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most hated deck types?

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What decks just absolutely piss you off? Feel free to vent.

Badly optimized theme decks. Including anything from Yugi.dek, Jaden.dek and stuff like that, decks made from cards thrown together with no synergy and hides behind "creativity" and "originality" as an excuse for being bad. Even worse if the user is insulting others for using actually good decks by calling them meta sheep.

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It's no secret that I hate more or less every LIGHT archetype ever.  I used to like Lightsworns once upon a time, but this was also when I thought edgelord characters that had snowflakey powers and retrospectively horrible personalities and backstories were cool to RP.  PSYFrames are a guilty pleasure admittedly, but that doesn't mean I particularly like them.


Those aside, there are three decks in particular that I really can't stand.  In order of how much I hate them, there's Raidraptors, Qliphorts and Infernoids.


I've never made any effort to hide that I really, really don't like the xyz mechanic.  The only xyz I ever use are splashable R4s, and a copy each of Nova & Infinity in my zombie deck.  Arc-V saw me adopt the term "xyz scum" as if it were my own child.  And the best representative for the term as far as characters go (and by far my least favorite in the show) was and will always be Shun.  Shun is at least 40% of the reason I have such strong feelings about Raidraptors, and the other 60 is distributed among "Their name implies Dinosaur, their appearance Machine, but they're actually Winged Beast", "They're just Blackwings (another deck I loathe) for xyz", and "I mostly play Superheavy and have a sheet matchup".


Qliphorts left a very bad taste in my mouth after they first hit the game, with Scout and Saqlifice both at three.  Now with Towers Turbo, we have a 3-tribute summon whose recurring tribute materials funk up your field on being tributed, and presuming you have Monolith up, you more or less get a Pot of Greed on each End Phase.  And that's before going over Towers itself.


As for Infernoids, I find their art, lore, and playstyle all unappealing and they're just simply not fun to go up against.  I'd go on about these like the above two, but at this point I just want to finish typing, call this post done, and go play some League.  So there you have it.

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Raidraptors. Seriously. It's the most annoying deck to face, and the fact that I see it suboptimally run more often than not just makes it all the more annoying, as it's played so very "anime".
This was somewhat changed by SPWR.

I'm not fond of LS, but not the same deal.

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Any kind of ExodiaFTK.dek, Quasar.dek, Igknight.dek, RitualBeast.dek


Okay i've dueled all of them and basically . . . i just wait for at least 2-5 minutes (depends) doing nothing while my opponent play and having fun alone.

Oh god . . . waiting is the most boring things i've ever experienced in my life, especially that ExodiaFTK.dek, waiting long long long and suddenly the duel ends without me taking my turn to play.


And more annoying is, at DN, if that ExodiaFTK.dek and Quasar.dek user fails to finish it first turn/fail to bring Quasar, they just quit.

C'mon! You're not playing the games alone, at least give me some chance to play it too . . .

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Qliphort, same reasons Chi listed.


Chain burn, or any other deck that's basically solitaire. Any FTK style, rlly. Have the decency to actually play with me, you piece of sheet.


Dark World. They're so poorly designed and take all the skill of a week-old player to pilot while still being irritating to face.


Satellars, ESPECIALLY the ones that spam Triver. It's an irritating deck to go up against that regains advantage out of nowhere.


Beelze.dek. Annoying as hell to play against for a monster it's really not hard to get out.


D-Ruler and Spellbook, just because of the formats they ruled leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Luckily no longer relevant.

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Any kind of ExodiaFTK.dek, Quasar.dek, Igknight.dek, RitualBeast.dek


Okay i've dueled all of them and basically . . . i just wait for at least 2-5 minutes (depends) doing nothing while my opponent play and having fun alone.

Oh god . . . waiting is the most boring things i've ever experienced in my life, especially that ExodiaFTK.dek, waiting long long long and suddenly the duel ends without me taking my turn to play.


And more annoying is, at DN, if that ExodiaFTK.dek and Quasar.dek user fails to finish it first turn/fail to bring Quasar, they just quit.

C'mon! You're not playing the games alone, at least give me some chance to play it too . . .

I love Quasar, I also find it fun to see someone pull off. (Then I cringe if they do it wrong) idky but its so satisfying. I wouldn't place it in the same list as Exodia or something else that takes forever, mainly cuz those are usually the same sheet over and over while Quasar is wacky and fun. Imo tho.




