He could hear the ruckus outside, much louder as he glanced over his shoulder. "...what's...what's going on out there, Blake?" Randy asked, slowly turning his head back towards the Zoroark. "We had to cause some panic to get to the prison is all. Just knocking some things over, scaring a few folk, keep that Tyranitar away from the prison while we break out our people." "A panic...?" Randy asked, before his eyes widened and thought of something. "Keanu and Marie...sheet!" "Those two? I'm sure they'll be fine, we've got nothing to do with them. Now come on, I need to go help, are you coming or staying?" "Nothing to-" Randy started, before gripping the bars and looking directly at Blake. "Now you listen here...those two are my friends as well. If they're out there...I need to get them!" "I'm doing you a favor." Blake snapped. "You expect me to do that without getting something in return? I didn't sneak my way into here just for fun." Randy's grip on the cell's bars grew tighter as he started growling a bit. The glare he gave Blake was one that if he had the ability, might've set the Zoroark on fire. "...your saying you want me there to help you fight for your freedom...is that right?" "I figured you'd want that too. Or did you only do what you did because you like to fight?" "All I did was do what I thought was right..." Randy started, exhaling slowly before releasing the bars, trying to curb his temper. "Let's be honest, IF what they said is true, and you are killers...you should've attacked me and my friends when we met your small group." "So is that it? You believe them then? Am I just wasting my time?" "I'm standing here...aren't I?" Randy asked, crossing his arms. "If what they said was true...we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we? So there may not be any reason for their accusations to be true..." Blake slammed his fist on the bars. "They accuse us because they think we're savages. They think that because they live up here they're better than us. If you're with them...then you're against us." He backed away from the bars, holding up the key. "Take it or leave it." "....never said I was with them." Randy let out a growl as his gaze got fiercer. He looked at Blake holding the key and stood in silence for a good bit of time. "Fine. But I'm coming under two conditions..." he said, holding up his hand, lifting his index finger. "One, I find my friends. Me and those two are a package deal, like it or not. Two..." he continued, lifting his middle finger next to his index. "When we get away from here, I want the full story. These bits and pieces from you and that damn Tyranitar aren't helping me out. I want to know what the hell is going on." Randy lowered his hand and nodded firmly. "Well, Blake?" "You can make sure your friends are safe but they are not welcome with us. Where you fought they hid. They are different from you. Once they are safe you find us on your own." Randy frowned and glared at Blake. "Then obviously you didn't hear the girl." he said. "She agreed with my sentiments, but she prefers to deal with them another way. They stay...with me." The Incineroar let out another growl, before spitting to the side. "Have it your way." He said, dropping the key out of Randy's arms reach and began to head for the door. Randy was completely furious at this point, getting back up at the bars and punched them. "So that's it?! You ask for help and then walk away?!" he shouted. "I thought you wanted to help, but now I see you just want to help yourself, we're done being used." Blake simply said as he proceeded to leave into the night. Randy punched the bars again, letting out a small roar. "I WASN'T USING YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!" he shouted, before turning around and punching the wall beside him. "ARCEUS DAMNIT!!!" The Incineroar never once told Blake that he wouldn't help...he just wanted to make sure Marie and Keanu were alright and with him. What was so wrong about that? "...being...used...? What...did he mean by that?" he muttered, as he turned to lean against the wall, sliding down to sit down on the ground. ...what would you have done, Sol Mask? he thought, feeling worthless at this point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sethera Posted March 8, 2018 Report Share Posted March 8, 2018 Kazo had a couple questions for the duo, most of which seemed to revolve around just why exactly they were living here. Good question, since it was sacred and everything. That'd be like if Ari had wanted to live in the sacred lands near Pride Rock. It just wasn't done. But apparently it was allowed this time? By who? Mac had the same questions. "Something seems fishy. What did she mean they're allowed there? By