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Take a Hint - A perfect song for all you ladies.


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uhhhh....this was from a nick show directed at the middle schoolers transitioning into high school.



no duh it has some generic girl power message.  not saying it's a bad one, just saying it's not actually a song in the conventional sense.

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uhhhh....this was from a nick show directed at the middle schoolers transitioning into high school.


no duh it has some generic girl power message.  not saying it's a bad one, just saying it's not actually a song in the conventional sense.

I refuse to watch this, as it might damage my love for the song XD.


Honestly, I watch too many parodys/remixes without seeing the original.  For example, I just discovered "Angel withe a Shotgun" this week XD and still haven't seen the original.

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Well every Nightcore song pretty much ever is a remix of something.  It generally says what it is in the description.



But to be honest the cast of that show weren't any old yahoos.  They actually do have some talent.  i mean just look at Ariana Grande now.

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To be honest, my statement was 100% true.


I'm a guy, and even I agree 100% with this song.  Guys need to back off.  sheesh.


To be honest, no not really. You used a song from a Nick show to identify your generalized opinion on the dating activities of an entire gender? The amount of times I have seen women grope men, guilt them into sex/drinks/other, or judge them based on their masculinity far outweighs anything in that one song. Men are constantly judged and ridiculed for our masculine traits and every time we aren't up to their standards women will make fun of us constantly for not being a "Man" about it. Not to mention their precarious opinions about our dick sizes.


How about both genders learn to back off and respect people? Both are responsible for being obnoxious when it comes to dating. Not one or the other, and your generalization doesn't help either.

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To be honest, no not really. You used a song from a Nick show to identify your generalized opinion on the dating activities of an entire gender? The amount of times I have seen women grope men, guilt them into sex/drinks/other, or judge them based on their masculinity far outweighs anything in that one song. Men are constantly judged and ridiculed for our masculine traits and every time we aren't up to their standards women will make fun of us constantly for not being a "Man" about it. Not to mention their precarious opinions about our dick sizes.


How about both genders learn to back off and respect people? Both are responsible for being obnoxious when it comes to dating. Not one or the other, and your generalization doesn't help either.

Wow, you took my statement really serious and read waaaaaaay into my statement.  lol.  I said that out of fun because of the generalization that is typically made by sociaty.  Yes, I know first hand that the women (as a group) are pretty much just as guilty as men (as a group) in this area.  I have seen it go both ways in real life examples.  The ideal society is where everyone would keep their space, but meh, when will people ever?  So lighten up, and just enjoy the song.  lol, it won't kill you to have fun.

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Wow, you took my statement really serious and read waaaaaaay into my statement.  lol.  I said that out of fun because of the generalization that is typically made by sociaty.  Yes, I know first hand that the women (as a group) are pretty much just as guilty as men (as a group) in this area.  I have seen it go both ways in real life examples.  The ideal society is where everyone would keep their space, but meh, when will people ever?  So lighten up, and just enjoy the song.  lol, it won't kill you to have fun.


To be honest, my statement was 100% true.


I can sense the humor in the above statement.

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I believe people need to keep their space and not try to force themselves on others no matter their gender.  Generally, men are accused of forcing themselves (hence the joke).  That is not to say that women don't do it.  I'm just saying.


Also... damn, why do some of y'all gotta get so argumentative on a forum with some online poster XD.  Take a chill pill and enjoy the song.  I was making a joke out of fun, if you must find fault with my statement, I'm insulting my own half of the gender equation.

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