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[MtG, Standard] Jeskai Tempo

Trebuchet MS

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1x Dragonmaster Outcast

4x Seeker of the Way

2x Soulfire Grandmaster

4x Mantis Rider



2x Wild Slash

2x Fiery Impulse

1x Dispel

1x Silkwrap

2x Valorous Stance

4x Jeskai Charm

3x Exquisite Firecraft

2x Brutal Expulsion

2x Ojutai's Command

2x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker

2x Treasure Cruise

1x Secure the Wastes



4x Flooded Strand

2x Prairie Stream

3x Battlefield Forge

3x Shivan Reef

4x Mystic Monastery

3x Island

3x Plains

3x Mountain



1x Radiant Flames

1x Valorous Stance

3x Disdainful Stroke

1x End Hostilities

2x Surge of Righteousness

2x Arashin Cleric

1x Dispel

1x Felidar Cub

1x Wingmate Roc

2x Mastery of the Unseen


Trying to get things in order for the coming Game Day.


No intentions to edit the mana base for splashing different colours. At best I'd acquire 2 more Prairie Streams to replace 1 Island and 1 Plains.

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How's seeker working for you? Have you tried abbot?


I'm not a fan of Sarkan in this deck, most times it feels like a 5 mana flame slash and the other times it just eats an abzan charm or a crackling doom, Ojuitai feels a lot stronger even if you cant really play around Doom with him, the mana is a bit smoother with him too, not that it really matters in a 3 color deck. A mainboard dispel can help though, most people wont really expect it and its hard to play around at times. I still hate firecraft, sorcery speed just kills this card, ugh, you can cover your removal with firey impulse or v stance.I'm not sure what your budget is but jace seems like a logical inclusion to this deck. The amount of value you can get from Jace and Soulfire reccuring your spells is ridiculous.


I'd reccomend adding felidar cub to your sideboard. There are a lot of enchantments that can cause problems for this deck (Silkwrap, mastery ect) and recurring it with Command feels pretty darn good.

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  • Swapped both Dig Through Time for Treasure Cruise, mainly due to me not being able to acquire them.
  • Swapped 2 Roast in side for 1 Wingmate Roc and 1 Felidar Cub.
  • Added 1 Radiant Flames
  • Changed 2-drop suite to 2 Soulfire 3 Seeker
  • Swapped 1 Wild Slash for 1 Fiery Impulse
  • Finally acquired 2 Arashin Cleric which Cleric of the Forward Order were standing in for.
  • Planning to swap the 2 Roast mainboard for Silkwraps when I get them.

Personally really loving Firecraft. Not as a removal spell, but as a game-ender. Combined with the 4x Jeskai Charm and that's a total of 7 spells that can help me count to 20, and that's before we consider all forms of Mantis Rider damage.

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I've only tested this deck's final form against slightly bizarre builds.


vs. Blueless "Aristocrats" - Mantis Rider damage gets the job done, especially since the opponent's lands are a bit slow until they can safely fetch into untapped battle-lands. Butcher of the Horde gets shot down by Stance or Firecraft if necessary, but 3 toughness is a troublesome number unless I get the one Fiery Impulse. This makes Catacomb Sifter and Liliana difficult to deal with. Doubly so for Lili since the lifegain allows them to recover from the brink of death.


vs. Grixis Eldrazi Control - Since all of that build's removal tends to be exile, Stance gets blanked out since indestructibility does jack, with the exception of shooting down Sire of Stagnation. 3 toughness is again a troublesome number since it can't take down Ulamog's Nullifier on the defensive. Mantis Riders and various other early threats get hindered by Horribly Awry, so this deck is forced into the defensive to try and step around it. In a control matchup, Secure the Wastes turns into a dead card as it is prone to getting countered regardless. Firecraft is an amazing closer though, putting the uncounterable death zone at 12 life.


vs. Molten Vortex - Oh god I need to go as fast as possible. Arashin Clerics are going in to weather off some of the shock damage, and it needs to slam down as many creatures as possible to distract the shocks. Lifelink is fine but not when the sources can be shot down as soon as they appear.


vs. Bring to Light - Mantis Man~, Mantis Man~, Mantis Man hates Rhino Man~, they have a fight, Mantis wins, Mantis Man~. *accordion solo*

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Tested against Esper Dragon control. Very difficult position. Foul-Tongue Invocation undoes a lot of work in my attempts to push damage through. Firecraft can work in sealing games though.


Could only acquire 1 Silkwrap. Contemplating 1 more card to take the slot the second Silkwrap would have occupied. Split between an additional Wild Slash, Impuse, or Seeker of the Way.

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