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most hated deck types?

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People tend to hate the decks I run. Ritual Beasts, Kaiju & Psy-Frames for YGO, Blue Control for MtG (for that short time I played), Six Sages/Kaguya Control with Scheherazade for Force of Will. And Bermuda Triangle for Vanguard.


...looking at my decks, I just realized how horrible person I am.

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Currently Monarchs, if only for their Field Spell. Cybers can't do much when it's up so Rampage can't kill it so you need to rely more on drawing main deck S/T destruction, which in my main build is scarce. Though Flash Fusion after Limiter Removal does help. Boost Drei/OG then run over any tribute summoned then Flash Fusion for Rampage/Twin depending on the back row.

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Currently, the deck i genuinely loathe is Ripple Rush, because it is anti-fun of decks. You kill your opponent before the game basically even starts and you do it with such consistency it's quite ridiculous.


Of course, I have 2 separate builds of Ripples and they are my main deck for locals.

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Currently, the deck i genuinely loathe is Ripple Rush, because it is anti-fun of decks. You kill your opponent before the game basically even starts and you do it with such consistency it's quite ridiculous.


Of course, I have 2 separate builds of Ripples and they are my main deck for locals.

Pardon me, but what is ripple rush?

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Pardon me, but what is ripple rush?

It's a CFV deck.


Where the normal point of CFV is to get to Grade 3 (and most likely Stride, which is the only Extra Deck mechanic the game has) to play the game, Ripple Rush is a deck that is stupidly consistent at playing with Grade 2 and lower, to the point it doesn't ever ride to Grade 3, except to win.


it's like anti-meta with stupid tiers of consistency and bullshit

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It's a CFV deck.


Where the normal point of CFV is to get to Grade 3 (and most likely Stride, which is the only Extra Deck mechanic the game has) to play the game, Ripple Rush is a deck that is stupidly consistent at playing with Grade 2 and lower, to the point it doesn't ever ride to Grade 3, except to win.


it's like anti-meta with stupid tiers of consistency and bullshit



Sounds kinda annoying

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Currently, the deck i genuinely loathe is Ripple Rush, because it is anti-fun of decks. You kill your opponent before the game basically even starts and you do it with such consistency it's quite ridiculous.


Of course, I have 2 separate builds of Ripples and they are my main deck for locals.

hey, it's great that you like other card games, but try to keep it YGO plx!

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The Winged Dragon of Ra, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and Obelisk the Tormentor. So basically he hates decks which range from bad to decent but still impractical.

I like to think God-tier cards refer to things like Ariadne, Spellbook of Judgment, Noden, etc. Crazy good cards that generate advantage for a cheap cost.

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Since I duel with cards I've created most if not all of the time, my biggest hate goes to FTK decks since most everything else I can deal with if I design my cards right.


Second place goes to final coutdown. Its like an FTK, but takes longer.


Gravekeepers are also annoying, since they never follow their own mantra and stay dead (in the sense of getting new support and thus being relavent again) and have every ruling in their favor, such as Necrovalley's "upgrade" from cannot target cannot banish, to what it is now. Of course, first turn royal tribute is gamebreaking too. At least I never ran into them once they had a way to retrieve necrovalley from the gy in their most recent set of support.


Also, an above poster mentioned opponents who cheat by making up rulings because there's no judge around to correct them in whatever setting the game takes place in. That's about as bad on the hate scale for me as FTKs. I had 1 player that after he couldn't turn the tide despite claiming that my counter effect wouldn't negate his machina fortress's effect because it couldn't be destroyed while in the graveyard (the text of my card was "negate the activation and if you do, destroy that card"), a few turns later he claimed that his dead in hand pot of avarice was a "proxy" honest. Yes I was using created cards, but I had printed them out very clearly.


Other offenses include tributing the target of soul exchange for no reason and claiming that ".... select 1 monster on the field...." could only target your own monsters (this was on a card I made, pre PSCT) and lastly, claiming that all "Toad" cards are treated as "Frog" cards.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tend too hate a lot of decks that rely on the extra deck allowing my opponent to get their best synchros/XYZ/fusions on their first turn which then have effects of negating everything I do. Wasn't until I started using Monarchs that I was able to do pretty good against my friends. 

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