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Blackwing support


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Let's see what we have here then.


I think Migration is somewhat counterproductive to what BWs do. While yes, it does recover stuff for Whirlwing to search upon NSing; BWs also utilize the Graveyard for revival and what not. Sort of iffy on this one.


Gokuen is basically one-sided card destruction or opponent blows up their own backrow for it.

Certain Decks either don't care about hand discards, because it still triggers whatever they want (you know that a lot of Decks nowadays like the Graveyard) or wouldn't mind blowing up their backrow (see Artifacts).


To be honest, I feel Jericho is REALLY underwhelming. Again, banishing BWs isn't something they'd appreciate doing, even for blowing up their entire field.

Not to mention that 6 is quite a bit, and while it provides a negation thing in case the opponent decides to trigger, I really don't see them giving up that many resources for a full field wipe.


Raigeki does the job A LOT better; sure, it doesn't kill backrow, but it sweeps monsters + that's what people normally need.

I might be wrong on this, but backrow doesn't appear to be problematic at the moment (BWs can at least run some MST for removal if it is indeed the case, if I remember properly).


Kirachi would probably be a mass draw card late game with tons of BW Tuners in the Graveyard, but that's about it.

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Would migration be more useful if I make the effect- Add two Blackwing tuners to the hand?


For Gokuen, I kind of realized this, but I didn't mean for it to become a staple for Blackwings. Does it work in enough situations to be useful?


For Jericho, I think I'm going to make the cost three blackwings on the field while there are three blackwings in the graveyard, and have Jericho banish all the cards on the opponent's side of the field instead. Would that make it better or overpowered?

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