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most hated deck types?

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As far as recent decks go, I dislike Psyframes and new Monarchs a good deal. I don't have the faintest idea how to actually play against the former, and the latter has so many cards that make me go "WHY" that it makes it hard to maintain my "get good and don't complain" mindset.


Historically, I've disliked a lot of control-esque decks (GKs, HEROs, Six Sams w/ 3 Shi En, Dino Rabbit, etc) because I like actually playing YGO. I also dislike Lightsworns because they're one of the only decks that can make you think you're winning and then they suddenly put 15k ATK on the board and make you question where you went wrong in life.

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As far as recent decks go, I dislike Psyframes and new Monarchs a good deal. I don't have the faintest idea how to actually play against the former


Some ways you can counter them are:


Vanity's and Majesty's cards. Vanity's Emptiness/Fiend is extremely effective against them as it also stops Psychic Feel Zone, which is one of their only plays that don't require you doing something first.

You can also chain Mind Crush/Debunk to the gear's Special Summon to stop it happening, or pre-emptively activate Mind Drain.

Chain Mystical Space Typhoon to the effect of PSY-Frame Circuit to prevent them summoning their Synchros and clogging up their field that turn, although you still have to be careful as they can still use them as fodder for PSY-Frame Overload.

Fill up their monster zones with Ojama Trio to stop the 'gears.

Artifact Lacea or Imperial Iron Wall can shut down both the the Trap Card and the Synchro's effects.


Also, if you know you're playing against PSY-Frames, you could just set your monsters then next turn Flip Summon them and attack directly. They can do nothing really about this unless they have Beta, which still won't do anything unless they have the Field Spell other than set up for Feel Zone.

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My least favorite deck swould have to be Six Sams and Burn decks.


Six Sam- because everytime I find the trouble maker card and try to get rid of it, it just destroys another in its place. The ability to summon multiple monsters in one turn annoys me for the fact that it seems like they can do it faster than you can pendulum summon.


Burn- because I thought YGO was about having a signature card in your deck because you liked it or something. My brother made a burn deck and he told me exactly why he made it. To win. I have patience but you just sitting there not even interacting with the opponent annoys the sheet out of me.

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Eh, I don't really hate decks by now, since I just don't care.

But like, decks that take longer than 2-3m/Phase or >5-6m/Turn annoy me, as I'm literally just sitting there and being bored while still having to pay attention just in case they have something I feel like responding to/they play wrong.

Similarly, most FTK/OTK variants of alt-win decks annoy me too, since they don't really care about the opponent or the game except just getting off that one combo to win.



Also this isn't hate/dislike, but I'm usually bored by mirrors and don't bother.

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In no particular order.


- Stall and FTK/OTK decks are self-explanatory, and covered by other people. No need for me to reiterate.


- This will come off as ironic since I still use the Deck itself, but Majespecter mirrors tend to be a bit annoying as well (though I do have counters against them).

(I haven't had to face anyone using the new support yet)


- Qlis are a nuisance, but it's mostly due to Towers and other misc. things. There's Lose 1 Turn in some variants.


- I don't mind casual decks, but at least make them consistent to play.

This isn't the anime where you can throw a bunch of randoms together, and lucksack whatever you need.


Other Decks are more/less neutral, either because I don't have as many issues with them, or I haven't had to face them yet (at their prime).

Eventually I might have to.

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Okay, so earlier I made a post mentioning decks I didn't like. That's all I did though, so now I want to explain why I don't like those decks and others. Why? Because I have nothing better to do and everyone else is doing it and I don't really feel like taking back a post I worked on.


1. Satellarknights: I hate almost everything about this archetype. Their artwork is bland, their playstyle is so boring and linear that it honestly pisses me off watching them use their effects and gain advantages, their cards (like Stellarnova Alpha and Triverr) are completely stupid in design, and their lore is just plain uncreative. They're just a remake of Constellars, except this time Constellars have a less interesting playstyle and came packing a few extra chromosomes. I also am not particularly too fond of being beaten by LIGHT archetypes, and this is the main one that's screwed me over in the past in the stupidest ways. Also, bonus (or would it be minus?) points if they're using Cancer Seraphs.


