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Avatar (Azula)

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The effect doesn't really suit her nature or the picture well. It would seem more like Discard >> Destroy with that scene. The effect isn't very unique (Crass Clown/Dream Clown), and the stats don't go with it. I don't mean to bring you down, but those are the facts. In all, 6/10.

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Yes what was already said^


And i think it's overpowered i mean another card like this is blade rabbit with like 400 ATK and this a 6 star 2100 ATK i thnk it would stay out long enough but meh, one card is only one card.



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Underpowered for Azula. She needs to be Level 7-8 and have 2600-3200 ATK and low DEF. Azula should not activate her effect by defending. Piercing damage is a better effect for her. Pic is distorted and has obvious editing. I give you half a point for liking Avatar.


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