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(Inter)National Novel Writing Month


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For all you slackers out there, November is National Novel Writing Month! It's called "national", but it's something that's worldwide. Basically, it's a thing where we all circlejerk and encourage each other to just write what you want to write out into a novel. There are places for writers to meet all over the world for this event.


The idea is, I think, that for all those people who have been planning or just pushing it off to get around to actually writing. After all, it's often advised to write whatever, then do some harsh editing.


Though, the expectation is 50000 words in a month, which means 1667 words per day on average. Kinda unrealistic, but take this moment to write as much as possible?


Website: http://nanowrimo.org/

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ain't nobody got time fo' dat


In all seriousness though, I saw this before somehow, forget how, but seems sorta interesting.

I do like writing but I don't have a lot of time because AP classes recently.

Work out something reasonable for how much you'll write and try your best.


I don't really expect you to be able to, nya nya

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Though, the expectation is 50000 words in a month, which means 1667 words per day on average. Kinda unrealistic, but take this moment to write as much as possible?

I can totally do this actually. All I'd need to do is go offline/Do Not Disturb on Skype for an hour or two a day XD


Anyway won't be doing this simply because I have been doing this sorta already. But it's a great way to get people writing. :)

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I managed this for a few days. Except it was ~11,000 words a day.


If I ever actually looked at a page and realized how little 1600 words actually is, I might be able to hit a groove again.


Otherwise I'll just resort to James Joyce's classic writing back-up plan: meth.

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For a budding author, it would be advised to start small and allow yourself to get into the habit of writing before endeavoring to write longer tales. Also, not every masterpiece tale written must be an unrealistic length. There are a few that achieve magnificence in only a pair of pages as well.

That is the point of this event though. Not to write a good novel of decent length but to get into the habit of writing 1.6k words a day.

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It's not really that hard to structure a novel in such a way that, while the setting and characters are shared, the various happenings are instanced and episodic like a series of short stories.


Whether it would count as a novel or an anthology would be a discussion for another time but the heart of the event has always been simply to encourage getting the words flowing, with little to no regard on aiming to write a masterpiece.


Could argue that one should always aim to write the best they can, regardless of length but that's a different approach than the one this event's trying to push.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yeah, this is a thing.

I'm still not exactly sure what I'll do, but I think I'll just try and get at least 1667 words done of writing in general, whether it be for a novel or fanfiction. Idk if I should count RP under that or not but probably not.

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