2. Qliphorts: Another deck I hate so much that Atrocitus of the Red Lanterns would be put to shame. Their inspiration from the Kabbalah and lore is fantastic, but damn was this one archetype that's design was poorly executed.They can search out everything they need with Scout, fill up their Extra Deck for later (OTK) spam with Disk, ruin your field with Helix and Carrier, and abuse every floodgate in the game. They do all of this way too easily and with little use of their resources. The icing on the cake is of course that ungodly and immoral abomination known as Apoqliphort Towers, which of course now has its very own deck dedicated to summoning all possible copies of it.


3. Nekroz: See the opening sentence for Qliphorts. It's not even so much the fact they just search everything they need and have stuff like Unicunt to keep you from doing things, it's honestly their artwork that really pisses me the hell off. They remind me way too much of snowflakey teenagers with amazing awesome epic powers that I've seen too often in a lot of animes I've tried watching, and technically that's what the main Nekroz are (except Valkyrus of course, he's old, but still, f*** him for being part of this inbred tribe). They also look so damn smug, especially all variations of Schritt. I hope the little s*** gets brutally murdered with no chance of revival.


4. Burning Abyss: I think Timeskipper summed up my thoughts pretty well in a conversation he and I had a long time ago. To paraphrase, "Burning Abyss is a deck that rewards you for wasting resources". They're able to so quickly rack up advantage, use it to do whatever the hell they want, and then get it all back just as quick. Also, Cancer Lake of the Bullshit Abyss. Just... brb chemo. It's a shame too, I actually thought I might have loved this archetype. Their artwork appeals to me, and The Divine Comedy is one of my favorite literary works.


5. Monarchs: Kind of. It's half and half really. I've always liked Monarchs and was initially happy with their new support since it made them much more playable and efficient. Except then while using it and then dueling against it a couple of times against it I realized that their new support might be a bit too good.


6. HERO: I never really cared much for this archetype, but I didn't really hate it either. That's still kind of holds true, but it really annoys me how every HERO deck is nothing more than just DarkLaw.dek that goes for the same plays every single duel.


7. Blackwings: Wait no, I'm sorry, I meant Kalutwings. Yeah, I'll be honest and say that this is purely just salt... but then again, I bet most of my choices here are... ok purely salt squared. I know Blackwings aren't too bad, but I seem to get screwed over by Kalut OTKs a LOT more often than I'd like.


8. Infernoids: I somewhat like these guys, at the very least their art and attempt to get at a unique playstyle, but they're yet another deck that just focuses on dumping literally everything into the Graveyard to mess you up in the most random ways. If you get rid of their monsters, they'll just bring them back, and if you're playing a Graveyard reliant deck that can't just do whatever it wants with the Graveyard, they'll interrupt everything you do.


9. Basically any deck that can go into an OTK out of nowhere with little to no effort or creativity.


10. Idk anymore I just wanted to complete the 10 list. Exodia I guess? I typically just laugh at that though.

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It saddens me this thread has so much more activity than the "decks you like" thread.


I suppose that is just the way people are, quick to highland slow to understand.


This sounds like I am calling people dumb, but it really is my least favorite part of this community.



Well I've been planning to post in this thread's counterpart for a few days now if that makes you feel better :p. I just haven't done it yet because I'm lazy, but since I probably won't be going to sleep anytime soon I might as well start working on that post now (same reason why I decided to post again in this one really).

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Okay, so earlier I made a post mentioning decks I didn't like. That's all I did though, so now I want to explain why I don't like those decks and others. Why? Because I have nothing better to do and everyone else is doing it and I don't really feel like taking back a post I worked on.


1. Satellarknights: I hate almost everything about this archetype. Their artwork is bland, their playstyle is so boring and linear that it honestly pisses me off watching them use their effects and gain advantages, their cards (like Stellarnova Alpha and Triverr) are completely stupid in design, and their lore is just plain uncreative. They're just a remake of Constellars, except this time Constellars have a less interesting playstyle and came packing a few extra chromosomes. I also am not particularly too fond of being beaten by LIGHT archetypes, and this is the main one that's screwed me over in the past in the stupidest ways. Also, bonus (or would it be minus?) points if they're using Cancer Seraphs.


