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‘Ridiculous’: University Apologizes for Holding Event That Served Mexican Food

Halubaris Maphotika

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They were not in bad taste. They still tried to serve decent good and then this one sheet who doesn't know better used the "offended" card to get a point. If the food is good then it isn't offending anyone if it's not satirizing anything. Stereotypes were always proficient in promoting any cuisine shown in America. Can we get over it?

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Sheesh, all the campus wanted to do was liven up their food selection. I wish our dining hall had events like that. Unfortunately, it doesn't. What, does that student want them to serve hamburgers and fries every day? I would get tired of that really quick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If foreign cuisine is supposed to be offensive and racist, then we should stop making tacos, samosas, curries and other s*** and instead make fish fingers , chips and beans all day. Oh! But of course, that will be offensive and racist too! Instead, we should just starve, but that is also offensive like how breathing is offensive and living is offensive (don't forget sleeping). 

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Some people simply have nothing better to do than complain about trivial sheet like this.

This girl is one of them.


The university didn't owe the students an apology for being culturally insensitive to Mexican cuisine, all because one person got insulted.

If it were a whole group of students, then maybe, but everyone else liked it.


Would be like me complaining that all of the Asian food places at college are ethnically racist towards us, because they aren't "authentic".

As far as I'm concerned, they're as close as you're going to get (and they taste about right).


LIke Lujan mentioned already, you can't expect genuine cuisine from another country and get pissed off if it isn't here.


Sheesh, all the campus wanted to do was liven up their food selection. I wish our dining hall had events like that. Unfortunately, it doesn't. What, does that student want them to serve hamburgers and fries every day? I would get tired of that really quick.


Oh, I'd get tired of hamburgers real quick too if they did that.

(Though I bring home lunch most of the time, so wouldn't be too much of a problem.)

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Take with grain of salt, but here's something related to that student in question: https://thebadger14.wordpress.com/2015/10/11/mitzi-gamez/

Seems fine to me, the guy cites a lot of sources within the article and frankly I could trust his blog over half of the "Accredited" sources nowadays.


HuffPost, Gawker, Guardian, Al Jezeera...

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Not surprised that it happened in North Carolina. If it happened in areas with high Mexican populations like California you'd be hearing reports like this on a regular basis. This place is filled with tumblr folk. I wonder if people around here complain. Its unsettling how a Caucasian "activist" all of a sudden represents all Mexicans to the point that she can consider what is offensive to us o_O.

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