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US Presidential Race 2016 1st Democratic Party debate


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Really wasn't what I was trying to suggest. It was more along the lines of, lets bomb Auschwitz, the poor souls there are already going to die. Might as well save the people on the train. Hence, lets gas ISIS controlled areas, since the people who dissent are already killed there. Regardless, Sarin breaks down really fast IIRC, so it was a bad idea.

The thing about this is, it's plain to see that doing something like this certainly wouldn't be met with applause. Our allies would criticize us, our enemies would use it against us, and the targets would have a legitimate, far-spreading reason to hate us. Even if it brings about a better time for the world at large,


is it worth becoming a demon?



 Being liberal isn't sander's problem, I just feel he's too passive. But I agree with Dead, we need to stop tryna be the global police keeper, retreat behind our borders and make our nation the greatest again, Infrastructure etc. 

This is an idea that I've certainly considered, but I've always thought it to be... strange. Not the idea itself, per se, but the circumstances surrounding it.


My main problem with this idea, is the reason why we tend to act as a global peace keeper. The reason has been around since the Cold War, and even if it's not primary reason anymore, it's certainly an important factor. Russia.


Every time I hear something about Putin, it's as though he's pushing some line, or trying to do something the world doesn't want him to do and is too afraid to try and stop him by any means other than economic sanctions and a stern no-no. And no, I don't have any specific examples for you; I can't remember any, and I wouldn't know where to start searching for them. It's just the feeling I get.


Anyway, this is the problem with a total, universal US withdrawal: if I would bet my life's value on anything, it would be that, in our absence, Putin would certainly not stop trying to put his fingers anywhere and everywhere, for whatever reason. And I don't know what this would entail, to be honest. Mayhaps it turns out being totally harmless to us and the world as a whole? That'd be nice. I don't think that'll be the case. Something bad will come from it, whether or not it affects the US or other western powers at all notwithstanding. And, I don't know. Something about letting Putin just... get his way after all this time sets me at unease.


I have nothing really concrete to say about it, but I feel like there needs to be another solution other than bottling ourselves up. There has to be.

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The thing about this is, it's plain to see that doing something like this certainly wouldn't be met with applause. Our allies would criticize us, our enemies would use it against us, and the targets would have a legitimate, far-spreading reason to hate us. Even if it brings about a better time for the world at large,


is it worth becoming a demon?


Our Targets would be dead. Our Enemies would fear us. Our Allies would not want to become our enemies.


The US became feared after WW2, tell me that was not in part due to the brutality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, torching ISIS shouldn't make you moral qualms come into question


This is an idea that I've certainly considered, but I've always thought it to be... strange. Not the idea itself, per se, but the circumstances surrounding it.


My main problem with this idea, is the reason why we tend to act as a global peace keeper. The reason has been around since the Cold War, and even if it's not primary reason anymore, it's certainly an important factor. Russia.


Every time I hear something about Putin, it's as though he's pushing some line, or trying to do something the world doesn't want him to do and is too afraid to try and stop him by any means other than economic sanctions and a stern no-no. And no, I don't have any specific examples for you; I can't remember any, and I wouldn't know where to start searching for them. It's just the feeling I get.


Anyway, this is the problem with a total, universal US withdrawal: if I would bet my life's value on anything, it would be that, in our absence, Putin would certainly not stop trying to put his fingers anywhere and everywhere, for whatever reason. And I don't know what this would entail, to be honest. Mayhaps it turns out being totally harmless to us and the world as a whole? That'd be nice. I don't think that'll be the case. Something bad will come from it, whether or not it affects the US or other western powers at all notwithstanding. And, I don't know. Something about letting Putin just... get his way after all this time sets me at unease.


I have nothing really concrete to say about it, but I feel like there needs to be another solution other than bottling ourselves up. There has to be.



Easiest way to solve this is by making an Alliance with Russia, they can have their countries, carve up the world per-se. Today's rival, tomorrow's friend. Lets face it, there's too many damn countries around, and Russia can be the muscle we need to put them in line. We're not gonna be twiddling out thumbs, we're gonna improve our nation so when we come out from behind our walls (figurative) Russia and the rest of the world will have nothing on us. Russia wants Ukraine? Sure, let their soldiers pay in blood for the land, they're be weaker cause of it by some point. 

