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[V-Jump 10/15] Card of Demise

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Oh ffs that deck is irrelevant and it always will be and you know it.

It's not just *hurr durr chain burn, pls ban* it has alot of uses in alot of decks and rewards a more defensive first turn for the most part. I.e Infernities, counter fairies, probs has SOME use in some weird BA build but also allows for alot of creativity with artifacts and traptrix at the same time.

Honestly, I'm fed up of these stupid and narrow minded reactions to cards.

Seems like HAT could really use it tbh. The problem is ofc, Denko

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I get Infernity vibes from it, mainly because 80% of the time you have zero hand in Infernities, so you'd almost always plus from this card, though the restrictions are quite heavy.


It's okay at best, but this is one of those Anime cards that are ultra stupid and really tough to nerf.


too bad infernity hinges on a card that was banned a format ago, right?

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Archfiend, Barrier and Launcher are all at 1 and Chain is banned. Since I played the deck for nearly a year I think I can rightly tell you that the deck is dead.

There was a synchro version from back in the day.


If it makes you feel better, OCG has 3 Arch, Barrier, and Chain, and the deck is still dead

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There was a synchro version from back in the day.


That did nothing after Launcher went to 1, yes. Afterwards people quickly released in the advent of Xyz Infernity that the Xyz variant was vastly superior due to higher consistency not having to run shitty tuners like Avenger and Beetle. There is no room for someone to be "creative" with an archetype that has all of it's good cards on the banlist with no sign of them ever coming off.

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That did nothing after Launcher went to 1, yes. Afterwards people quickly released in the advent of Xyz Infernity that the Xyz variant was vastly superior due to higher consistency not having to run shitty tuners like Avenger and Beetle. There is no room for someone to be "creative" with an archetype that has all of it's good cards on the banlist with no sign of them ever coming off.

Never know, OCG and Sushy might get fed up with Tewart and slap us with the OCG list

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Oh, right, I nearly forgot. Magic Explosion Life Equalizer FTKs get 1 more draw card to use.


Not quite abuse since it's not always spammable at nearly all points in the duel.

They almost always have a hand of more than 3 so its pretty bad there tbqh.
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