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[BOSH] Dark Doriado

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DARK Spellcaster Pendulum
Pendulum Effect: All EARTH, WIND, WATER, and FIRE monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each different monster Attribute you control.
Monster Effect: If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: Target 1 EARTH, WIND, WATER, and FIRE monster in your Graveyard; return them to the top of the deck in any order.


It's the one on the far left

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Interestingly, as a Scale 5:

If it's the higher Scale, you can Pendulum the Element monsters (Dragon, Soldier, Magician, Valkyrie, etc), in addition to the Charmers' Familiar-Possessed forms, and their original forms if the lower Scale is 2 or less.

If it's the lower Scale, given that Rulers are Level 8, you'd need a 9-Scale. Can't think of any good non-restricted 9s, if I'm honest. Worst comes to worst, Pendulum Shift.


So, thematically, it works.

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For those complaining about the Scale of 5, I'm pretty sure that would be because the highest Level a monster in the Charmer Archetype is 4. Question is, what happened to Doriado to make her this way?


Electrum slept with Shadow Mist, angry at being cheated on, she decided to take up the forbidden dark arts to get revenge on her former husband.

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