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Our Targets would be dead. Our Enemies would fear us. Our Allies would not want to become our enemies.


The US became feared after WW2, tell me that was not in part due to the brutality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, torching ISIS shouldn't make you moral qualms come into question

I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to become the most hated country on the planet just because we'd, de facto, "win."


Easiest way to solve this is by making an Alliance with Russia, they can have their countries, carve up the world per-se. Today's rival, tomorrow's friend. Lets face it, there's too many damn countries around, and Russia can be the muscle we need to put them in line. We're not gonna be twiddling out thumbs, we're gonna improve our nation so when we come out from behind our walls (figurative) Russia and the rest of the world will have nothing on us. Russia wants Ukraine? Sure, let their soldiers pay in blood for the land, they're be weaker cause of it by some point. 

It's so easy to say stuff like this when you disregard the other millions of human beings in the places you'd "carve up." The people who live their certainly won't roll over and accept it.

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Our Targets would be dead. Our Enemies would fear us. Our Allies would not want to become our enemies.


The US became feared after WW2, tell me that was not in part due to the brutality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, torching ISIS shouldn't make you moral qualms come into question


Easiest way to solve this is by making an Alliance with Russia, they can have their countries, carve up the world per-se. Today's rival, tomorrow's friend. Lets face it, there's too many damn countries around, and Russia can be the muscle we need to put them in line. We're not gonna be twiddling out thumbs, we're gonna improve our nation so when we come out from behind our walls (figurative) Russia and the rest of the world will have nothing on us. Russia wants Ukraine? Sure, let their soldiers pay in blood for the land, they're be weaker cause of it by some point. 


The US was feared post WW2 because you were one of the few countries with Nuclear Arms; Using them simply demonstrated the power. It's nothing to do with the acts being brutal, and everything to do with the fact you had them and other places didn't. 


And why would you do that to ISIS, when a) It wouldn't work b) You turn them into damn martyr's, and c) They aren't actually a big enough threat to warrant it. 


Besides, you'd lose basically every ally you had, become politically isolated as a result. And being politically isolated is a fast ass way to become economically isolated, which no first world nation in the world can actually do anymore. Do you think the US economy survives if you are being screwed in every kind of export and import? Because that's the logical form of sanction your attack would recieve, not to mention the fact every member of the goverment who had a say in it would be filled for human rights violations and war crimes. 


ISIS is not a problem that gets solved by mass destruction. That's the exact issue the West didn't realise in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hell, Vietnam should've showed you that much at least. 

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Things I can take from this thread-


- Chemical saturation of a country is an acceptable plan of action

- Americans are mindless killers who will find a way to murder others even without readily available deadly long-range weapons

- The holocaust was terrible and to prevent another one we should eradicate an entire people

- Gun laws can't be supported because people have hunting guns

- "bigotism" is a word

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Things I can take from this thread-


- Chemical saturation of a country is an acceptable plan of action

- Americans are mindless killers who will find a way to murder others even without readily available deadly long-range weapons

- The holocaust was terrible and to prevent another one we should eradicate an entire people

- Gun laws can't be supported because people have hunting guns

- "bigotism" is a word



Oh and the hunting guns made me remember something.

Not many people are gonna try and rob someone/shoot up a school with a hunting rifle. Even if we don't ban those guns then there'd be less issues at least.


Also this topic is all over the place. XD

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Also this topic is all over the place. XD


We went from the Democractic Debate, over to Socialism v Communism v Democratic Socialism, round the bin to 9/11, relived the days of the holocaust, discussed chemical warfare, and rounded it up with World War II and the allied powers.  Another successful YCM discussion.

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Sanders wants to solve everything way too quick. He wants to expand free healthcare, increase wage to 15$, and make community college free...... I wonder if he knows where he's gonna get the cash for this.... Our national debt is already way too high, something that the current president tried to reduce.







This video sums it up, I know this is from a conservative source, but it summarizes it pretty well.

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