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[BOSH] Illumirage

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This isn't piss-easy, though. And requiring a main deck slot _and_ drawing into it is terrible.

It's a tuner, that gives it utility already, not to mention the ability to tool it off Yazi, sometime I swear people are so entitled and want everything given to them easy >_>


OH NO! A MAIN DECK SLOT. Killer is a sheet card that they're using a main deck spots for. Suck it up

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It's a tuner, that gives it utility already, not to mention the ability to tool it off Yazi, sometime I swear people are so entitled and want everything given to them easy >_>


OH NO! A MAIN DECK SLOT. Killer is a sheet card that they're using a main deck spots for. Suck it up

Ok, cool, so people want things given to them. Here is the thing. It was already given to them. Why would they run this, when there are already better options?


And I don't give a funk how good towers is in OCG. I honestly don't care, and it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. In TCG, it steals games simply because it is so hard to answer, and allows you to draw 3 off of Monolith.

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Ok, cool, so people want things given to them. Here is the thing. It was already given to them. Why would they run this, when there are already better options?


And I don't give a f*** how good towers is in OCG. I honestly don't care, and it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. In TCG, it steals games simply because it is so hard to answer, and allows you to draw 3 off of Monolith.

Didn't once mention OCG, idk why you're bringing it up. If killer is a problem with the existing outs already there, here have one more. Either y'all are b****ing for no reason about Towers (likely) or this should help clean up matters more if it's actually a problem.


Towers is sheet by concept, playing protect the castle is NEVER a good play-style in ANY format

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Didn't once mention OCG, idk why you're bringing it up. If killer is a problem with the existing outs already there, here have one more. Either y'all are b****ing for no reason about Towers (likely) or this should help clean up matters more if it's actually a problem.


Towers is sheet by concept, playing protect the castle is NEVER a good play-style in ANY format

Playing protect the castle works fine when the castle protects itself and you effectively +3 off of the summon. I am not being salty, I am talking about actual tournament results. And adding a bad out doesn't make the card any less of a problem. There are already outs, so one that is worse than the rest won't change sheet. In a similar vein, the argument of outs existing does not balance a card, especially when said card forces decks to be suboptimal in running said outs.


I disagree. Card dodges L1T, Vanitys, etc. it's a bad card no question, but in Decks that can't get over Towers normally it's still viable. I don't think it'll even matter though once the new list comes out and Qli isn't as strong as before.

The only half-decent deck I can think of that could use this as a towers out is Yang Zing, but they are barely good.

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