1. Anti-Meta

funk you, I can't do sheet, not even with rogue decks.


2. Exodia

You are just boring AF to play and to watch


3. Kozmo

I love Necro Based decks, but this is just abusive trash that takes little to no set up


4. Ice Barriers

Why the funk are you so bad?


5. Yuya like decks

I love the show and the character, but the deck is to power creepd' (I am referring to magician odd-eyes basically)

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but magician odd-eyes is the worst buildand performapals are the best yuya deck/archetype by far

Performapals all by them selves I didnt think were all that good, or am I falling behind in the card pool. (I'm behind on the anime as it is but I try to keep up with the pool) The deck just does too much too fast too well. I find it annoying. (Then again, it's easy to get around once you make them lose advantage, so its at the bottom of the list)

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Performapals all by them selves I didnt think were all that good, or am I falling behind in the card pool. (I'm behind on the anime as it is but I try to keep up with the pool) The deck just does too much too fast too well. I find it annoying. (Then again, it's easy to get around once you make them lose advantage, so its at the bottom of the list)

Magicians are basically just "Locking" the deck.


Odd-Eyes is just an okay engine, and decks very quickly grow beyond Odd-Eyes in its current state.


Performapal in the OCG, where Pendulum Sorcerer exists, got a huge buff from Skullcrobat Joker, becoming an engine for Magicians and then Performages.


Post-BOSH, the deck gained a Scale 1 "Tenki" in Monkeyboard, and now has the sheer potential to stand as a deck in its own right, in addition to the blends. Better to go Performage and Pals OCG side, where they actually have Lavalval Chain.

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Magicians are basically just "Locking" the deck.


Odd-Eyes is just an okay engine, and decks very quickly grow beyond Odd-Eyes in its current state.


Performapal in the OCG, where Pendulum Sorcerer exists, got a huge buff from Skullcrobat Joker, becoming an engine for Magicians and then Performages.


Post-BOSH, the deck gained a Scale 1 "Tenki" in Monkeyboard, and now has the sheer potential to stand as a deck in its own right, in addition to the blends. Better to go Performage and Pals OCG side, where they actually have Lavalval Chain.


Magician Odd-Eyes is the worst build? Are you talking just about the original Magicians (Time/Stargazer)? I've had some great success with the newer Dragon Magicians.

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I personally have a hatred for anything overly Graveyard-dependent or that just gets value from going to the Graveyard. Lightsworn, Tele-DAD, Infernity, Shaddolls. The former two are reasons I started to run Macro Cosmos until it got Limited in 2013. Dead things should stay dead or at least require some effort to revive.

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and let us not forget...reverseburn.dek

I... don't particularly mind that deck. It doesn't OTK your ass all the time, its entire strategy focuses on a "keystone" so it's not as infuriating to dismantle, and if you want to talk interactivity, you'd might as well factor in all other burn/lock decks when discussing that department.

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I... don't particularly mind that deck. It doesn't OTK your ass all the time, its entire strategy focuses on a "keystone" so it's not as infuriating to dismantle, and if you want to talk interactivity, you'd might as well factor in all other burn/lock decks when discussing that department.

Yeah but it gets really irritating if they have more than one keystone up (i.e., 1 nurse reficule and 1 simochi) in addition to s ridiculous backrow.

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Basically annoying FTK decks, Lightsworn, and funking Kozmo.


I only hate LS because the reality is is that the freaking deck is just 37 expendable cards + 3 JD. That's literally how I see the deck. They're free to throw away every single god damn card that isn't JD, because they don't matter. All that matters is pulling JD out your ass, nuking and winning. It's just insulting to have a deck like that, it really is.


FTK stuff because I do happen to feel like playing as well. I know you're enjoying yourself, but this does happen to be a 2/4-player game, and I do also want to enjoy myself.


Hear me out here, but I only hate Kozmo because they're too damn floaty. Getting rid of their monsters means diddly, as the lowbies get to dodge everything, and the highbies just float down. The lowbies shouldn't be allowed to dodge during either player's turn, and Kozmotown shouldn't be able to search itself upon destruction. I know they need town, but with it they're funking strong, and getting rid of it is funking pointless since it just grabs another copy. So you're stuck their as they pile advantage on advantage with a stupid field spell you can't get rid of short of spinning or banishing.

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