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[BOSH] Pendulum Reborn

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Simple, but very effective. No restrictions or limitations, either. Just pick a Pendulum in the Extra or Grave and SS it. Level or stats don't matter.


I think Synchros was when powercreep got really bad for a while, so Synchro Reborn concept cards were given a ton of restrictions. Lost Star Descending or whatever comes closest, I think.

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This would be a hilarious tech in D/D, given that you usually have 3 ways to summon your Rank 8s: Swirlal Slime, Night Howling and Pendulum(lol?).


Target 1 Abyss Ragnarok, then that monster targets another Abyss Ragnarok or Hell Armageddon (who tf am I kidding everyone hates Hell Armageddon), boom free Rank 8.

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