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most hated deck types?

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so you hate original decks?



meaning any deck? since thats what everyone has been running since beginning

I'm gonna slide in here to give my opinion on this thought. And to hopefully warn you away from such statements. No offense meant.

First there's the fact that nothing is completely original. It's really tough to make something totally unique.

But the second is that original is kinda a strange word to use for deck making. There's a huge different between "has different things but still works" and "a garbled mess" as Broken put it. The latter is something that just is badly designed but happens to have a combo or two that can be pulled off with some luck. Which is frustrating to face for some because it just rubs salt in the wounds knowing you were struck by a rare instance.


I mean personally I tend to have casual decks but I still prefer to have some kind of consistency, otherwise it's just no fun anymore and relies on luck rather than knowing when to use your cards. With some theme decks for shits and giggles in there as well.


*ahem* imo this thread is strange to me still as truly there isn't a deck I've gone against and hated it, with very few expectations. And even those is just a personal issue in certain circumstances. The only times I've disliked a deck was when I was playing with friends casually, and we do multiplayer matches (with three or more people). And one person breaks out a deck meant to stall and lock down other decks but is really slow. Cause it kinda kills the fun and can last a long time because they CAN be beaten but not without a lot of thought and time. Something which is awkward in casual settings with casual decks.


And there's my monthly card game post I'll hibernate now

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