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[BOSH] Goyo Defender

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Goyo Defender
Earth Warrior / Synchro / Effect
LV3 1000/1000
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
(1) Once per turn, if the only monsters you control are EARTH Warrior-Type Synchro Monsters (min 1.): You can Special Summon 1 “Goyo Defender” from your Extra Deck.
(2) When this card is targeted for an attack: You can activate this effect; until the end of this Damage Step, this card gains 1000 ATK for each other EARTH Warrior-Type Synchro Monster you control.


Neat, he kept his spam effect, and it doesn't appear to be hard OPT.

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summon this summon this summon this

summon level 2 tuner

summon accel synchron

dump jet synchron, level +1

summon triple attacking quasar




summon this summon this summon this

summon level 2 tuner, summon level 1

summon tatsunoko

summon quadruple attacking quasar

They're gonna regret banning Noden

Defender is Level 3. Don't get yourself tied in a knot here with Shock Master hype yet.

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Aside from Quasar, this card is great for summoning Goyo Emperor. Use GUB + Synchro Fusionist to make this, grab Miracle Synchro/Poly. SS 2 more of this, fuse 2 into Emperor, and you still have a Defender left over to steal a SSed monster.


Oh, Ninanai mentioned a fun combo. Search Miracle Synchro Fusion, use 2 Defenders to make PK Break Sword. Pop it and something else, MSF into Emperor.

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summon this summon this summon this

summon level 2 tuner

summon accel synchron

dump jet synchron, level +1

summon triple attacking quasar




summon this summon this summon this

summon level 2 tuner, summon level 1

summon tatsunoko

summon quadruple attacking quasar

Quasar does not count tuners, does he ?

... Funny card, but aside from emperor and quasar/sifr he is not that useful.

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