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Monster Reborn

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Target 1 monster in either player's Graveyard; Special Summon it.


Pretty iconic and simple card in what it does.


Banned in TCG for almost 2 years now, has been legal in OCG. At this point in the game many top decks forgo it for their own archetypal revivers, what it DOES do is act as a cohesion glue for many of the lower tier decks.


Doesn't really deserve a ban anymore IMO



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I want to agree, but other archetypes could have up to 4 revival spell with this in them.

They could use 8 with CoTH and Soul Charge too!


Point being, if they're not using cards already in their power, why would they start now? And Reborn isn't something you just draw and drop either, you kinda have to savor and save it for when you really need it



I personally wouldn't ***** if it came back; that's all I'll say about it.



I wanna know what the cuss word was, for the love of me, I can't think of any one word that would work there with 5 letters

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It summons from the opponent's graveyard. I really dont think it should come back.. yet...

That's not really much of an issue anymore, though. A lot of cards have Nomi/Semi-nomi restrictions nowadays, and outside of mirror matches most Decks have trouble using one another's cards because of how stupidly insular most archetypes are.


So, outside of matches against grave-reliant Decks (as a cute and surprisingly effective crippling tool), the "use opponent's graveyard" functionality of this isn't really brought up that often.

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It summons from the opponent's graveyard. I really dont think it should come back.. yet...

What Draco said, the best use would be something like stealing your opponents Blade to interrupt Clown-Blade for your own rank 4. Also you run the risk of your opponent CoTH-ing you. There was a very good reason why you rarely if ever stole your opponent's Stratos/Noden/Shadow Mist in the hero mirror last format

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What Draco said, the best use would be something like stealing your opponents Blade to interrupt Clown-Blade for your own rank 4.

No, its best use would be to revive your opponent's clear wing dragon or chanbarider for 1 card, or their tellarknight and turn it into 1card diamond, or their nova and turn it into CDI, or their shaddoll winda and hold the board with it, or their norden and revive something, or black luster soldier, or anything else.


It just needs any sort of individually powerful monster to greatly improve a board. Also, coth is slow and still is used in a lot of decks. This is COTH but bigger.

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No, its best use would be to revive your opponent's clear wing dragon or chanbarider for 1 card, or their tellarknight and turn it into 1card diamond, or their nova and turn it into CDI, or their shaddoll winda and hold the board with it, or their norden and revive something, or black luster soldier, or anything else.


It just needs any sort of individually powerful monster to greatly improve a board. Also, coth is slow and still is used in a lot of decks. This is COTH but bigger.

Nova isn't even a big threat anymore with Chronofacts being a rouge teir 2 deck. So you summon Winda? I guess the game has just progressed to the point where relying on a opponent's "boss" won't cut it. It's perfectly balanced bordering on being fine at 2 in OCG, I didn't think it would break TCG.


Coth and it have different niches. Reborn is a little more immediate, but lacks the defensive or resuability of CoTH, they're not comparable. OCG tellars ran coth but not reborn for a while by that logic

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Nova isn't even a big threat anymore with Chronofacts being a rouge teir 2 deck. So you summon Winda? I guess the game has just progressed to the point where relying on a opponent's "boss" won't cut it. It's perfectly balanced bordering on being fine at 2 in OCG, I didn't think it would break TCG.


Coth and it have different niches. Reborn is a little more immediate, but lacks the defensive or resuability of CoTH, they're not comparable. OCG tellars ran coth but not reborn for a while by that logic


Why would you not play Reborn when it's legal in a deck like Satellarknight? Does the OCG not like summoning a Rank 4 and going plus whilst doing it all for absolutely free? This is the same format where in their infinite wisdom they thought Harpie's Feather Duster was a fair balanced card to have around, so I'm not putting an enormous amount of faith in them. 


 Why would you not play Reborn if it's legal? I don't see how this card can ever come off the list, it gets progressively more stupid as time goes on and honestly I think even a card like CoTH is too good. 

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Reborn is slow mostly. It's a fair 1 for one trade that due to the polarization of decks acts as a coth that can't be reused. It's slowly creeping back into tellars. But tellars are a pretty bad tier 2 deck. I expect you think Avarice should be used in tellars too?


None of the top decks run reborn for sure though

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For this card, it is more immediate to use than other current generic reviving effects, but it is also less flexible.


Sure it can revive an opponent's monster, but most of the time reviving your own will get you farther, so it is not exactly the biggest selling point, but the option is there. The "opponent can chaining Call of the Haunted to it" isn't much of a big deal, I mean, how many decks actually run Call of have an equivalent other than Satellarnights? Then there's decks like Qliphs, which will have Extra Deck for you not to choose, but even if they used the Graveyard more or you negate their P-Summon, you'll essentially gain a 2800 vanilla out of it.


Other than that, Call of the Haunted and Oasis can respond in-Battle Phase and during the opponent's turn, which I think gives them an edge that makes them better for the game as a whole. I remember one of the edges Reborn had during its last days was not being a Trap because Trap Stun was a common staple iirc, but now a quick floodgate would react to both kinds of revival the same way.


However, that is not to say that Reborn would not be powerful just because it is more straight-forward. I'd personally like to see how it fares at 1 for a format, to see how much of an impact it can have. I doubt it'll be as impactful as Raigeki or Snatch Steal, but it'd definitely have a few guaranteed places in decks.

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It would do a lot of things over here tho.


2 to OCG makes enough sense, 1 to TCG would be plausible, but it definitely will make a impact here.

In what deck though? Infernoids are Nomi, Majespecter don't normally want to hit the grave. Kozmo float off the grave. I dun see it


When was the last time Reborn was at 2? 2002?

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Noden. Performages (esp Clown). Infernoids can revive Dekatron and Raiden which is kinda important. Kozmo doesn't use this yeah. YZ.


Our meta is still grave-heavy.

Noden doesn't have long for this world. And when gate eventually moves up, reborn won't have any room. I really doubt you'd run Reborn just for that reason. Mages don't run reborn, never have. sheet floats too well, especially with Nyarla reigniting the clown 

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You're just adding more variables to the discussion of this card's viability. Of course if banlist changes those stuffs, things will change, but that's outside of the discussion.


As-is, it's something that would definitely have an impact. Less than Snatch and perhaps Raigeki, but definitely would be run as a power card. Also, Performages do run this card. TCG Performage Pendulums is a midway of Clownblade and EMEm, and OCG Clownblade do use Reborn, it only gets dropped once Clownblade Magician and EMEm becomes a thing. Also, I forgot to mention Atlanteans. They will be a relevant enough deck here, and they definitely use reborn.

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