who? And why are they so calm about meeting Legendaries? They've got a lotta secrets in that place." Mac looked back at the tree. "Maybe, since Astrid is a princess, she was the one that allowed them to live there?" Thinking about it, it didn't make much sense, but Ari used to think that being royalty meant you could boss everybody around. While he had learned that wasn't entirely true, it still kind of was. Mac turned around, her face obscured by the tree's shadow as evening wore on. "So what are we going to do about that thief?" "I don't know," Ari shrugged. "What do you think she wants to steal from the Palace anyway?" He didn't like the idea of stealing, especially from a princess, and a nice one at that, but what else could they do? "We can't just let her keep your bag though!" -- Easter eyed the Hydreigon warily as she started to mutter to herself. His ears twitched and caught "stopped now." And then she went still. The seconds seemed to tick by and his instincts warned him that this wasn't the end of it by a long shot. Something big was coming. And come it did. A bellowing roar filled with primal fury. A very familiar roar, the fairy type thought with a grin. A dragon's roar. Before Easter could do anything about it, Kah had swung a fist directly at Brooke, causing the Emboar to crash straight into a building, the roof collapsing in on her. The fairy type watched the rubble as it fell, tracking the rain of debris to the figure of his...friend? Yes, friend, crumpling under the weight, her form obscured by the dust cloud as she fell. BGM Oh no. Oh by the gods no. No, don't let it be--it can't be. Before he could think, the Sylveon was running forward, hand outstretched. "So where you from? I never see one like you before in motherland. Oh, sorry, I am rude. I mean, I am Sam, not rude." A man with blades on his arms filleting a fish with expert precision. For once, he hadn't felt the burning need to fight a dark type. "Is...okay, is okay...Go, go far from here." He could barely see more than the Bisharp's head, the rest covered by a blanket of debris. "Another storm, a worse storm, coming...I feel it, in bones, yes...Those not broken, ha ha-urgh..." He let out a hollow laugh himself, the sound echoing in the silence gathered over the former city of Deku. The silence of the grave. "The children, children important, children make world better...place. You know this, I feel that, too..." A flinch, the movement of rubble. "I'm sorry. I couldn't make it in time." He used Wish, over and over and over AnD oVeR aNd OvEr AnD oVeR AGAIN. Useless. But it didn't make the boy's chest move. It didn't make the man open his eyes. They told me to live, to protect...ha! As if these hands can do anything like that. He had always failed when it mattered most. Maybe that's why he admired Brooke, felt guilty whenever he saw her. Here she was, being drawn into chaos, yet still able to keep her head above water, still able to protect. He reached the building, shifting debris away with mindless purpose. He didn't know why he was even trying anymore, perhaps just doing it to keep his hands busy. Or to feel like he was moving forward, that there was even a path to move forward on. A gasp of air. He paused. And then an arm, shooting out of the rubble like a ghoul rising from the grave. She was alive. The words rang like a mantra through his head as the fire type rose from the wreckage, her form caked in dust. “Damn,” she started, rubbing her jaw. “They sure do teach you how to throw a helluva temper tantrum down in Skuldafn.” She dusted off her clothes, moving back towards Kah slowly and deliberately. She stopped and faced her once she was within a few feet. “Too bad they didn’t teach you how to throw a punch, though. Otherwise I might be worried.” She's alive. She was more than alive, if the blue flames that shot from her body were any example. She was afire. They consumed her until her silhouette could barely be seen. He didn't fail this time. “Time for you to go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done.” I made it. A giant fist shot out toward Kah, but the dragon type seemed to ignore it, her attention focusing entirely on Reshiram. Easter barely noticed that, his attention on the person he had managed to save. For once. It was as if a bright path lit up before him. There was a road he could walk, and walk he would. Thank you, Jirachi. He would ask once more for the legend's mercy, to protect those he could. Focusing it on Brooke once more, he turned around, thoughts suddenly on the children. Were they--? No, they were safe too. The Sylveon breathed in a sigh of relief. He turned back to the fighting, eyes narrowing. Now to take out the trash. -- Keanu stood there as Marie