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Burial from the Different Dimension

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This card has been limited for a while, but I don't really see it being used pretty much anywhere.

Unless I'm missing something really huge right now, to me it looks like it could probably move up to 2 and see what happens.

Zombie decks, Heraldic Beasts, Chaos Dragons, and some other lower tier decks would really appreciate it.


What are your thoughts on this card?




Target up to 3 banished monsters; Return them to the Graveyard.

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As far as I know, the most relevant users of this card are Infernoids, who play it to restock Infernoid fodder. I'm not sure if I want to see them gain access to 2+ copies of it.


I had forgotten they existed.

Yeah that would be relevant to keep in mind....

How good are they at milling their deck btw? haven't seen them in a while but I heard they won a big event in Texas not too long ago.

How big are they right now? Maybe they already can already surpass this... It certainly is a tool they can use.

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