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most hated deck types?

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I dislike solitaire deck opponents, but that's pretty much natural.


I'd say any deck that dedicates itself to lock you up like how Gravekeepers do with the Graveyard, the new Monarchs do with the Extra Deck, or Lose1Turn/Skill Drain do with the field, or that random Vanity's when it is played on top of the above. Some to different degrees than others, so not all of these are necessarily on the "hate" list. The concepts implemented heavily are.


I find Kozmo incredibly annoying. I can't have a slow start because they very easily go for OTKs, and it seems as if that was what they were focused on solely. The other day I barely played a monster and a few set cards and the opponent immediately said "gg". They are so efficient at being aggressive with no setup that it is kind of boring, actually.

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Roids, in a way. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the theme, the artworks and their effects (I like the way many of their effects are very generic and not restricted to being used in a roid deck), but I hate the way they were given the short straw ever since the start.

They were introduced in Cybernetic Revolution (I think), the same pack that Cyber Dragons came in. But while Cyber Dragons have had continual support, with a Structure Deck and recently Cyber Dragon Infinity and Chimeratech Rampage Dragon, roids got barely anything. There are the Speedroids, but none of it is direct roid support, which is shame as Shock Surprise and a few others could of got away fine with supporting "roid" instead of "Speedroid".

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I DESPISE Clownblade with an absolute passion. You have no idea how many times I see the deck whenever I play online, and it rustles my jimmies every time.


Solitaire decks are also pieces of sheet. I want to play the game, not watch a sitcom that isn't even funny.


Quasar Turbo is another deck that I hate with a passion. Free negation and multiple attacks on a 4k ATK and DEF body make me cry when I have to face it.


Burn decks are another scum of the game. I'd like to actually damage you myself, thank you very much.


Don't even get me STARTED on Qliphorts. Towers is like the bouncer of Yu-Gi-Oh!. He won't let you do anything unless you have what it takes, like the Towers Outs do.


Monarchs are another deck that gets under my skin, but only if I'm playing a deck that uses Extra Deck monsters. Otherwise, they're not too bad.


And last but certainly not least, Lightsworns. The Synchro banishes a card for just 1000 Life Points, the boss is a 3k beatstick with a nuking effect that requires Life Points(And it ISN'T EVEN PART OF THE ARCHETYPE, for the record), and it meshes SO well with my most hated deck in the game: Clownblade.


Just my two cents.



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I DESPISE Clownblade with an absolute passion. You have no idea how many times I see the deck whenever I play online, and it rustles my jimmies every time.


Solitaire decks are also pieces of s***. I want to play the game, not watch a sitcom that isn't even funny.


Quasar Turbo is another deck that I hate with a passion. Free negation and multiple attacks on a 4k ATK and DEF body make me cry when I have to face it.


Burn decks are another scum of the game. I'd like to actually damage you myself, thank you very much.


Don't even get me STARTED on Qliphorts. Towers is like the bouncer of Yu-Gi-Oh!. He won't let you do anything unless you have what it takes, like the Towers Outs do.


Monarchs are another deck that gets under my skin, but only if I'm playing a deck that uses Extra Deck monsters. Otherwise, they're not too bad.


And last but certainly not least, Lightsworns. The Synchro banishes a card for just 1000 Life Points, the boss is a 3k beatstick with a nuking effect that requires Life Points(And it ISN'T EVEN PART OF THE ARCHETYPE, for the record), and it meshes SO well with my most hated deck in the game: Clownblade.


Just my two cents.




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All the LS hate, it hurts. Especially since they tech really well for quite a few things. (I remember running LS Zombies)

that's the thing! like, if you have a good idea that only involves a few cards, you can make a deck out of it by filling the gap with sacsworns!

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that's the thing! like, if you have a good idea that only involves a few cards, you can make a deck out of it by filling the gap with sacsworns!

Not exactly true. If they don't use the grave then really you're just hurting yourself. They are slightly luck based if you don't use a pure LS deck. So yes, while they can sack, JD is the reason why the Deck gets hate. (Cuz that sheet is bull tbh)
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LS are just an engine that helps decks that have no better ways of getting into the Graveyard when they really need to play from the Graveyard or based on the Graveyard in some way.

They can't be splashed in any archetype that has less cards than required, and in hybrid decks like that, typically LS aren't the real focus to begin with.

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LS are just an engine that helps decks that have no better ways of getting into the Graveyard when they really need to play from the Graveyard or based on the Graveyard in some way.