and Randy debated on who was right and who was wrong. Honestly, to him it seemed like both were right and wrong, and both sides were acting like big hupos about it. Didn't matter though. None of this was his business. He just wanted to find a safe place to live, where they wouldn't have to worry about being on the run from beasts or crazy gijinkas Randy would pick fights with. His two companions then started to debate that very matter. The Pikachu yawned and shrugged at the Grovyle guard. Then the relevant topic came up. "Quick question...when am I allowed to leave?" "I guess you'll find out won't you?" "Well, I guess we'll just stay here with you for now. It's not like we actually have a place to stay anyway, right?" "Stay...here?" Randy asked looking at Marie. "Heh, hate to say it Marie, but I don't think that's possible. After all, there's only one bed in this cell and whatnot." he chuckled, before hearing what the Grovyle said. "Can't let you do that. You can talk with him a while but once you're done you're getting out of here. This isn't an inn after all." Keanu had expected as much. "Come on then," he beckoned the Popplio. "Doesn't look like we'll be able to do much more here. Least there's some shade. We can probably find some sort of plant to sleep under or something." It seemed like not even fifteen minutes had passed after they found a place to sleep that the two heard a large ruckus coming from the nearby city. The Pikachu cracked open an eye. "The nightlife here's really loud," he complained. When people started screaming, he whipped his head up. "Wait, what's going on?" It took him a while to fully register what was happening, but eventually, he rose and headed into Mowloo. "Oh gods, this has Randy written all over it," he muttered at the sight of the flames roaring high overhead. The electric type weaved his way through the chaos, heading toward where he remembered the prison to be. Every so often he would have to hold Marie's hand and put on a burst of speed to evade stray attacks. It seemed like the closer he got to the building, the more masked gijinka causing destruction there were. One of them even started chasing them, the pair of horns on his head and the three tails swishing behind him revealing him as a Tauros gijinka. "What a drag," Keanu groaned, sending a Thunder Wave his way, causing the man's legs to lock and fall over. "We need to get to Randy as soon as possible. If they're all headed for the prison, then he's going to be in the thick of this." While he retained his usual slouch, the gijinka had a stiffness to his posture that bespoke alertness. -- "Lunala! Already recovered up from that thrashing I gave you eh?" Solgaleo laughed. The bat gijinka paused before speaking once more in her sibilant whisper. "Thrashing, hmm? I don't recall it being so one-sided." There was a familiarity to their banter, as if they did this all the time. She turned her head toward Tianzi right before the girl spoke, eyes narrowing at her reply. "Such anger, and no easy outlet for it," she observed as the Xatu fired off her question. "Beasts I call them because beasts they are. I've not seen the likes of them in all my time. I know not where they came from but I know they are nothing like us...yet they are powerful, and numerous." Scarlet pitched in with her own input soon afterward, revealing not a desire for power, but one for justice. "What's important now is these upstarts learn their place. And you'll help to do it hmm? Without being disciples. You Adarid people are most amusing! You'd do well in our homeland I think." "I agree, the Ta--" she swallowed, a flicker of pain crossing her face. "They would approve." It was then Lunala noticed the purple-haired Rotom floating next to her, though not looking at her. Turning her head slightly, she gave a soft smile toward the electric type. "Hello there," she greeted. "Your friends have made their opinions clear. What are your thoughts on the matter?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maeriberii Haan Posted March 10, 2018 Report Share Posted March 10, 2018 "So, what are you two going to do now?"Tianzi groaned. It was hard for her to like either of the foreign legendaries so far, but at the very least they seemed to be the type to do things. Unlike...ah, she still shuddered at the thought of what happened earlier. More importantly though, Solgaleo's mention of a thrashing made her thought of something that she wanted to do now. No, it's not something she wanted to do. It's something that she must do. "Excuse me, Sir Solgaleo, Lady Lunala." Coughing a bit to let out the bitter feeling of those words first, Tianzi then continued what she had to say. "It is might be a bit impudent of me to create this request. But if it is possible, I'd like a bit of help. I am still very weak right now, as you two would be able to sense. So, it would be nice if either or both of you could beat me up as hard as you could. I'm sick of being weak. Give me a thrashing as befitting for a Legendary." