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Bottomless Trap Hole

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I'm a bit afraid of this going up; Stuff like this, book, and torrential cause too much disruption to the gameflow, IMO. Book can stop an opponent from playing for a turn and makes things really easy to get rid of in battle (It tends to leave 2 monsters on the field, both of which tend to be vunerable) and is the most powerful since it doesn't even trigger floaters, Torrential is similar but totally kills the opponent's momentum if they don't have floaters. This (and CED) specifically gets rid of Xyz/ Synchro/Fusion investments by totally getting rid of the monster summoned, and often leaves the opponent empty fielded unless, again, the synchro or the materials float. I'd say sure if literally everything floated, but considering basically any deck not made in the past year hardly has any floaters, I'm still hesitant.


Also consider we have a fuckton of replacements for this if we REALLY wanted, like TTHN, Void Trap Hole, and Time-Space trap Hole. Sure, none of them banish, but banishing is still pretty disruptive against most decks.

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