They can't be splashed in any archetype that has less cards than required, and in hybrid decks like that, typically LS aren't the real focus to begin with.


but they see more use because of that, and that's why some people, myself included, dislike them.

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LS - Sacky literal no skill deck.


Infernity - Empty hand and go plus... wow guys i'm so pro.


Shaddoll - Don't really "hate" but they are kinda boring, same with Dark World.


Satellas - Because sitting on set 4 takes a lot of skill.


Stun decks/Majespecter - Former being the worst because it's literally a deck of cards that make it to where your opponent can't play. I question the mentality of people that run Stun decks. Majespecters are a more tame for in which you can actually do a little but they are still hated by me regardless.


Decks dedicated to making infinity - I've explained why I hated this many times. Seeing someone try to run 3 nova and infinity makes me cringe. It also makes me cringe when people try to turn RRs into "that deck".


Nekroz - I will always have an intense dislike for the deck. Although it's died about 95% now so i'll probably stop hating it soon.

Qlis - Self Explanatory.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I hate Inzektors. SO MUCH. Even though I've only played against them a few times, I hate them.


I hate the way they are basically the only Insect-Type deck that was ever competitive, BUT THEY'RE HUMANS. DRESSED UP AS INSECTS. They should be Warrior-Type or something, or at least have some explanation of why they get away with being Insect-Type.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I hate Inzektors. SO MUCH. Even though I've only played against them a few times, I hate them.


I hate the way they are basically the only Insect-Type deck that was ever competitive, BUT THEY'RE HUMANS. DRESSED UP AS INSECTS. They should be Warrior-Type or something, or at least have some explanation of why they get away with being Insect-Type.

*cough* BLACKWINGS *cough*
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* Masked HERO: They are a Pseudo-helment deck (SS mist, set 4 or 5), they are nothing else than dark law and rank 4 spam (the compettive builds)


*Tellarknights: another helment deck, and this one go plus while i cant play anything (seting 4 very skillfull)


*Qlis: every version i dont care, the regulars i cant do anything with their floodgates, towers turbo not that much but peolple usually can only handle 1 towers


* Quasar decks: its not hate with this one, but its not fun or attractive to play against either, you let their plays go and you lose, you stop them with a single trap (at any point) and they scoop, they cant comeback once you stop them (most of the times), it feels like you just activated a floodgate for them


* Sacksworns: no matter if its a veteran LS player, if its a noob with a 60 card build, they somehow always manage to get triple JD on the field (salty), its not fair (even if the deck itself is not that good) that you can pull a 3k monster (from a simple condition) that can nuke the field. and 3 of them. (I really wish there were some words on JD s effect that says "You can only SS judgment dragon(s) once per turn")


* Majespecters: i cant play while continiously plus from almost invicible monsters, sure there is battle (like they are gonna let you do that), and since thats how you at least clean the board, they will go to extra, come back and repeat the process


Those are my top hated decks, i exclude exodia, burn and ftks variants because nobody likes to play against them anyway (they are obvious hated deks)

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casual decks: people think they're cute and skillful playing them

I don't know what you're talking about I'm cute af

skillful is debatable but maybe that too sometimes



Anyway I don't hate any decks, it's a game and if I face an annoying deck I can just take it easy, finish the game, move on with life.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I hate Inzektors. SO MUCH. Even though I've only played against them a few times, I hate them.


I hate the way they are basically the only Insect-Type deck that was ever competitive, BUT THEY'RE HUMANS. DRESSED UP AS INSECTS. They should be Warrior-Type or something, or at least have some explanation of why they get away with being Insect-Type.


Masked Rider Kabuto, that's why.

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Personally, I dislike:

- This should go without saying but, FTK decks in all shapes and forms. This includes Pseudo-FTKs such as Wind-Up Hunter hand-kill loop, Quasar decks, and Infernities when they managed to fully set up on first turn.


- Dark Worlds. I dislike their play-style: Just keep discarding and thinning the deck until you set a 3000-ATK beater in the grave, then revive them whenever you can as a plus. This bothered me way more than their compatibility with Skill Drain and other floodgates they could play without hindering themselves.


- Inzektors. When they were at their prime, Dragonfly + Hornet and could generate about... a +4 or so, if not more? That was insane.


- BAs. I plain find them boring. The way they gradually take out the opponent's resources with their Traps while they float, and once they loop Dante with their revival Trap, it's not even entertaining to watch anymore. From all the Decks that show up in the current metagame3, these are the least I like, while the close second would be Ritual Beasts.

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