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King K. Azo Posted March 14, 2018 Report Share Posted March 14, 2018 "Something seems fishy." She said. "What did she mean they're allowed there? By who? And why are they so calm about meeting Legendaries? They've got a lotta secrets in that place." Mac looked back at the tree. "Yeah, that is pretty fishy," "Maybe, since Astrid is a princess, she was the one that allowed them to live there?" "I just figured the town let her. I bet they were just trying to brown nose to her because she's a princess," Kazo said with a shrug. "But, they mentioned it was a holy place, so yeah, that is so odd. As for meeting Legendaries... I think I've been numbed to that... somehow," Maybe because they all DIED after they met him. "So what are we going to do about that thief?" Mac asked. "I don't know," Ari shrugged. "What do you think she wants to steal from the Palace anyway? We can't just let her keep your bag though!" "We don't have anything she'd want though," Kazo said with a shrug. "So it's either we give into her demands, which I won't do, by the way, or attack her, and have the town more than likely think I'm some thug attacking and kidnapping small children. Less than ideal, but better than stealing," "Well, that was admittedly awesome," Denku thought as he skipped across the ground like a rock before rolling to a stop. "Ow...," he muttered as he stood up slowly. It seemed like Reshiram had rushed in to fight, attacking the stranger with full power, but Kah rushed in to interrupt it, with Brooke and Easter trying to intercept it. Well, if Kah wanted to double team Reshiram, then he'd just ruin that plan.Using his jets once more, he dashed back into the action, rearing his fist back and ready to fire a Dark Pulse into Genesect. They'd save this town, and save these people. He had to make sure nothing like Pride Rock happened again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alaina Posted March 14, 2018 Report Share Posted March 14, 2018 As Nine was looking down the threat of another of Kyogre's attacks, the boy chaser was glad to see that Fiona had appeared to help him out at the last moment. Landing on another platform, Nine then realized that Fiona was about to go under with Kyogre, which would only spell doom for the Drapion. Moving his platform towards the legend, he fired off another dark pulse at the legend, shouting, "Fiona, get off!" As he did, Kyogre caught the attack in her hand, though clearly was hurt by it as she winced in pain. Thankfully, his plan had worked as Fiona had jumped off, no longer in danger of being submerged alongside Kyogre. Unfortunately, she was now in the water, which meant Nine had to make sure Kyogre didn't realize this. Looking at the legend he shouted "come on pretty lady," he gestured towards Kyogre, "you want to keep this dance going, right?" The boy immediately let loose a dark pulse to propel his platform, avoiding the massive blast of water that Kyogre fired at him. As he did, however, his makeshift raft ended up striking another piece of debris. The sudden force caused Nine to lurch backwards, and fall onto the platform he had knocked into. As the one had had previously been on started drifting away, Nine kicked it away both in an attempt to either lure Kyogre elsewhere or have a back up platform to get to in case things went south. Getting up on the platform proper, he noticed that Kyogre was nowhere to be seen, likely under the water again. Thinking it would be pointless to try and outmaneuver the lady of the seas while she was in her domain, the man waited for the legend's next attack. However, unlike all the other times, rather than attacking Nine directly, the water underneath him instead shot out from under him. Taking the current up, the chaser was more helpless than anything else and began to fall from the sky as his platform gave way. Falling down toward Kyogre, he saw her at the base of the water geyser that had shot him, getting pelted by a pin missile from Fiona, and attempting to capitalize on the attack he attempted to strike her with a Foul Play punch as he fell. Unfortunately the legend moved up through the geyser at frightening speeds, causing Nine to fall into the water, unable to hit anything. Swimming back up, the houndoom broke the surface of the water, gasping for air after taking a heavy fall. Breathing heavily, the chaser attempted to swim through the rough waves