2. Qliphorts: Another deck I hate so much that Atrocitus of the Red Lanterns would be put to shame. Their inspiration from the Kabbalah and lore is fantastic, but damn was this one archetype that's design was poorly executed.They can search out everything they need with Scout, fill up their Extra Deck for later (OTK) spam with Disk, ruin your field with Helix and Carrier, and abuse every floodgate in the game. They do all of this way too easily and with little use of their resources. The icing on the cake is of course that ungodly and immoral abomination known as Apoqliphort Towers, which of course now has its very own deck dedicated to summoning all possible copies of it.


3. Nekroz: See the opening sentence for Qliphorts. It's not even so much the fact they just search everything they need and have stuff like Unicunt to keep you from doing things, it's honestly their artwork that really pisses me the hell off. They remind me way too much of snowflakey teenagers with amazing awesome epic powers that I've seen too often in a lot of animes I've tried watching, and technically that's what the main Nekroz are (except Valkyrus of course, he's old, but still, f*** him for being part of this inbred tribe). They also look so damn smug, especially all variations of Schritt. I hope the little s*** gets brutally murdered with no chance of revival.


4. Burning Abyss: I think Timeskipper summed up my thoughts pretty well in a conversation he and I had a long time ago. To paraphrase, "Burning Abyss is a deck that rewards you for wasting resources". They're able to so quickly rack up advantage, use it to do whatever the hell they want, and then get it all back just as quick. Also, Cancer Lake of the Bullshit Abyss. Just... brb chemo. It's a shame too, I actually thought I might have loved this archetype. Their artwork appeals to me, and The Divine Comedy is one of my favorite literary works.


5. Monarchs: Kind of. It's half and half really. I've always liked Monarchs and was initially happy with their new support since it made them much more playable and efficient. Except then while using it and then dueling against it a couple of times against it I realized that their new support might be a bit too good.


6. HERO: I never really cared much for this archetype, but I didn't really hate it either. That's still kind of holds true, but it really annoys me how every HERO deck is nothing more than just DarkLaw.dek that goes for the same plays every single duel.


7. Blackwings: Wait no, I'm sorry, I meant Kalutwings. Yeah, I'll be honest and say that this is purely just salt... but then again, I bet most of my choices here are... ok purely salt squared. I know Blackwings aren't too bad, but I seem to get screwed over by Kalut OTKs a LOT more often than I'd like.


8. Infernoids: I somewhat like these guys, at the very least their art and attempt to get at a unique playstyle, but they're yet another deck that just focuses on dumping literally everything into the Graveyard to mess you up in the most random ways. If you get rid of their monsters, they'll just bring them back, and if you're playing a Graveyard reliant deck that can't just do whatever it wants with the Graveyard, they'll interrupt everything you do.


9. Basically any deck that can go into an OTK out of nowhere with little to no effort or creativity.


10. Idk anymore I just wanted to complete the 10 list. Exodia I guess? I typically just laugh at that though.

I hate the few decks you mentioned too, how can I forgot to mention Infernoids, Qliphorts and Satellarknights?
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hmm i guess my least favorite are....


Recycling Deck (Ritual Beasts,Newer Monarchs, Madolche)

There's just no end for their resources....my playstyle are usually hold on to exhaust opponent's resource (especially their defensive), and then OTK when their resource run out/they drop their guard...which is really hard to do against those, not to mention they usually take a long turn, especially those ritual beasts......usually i just wait them for time out.....and they do, most of the time


that is all i guess...i remember disliking inzektor a bit when they was meta, but cant remember why...

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I hate Telllarknights, that's a given, but I absolutely hate "scrub decks". Decks that do have a theme, but have no synergy whatsoever and hide behind the "just for fun". When I go against decks like this, I instantly of a scrub Dark World player at my school who actually had to make his own format to get his deck to work. He even made up rulings and if I showed him a real ruling, he'd say "I've been playing longer." and use that as an excuse to be bad. So, bad deck design that pretends to be "creative" and "just for fun" are what I hate. You can have fun and have a good designed deck.


I also don't like HERO much. Really Konami, let them rest already.

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What's the big deal with Majespecters anyway? I've heard the mentioned a lot but I've never seen them in action.

They can't be destroyed or targetes by effects and they have a spell/trap answer to everything. Theyre weak in battle but they're annoying as fuçk.

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