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Yo, how you all doing tonight? Me? I'm good.


Haloh, by the way, if you ever want to chat. Overall, I'd like to think I'm a pretty clever guy, funny, tricky, the works. Of course if I'm here you can guess that I rather enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh!, and I really do. I personally enjoy the Duel Terminal line of cards, specifically, the OGs: Worms, Ally of Justice, Genex, the works.


Plus, I also love Pokemon and other generic nerdy things that peeps like us seem to enjoy. So, if you ever want to chat about the above mentioned, I'm free to do so! I won't bite hard.


Anyhow, I'm also a pretty big anime fan, though, I haven't watched the most anime in the world, However, I'm always looking for more junk to watch with my pals, so go ham giving me suggestions! Please! I am a very bored individual...


Bah, look at the time. I think I've wasted enough of your time. Anyway, I don't know when, exactly, but I do plan on submitting some of my card ideas for my favourite archetypes, the ones I mentioned at the start of this intro. I'd hope to get some help with making them more realistic to the meta, but I'd understand if you don't have the time. Anyway, have a good day, ladies and gents.


<3 from da best, Haloh~


EDIT: Also, anyone got a guide on how to make Pendulum Monsters on this site? The Card Maker was a pain and wouldn't let me. -_-;

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Welcome to YCM, Haloh.

I mention this a lot, but make sure you've read/understood our site rules and policies. (Same goes for posting your stuff in Custom Cards)


If you have questions about how stuff works in CC (short-hand for Custom Cards, and you will hear this often), please feel free to PM me.



As for Pendulums, like Wildflame already mentioned, YCMaker (our admin, who is perpetually dead as far as we're concerned) has not yet added them to the cardmaker.

However, there are some options.


One is the TCG Editor, which you can find the source thread to in the General section (scroll all the way down in the main page).


Another option (if you're graphics-savvy) is a GIMP/Photoshop template that my colleague Zextra has designed (with some collab on my end for GIMP conversions). You can find this one in the GFX Tutorials area (inside Showcase).



But yeah, have fun.

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