towards the platform he had kicked away earlier, only for Kyogre to leap from the geyser and look to slam onto Nine from above. Thinking it suicide to continue forward, Nine instead started to swim backwards, firing a dark pulse at the legend to try and stop her from correcting her couse towards him. His attack hit true, causing the legend to fall to the side, and instead creating a large splash where she fell. With the platform underneath her own weight breaking, Nine tried to swim towards any one that he could see, though was having difficulty to moving as the rain and waves continued to knock him around in the water. Constantly being pulled around, the man pressed on all the same, only to feel something grab onto him. His eyes widening at this, the boy attempted to take one last breath before he was dragged underwater. Marie was upset that they weren't allowed to stay in the building, and without really knowing where to stay she simply followed Keanu's lead. As the two departed from the building, she and Keanu merely meandered about the city, trying to find some kind of place in the woods near the city so that they could sleep for the night. Before they could get settled, though, the girl looked over to the city, hearing a lot of sudden loud noises from it. As she stared it more, she realized something was terribly wrong, seeing the flames and smoke start to plume as the panicked screams of the city's people could be heard. Marie momentarily froze, her mind flashing back to her own home, before Keanu's voice broke her out of her thoughts. As he mentioned Randy, the girl nodded, though she wasn't really sure what he had said and merely followed after him. As they continued to run through the town, Marie's breathing started to accelerate as panic was beginning to set in, wanting to escape from the burning town as well. As Keanu mentioned they needed to get to Randy, the girl muttered, "yeah," though she was clearly unfocused on anything but the destruction taking place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
👀 REP 👀 Posted March 14, 2018 Report Share Posted March 14, 2018 Sky Palace Team Showdown"What's important now is these upstarts learn their place. And you'll help to do it hmm? Without being disciples. You Adarid people are most amusing! You'd do well in our homeland I think." Scarlet nodded in agreement, before listening in on Tianzi, surprised that they wanted to go fight another legend not long after their battle with Diancie. Or at least Scarlet thought they were asking for a fight - the phrasing was a bit weird. "Some sparing might be nice..." Scarlet thought out-loud, before turning to Solgalio and Lunala. "Not sure about the whole thrashing thing, but I'd like to train with either one of you, if that's ok" As her gaze shifted to Lunala, and lingered for a bit, she noticed Isole hovering nearby Lunala. She smiled, but didn't say anything. Northshore Team Karaoke "He plans on killing Kyogre. He antagonized her and started all this. He has to stop!" Lok turned from the girl and towards the Cacturne. "I had hoped to finish off Kyogre and move on. My job isn't to kill anyone else, lest of all children..." Lok could feel the air around him tense up, as if a powerful force was forming. "But we've come too far to stop now. You may at least know your killer's name. I am Nikora, second-in-command of those known as Godslayers." Lok tensed up. He seemed determined to go through with this mission. But all this destruction? Maybe they could talk it out... As he thought this, Lok saw the energy form around the Cacturn. Not waiting to see what he had planned, he quickly picked up a stone from the ground and, as the cone shot out of the black energy, tossed it into the air about it. Lok jumped, barely dodging the attack as his body entered the stone as it started falling back onto the ground. "The Godslayers' mission must be completed." Alright, he was insane. Talking wasn't an option, but he wasn't quite fit to fight a Godslayer. Still, the other Godslayer they had encountered didn't seem completely insane. Maybe he could be reasoned with, or maybe not. Either way his priority right now was to get the little girl to safety. He jutted out of the stone, landing above the ground as he stared at the Cacturn "Are you insane!?" He turned to Gwen. "G-Get her out of here!" Lok yelled, nudging his head towards the kid. "I-I'll try to hold him off." He spoke, before turning back to the Cacturn. "P-Please, mister Godslayer. We're not looking to fight you..." He kept his eyes locked onto the Godslayer, picking up another stone in preparation. This was a terrible idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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